Friday, November 22, 2013


Hello girls, Choose one or more of these quotes and relate it to your idea of Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. – W.J. Cameron Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. – William Shakespeare Heap high the board with plenteous cheer and gather to the feast, And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never ceased. – Alice W. Brotherton Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart. – Seneca Happy We-Stole-Your-Land-and-Killed-Your-People Day! – Thanksgiving toast, from the movie Sweet November The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts…nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. – H.W. Westermayer On Thanksgiving Day, we acknowledge our dependence. – William Jennings Bryan Gluttony and surfeiting are no proper occasions for thanksgiving. – Charles Lamb Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. – Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary Thanksgiving is so called because we are all so thankful that it only comes once a year. – P. J. O'Rourke Thanksgiving Day, a function which originated in New England two or three centuries ago when those people recognized that they really had something to be thankful for – annually, not oftener – if they had succeeded in exterminating their neighbors, the Indians, during the previous twelve months instead of getting exterminated by their neighbors, the Indians. Thanksgiving Day became a habit, for the reason that in the course of time, as the years drifted on, it was perceived that the exterminating had ceased to be mutual and was all on the white man's side, consequently on the Lord's side; hence it was proper to thank the Lord for it and extend the usual annual compliments. – Mark Twain

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nothing Better than a Good Argument!

First of all, congratulations! Your first debate was a HUGE success which we can attribute to your hard work and thorough preparation! That was SO MUCH FUN! So, let's hear some of your thoughts about it! What were the high points? What stands out to you as being successful? What was hardest about it? What would you do to improve the process?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Frankenstien, Obamacare and Henrietta Read the article attached to this link. If the link does not work properly, copy and paste to retrieve the article. I want you to react to the article. Think about the themes of Frankenstein and why and how this book might be considered for the AP Language class. Also, relate it to your research in regards to Obamacare.

Friday, November 1, 2013

All Saints Day Follow the provided link to a homily given by Deacon Greg Kandra. If the link is not working, you will have to type in the url. In the homily, he gives examples of "unlikely saints". Respond to his homily noting any literary devices he uses. At the same time, think about what he is saying and discern what actions and thoughts you have exemplified this week that have gotten you closer to sainthood. You may share or not share those thoughts in the blog. You should also include an example of an "unlikely saint" who has been canonized by the Catholic Church.