Friday, March 28, 2014

What "She" Said

So, we heard some very interesting presentations this week.  I want all of you to choose one of the topics that were presented and pose 3 global questions total.  After posing three questions, respond to one of the questions in your blog.  Your comments to your classmates blogs should address one of the global questions they did NOT address.

Do not repeat a global question already posed by a classmate on the blog.  Make sure you read all the blogs before you post.   

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The New SAT?

For this week's blog, you need to do a little research.  Find articles on the new SAT that the college board is getting ready to launch.  Is it a good idea?  What are the reasons for changing the test?  Are the reasons valid?  Do you think the change will be successful?  Make sure you cite at least two articles in your blog.  Good luck.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Professions for Women

Read this essay by Virginia Woolf.  In your blog,  analyze the rhetorical strategies Woolf uses in this speech to reach her specific audience.  Pay attention to the way she uses the tools of the novelist, such as characterization, scene setting, highly textured and specific descriptive detail, and figurative language.

DO NOT list logos, pathos or ethos as rhetorical strategies.  Logos, pathos and ethos are APPEALS.  The question is, how does the author employ rhetorical strategies in terms of organization, structure and form to accomplish or establish those appeals (logos, pathos and ethos)  within the piece?