Friday, August 30, 2013

First Blog of the year!

Respond to the pictures attached.  How does the artists use ethos, logos and pathos to appeal rhetorically to his audience?  What would be a good captions for these cartoons?  If the subjects of the pieces were speaking, what might they be saying?  Think about these pictures,  organize your thoughts and respond in writing to the following question:  What does Labor Day mean to Americans?  Is there a universal definition of the holiday?



  1. The first illustration is a picture of two men hanging up a sign that says "Happy Labor Day". I feel the artist uses mainly logos in this picture because it is somewhat ironic that the men are working on what is suppose to be there day off. A good caption for this cartoon could be "Labor on Labor Day". This caption is simple and short, but it gets to the point and I feel works well for this picture. If the characters in this cartoon could speak the might say something similar to "Unbelievable, even on Labor Day we are doing work".
    The second illustration is my favorite of the three. I feel the artist is using pathos in this picture. It relates to people who truly work hard and enjoy this day off. A good caption for this cartoon might be " Relaxing on Labor Day." Again this caption is short, but after working hard it is nice to finally have a day to relax. The character, or sun, might say something like " I work all year round to get to enjoy this day of relaxation".
    The third picture is the most patriotic. The artist uses mainly ethos and a little bit of logos in this illustration. A good caption for this picture might say "Some facts about new jobs". This picture may not be as fun as the other two, but it does show what Labor Day is about, working.
    All three of these pictures are great examples of ethos, logos, and pathos. They can relate to different types of people those hard-working, those who like to relax, and those interested in the jobs out there. Labor Day is about thanking those who work hard to keep America running. It is important to thank those people and that is why Labor Day is so important. Labor Day is about the American people coming together to celebrate a day that most of them deserve.

    1. Jolene, I really like your final paragraph! The way you pointed out the ethos, logos, and pathos was good too. I agree that the second one was my favorite and I think that was the artists intent since they used the bright colors and the picture of the beach. Good job!

    2. I agree with you and Ann, the second was my favorite too! It was really cute and it just made me smile. I liked your point of view on the first picture also.

    3. Jolene, I really enjoyed the way you explained the second illustration, and I also liked how you pointed out in your last paragraph about keeping America running by those who work. Good Job!! :)

    4. Jolene, I like the way that you explained the first illustration of the two men working on Labor Day. I also enjoyed the way you talked about the sun in the second illustration. I totally agree with your idea that workers keep America going. Great work!

    5. I really enjoy your view on the third picture. With new jobs being made each and every day it's nice to see what field(s) they could be made in. You are completely right in saying that work is the reason for Labor Day, it was made a holiday so we could recognize those we take for granted. It is a day of celebration and relaxation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The first picture is saying quit a bit. On Labor Day, a day when people are supposed to take a break, it depicts two men working on putting a sign up. The picture also shows what appears to be a business man standing on the back of a laborer. Does this mean that while the businessman is taking it easy on Labor Day the actual laborer is still working? A good caption for this picture would be "The Labors of Labor Day". The man on the bottom might say "I guess I'll never catch a brake" and the man in top might say "Can we relax now?" Pathos is used here through the two men working because it can make people think that they don't want to be the ones working on their day off. They also use logos because its logical that some people have to work on Labor Day otherwise there would be no parades and festivities. The sign that says "Happy Labor Day" also makes it credible which means that ethos was used.
    The second image is far more cartoonish. In this picture a sun is sitting at the beach with an iced tea in his hand. This probably symbolizes relaxation and escaping from work and stress. The sun is grinning widely and could easily be saying something like "this feels like the right time to do nothing at all!" It definitely uses pathos because it appeals to how people are longing for a break, and it also uses ethos by showing the beach in unison with Labor Day. This leads one to see Labor Day as fun and stress free. And again, the words
    "Happy Labor Day Weekend" were used so its obvious that the cartoon is about Labor Day.
    The third picture is different than the others. While they advertise relaxation this one is showing what jobs should be open to people. It could almost be called "Labor Day is for Laborers." It is trying to promote new jobs and convince people that they would like Labor Day more if they were actually working. Pathos is used here because they're targeting people without jobs that want jobs and are showing them some possible options. It also uses logos because the information about the jobs is statistical and, therefor, logical.
    All together, Labor Day seems to be a time for a break in America even though many people are taking the effort to celebrate. I see Labor Day as a time for family, fried zucchini, and marching in the parade. The universal definition varies because some people don't have jobs and other don't relax on this holiday. But hopefully most people see that Labor Day is an important holiday, that we are celebrating every person and the kind if work they do, and that it is a time to come together and relax.

    1. I really liked the way you described Labor Day in your last paragraph. i like the way you compared your version on labor day with some other peoples version and the universal defination. You word things really well also.

    2. Ann, I had the same thought about the first picture! I really like your caption for it as well! I love the way you describe the second one. You made me feel as though I were actually enjoying a glass of iced tea. I also like the way you described the pathos, ethos, and logos used in the pictures. Also, your last paragraph is great! Overall, you did an awesome job!

    3. Ann, this was really well written. I agree with Felicia on your last paragraph. It explained what you enjoy on Labor Day. Your ideas of pathos, ethos, and logos was really good too! Great respond Ann!

    4. As Felicia and Jolene stated, I very much enjoyed your last paragraph. I especially liked your description of the last picture. The part "Labor Day is for Laborers", is very true. I believe that too many people are taking advantage of unemployment in the United States. You used pathos very well in saying why others should get a job so they can better enjoy Labor Day as well. Great job, Annie!

  4. In the first picture, there is a man standing on another man nailing up a sign that says in big, bold letters "HAPPY LABOR DAY!" The artist uses logos, and a lot of irony. If you notice what the men are wearing, it looks like they are still in their work clothes. Business suit or hard hat, CEO or constructor, mental labor or physical labor, a job is a lot of work. Even on Labor Day it appears they are still working. I think maybe a good caption would be "Labor Days Labor." I can imagine they'd both be talking about the unfairness of it.

    The second picture is a cute little illustration of a sun relaxing on the beach. This artist went about a different way than the first artist and used pathos. The artist really shows a good feeling of relaxation and happiness through the sun. I feel like the sun would be saying something like what you see on those vacation post cards, maybe "wish you were here" or something of that sort. A good caption might also be "Labor Day at its Best"

    In the third picture, the artist mainly uses ethos, but also some logos. The artist gets across some facts but in a very patriotic way. This artist focused their picture more on the working side of Labor Day than on the relaxing part of Labor Day. I think "Job Thoughts" or something like that would be a good caption for this illustration.

    The three pictures all focus on the same subject but in three different, unique ways. They had different approaches but still managed to use ethos, pathos, and logos in an effective way. Sometimes, in my opinion, I think the meaning of Labor Day gets lost. Labor Day is about giving those who work so hard every other day in their life a nice little break to show our thanks and respect. Labor Day is important because we don't want to take one another and what they do for granted.

    1. Felicia, I love your sentence "Business suit or hard hat, CEO or constructor, mental labor or physical labor, a job is a lot of work." I feel like that is a great way to put things! Your captions are all very creative as well! Also, good job at describing the ethos, pathos, and logos. You did great, Felicia!

    2. Felicia, I really like your last paragraph. I think you are extremely right when you say that the meaning if Labor Day gets lost. Really nice work!! :)

    3. I really loved the way you analyzed the pictures, I thought the same things while I studied them. I completely agree with you and Austin about how the true meaning of Labor Day has been lost over the years. Now it's only thought of as a day off of school and work by most people, which is a very sad thought. Where would our nation be without all the work people have done in the past and the present to make America what it is today? They deserve to be rewarded and their hard work celebrated by all.

  5. The first picture illustrates two workers hanging up a Labor Day sign. The man standing on top is wearing a suit while the man on the bottom is dressed as a typical laborer. I feel as though the artist is trying to define the status quo of the two men. The laborer does all of the dirty work; the businessman does more of the planning and thinking. And if that wasn't enough irony, they are working on Labor Day. The artist uses logos in his/her picture because some people do in fact work on Labor Day. But most people are able to stay home and relax. I think a good caption for this world be, "Is it break time yet?".

    The second picture depicts the relaxation end of Labor Day. The sun is shining, and there is no work to be done. I think the artist uses pathos for this one because he/she is trying persuade the audience to think Labor Day is all fun and enjoyment. A good caption for this picture would be, "One less day of work... Yippee!".

    The third picture is all about the facts. I think the artist of it uses ethos and logos because it is knowledgeable and has credibility. It shows the real reason for Labor Day: being thankful for all of the jobs out there and for the people who have obtained them. A great caption for this one would be, "New People, New Jobs".

    Labor Day, I feel, is very important to Americans. For kids and teenagers, it is just another day off from school. But for those who go to work almost every day, it means a whole lot more. It sort of memorializes all of the effort and time Americans have put into their jobs and making the United States a better place to live. Labor Day is a way to pay tribute and respect to the working men and women of our country. This should be the universal definition of Labor Day, but some people don't see it that way. There are some places, like factories and gas stations, where people need to be working on Labor Day. I hope they realize that even though they are working, Labor Day is still in regards to them. So be thankful that we have school off on Monday, because some people still have to get up in the morning and head off to work.

    1. Natalie, this was really enjoyable. I love your captions for each illustration; they were very creative. You really described Labor Day well in your last paragraph. I love your comment about the universal definition of Labor Day. All in all, great response!

    2. Natalie, I love that you pointed out the status quo reference in the first picture. Your last paragraph also made me realize how little I knew about this holiday before we were assigned this blog. It made me realize I need to be grateful for the people who work every day, and not just those I see around our area, but the also the people whose work affects me in a more subtle way. Your perspective on this topic was definitely eye opening.

    3. Natalie, I really liked your captions for all three illustrations. I thought that they were very creative. I also enjoyed your final paragraph. It was really good that you compared how teenagers and adults approach Labor Day. Good job!

  6. In the first picture, two men are shown nailing in a happy Labor Day sign up. To me the man bing stood on appears to be an everyday blue collar laborer. The man standing on him looks to a higher up white collar worker like a leader of the organization. The business man appears to be standing on his worker and the worker looks distraught. I think this symbolizes the business man forcing the other man to work on Labor Day. I think that the I believe the illustrator uses logos because of the irony of being forced to work on Labor Day. I believe a good caption for this illustration would be, "Backbreaking work... Even on a holiday."

    The second picture depicts a relaxing beach scene with what appears to be a sun sitting in a beach chair. The sun is sipping a cold drink and listening to music. To me this illustrates the relaxing part of Labor Day weekend. Most Americans long for this day to do nothing but relax. I thing the illustrator uses pathos in this cartoon because of how it is relatable to all workers that long for a day off. I believe another caption that could be used for this illustration is "Even the sun gets a day off".

    In the third illustration I believe it shows the how work makes Labor Day what it is. The picture is very patriotic which is very noticeable because of the colors red white and blue. I believe that this illustration uses ethos and logos because it shows credibility and knowledge of the jobs. I think another caption that could be used for this is "New jobs that help your family and your transportation."

    I think that all three of these illustrations show ethos, pathos, and logos well. I believe that all three show a different part of Labor Day. The first one shows the people still working hard on Labor Day to get the job done. The second picture shows the part of Labor Day where people get to relax and get the job done. The third picture shows that there is still plenty of work to be done and that for people that don't have jobs there is still a lot of opportunity out in the world. I think that they all show that Labor Day is important because of all the hard work that is done in America.

    1. I think you were very detailed about relating the first picture to the reality of life today. You talked about how higher class people don't think they have to work as hard because they can just push it off to the lower class people. The caption you chose for the first picture was also very pleasant to read. Good job, Austin!

    2. I agree with your statement in the first paragraph about the blue collared and white collared workers. I also agree with Jessica about how the higher class people take advantage of the lower class people. I think that sometimes America takes for granted the hard work that the blue collared workers put forth. This was enjoyable to read Austin!

  7. Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September and is a day to the working people of America and Canada. On this date, many communities and cities have carnivals or festivals in honor of the hard working men and women.
    The second picture of the character enjoying time on the beach is a great representation of how many families chose to spend their Labor Day weekend; relaxing and not worrying about anything. During the long Labor Day weekend, groups of friends and family tend to take camping trips or just have picnics to spend more time together. The first Monday in September is a time that many families and family friends, mine included, join together and spend time with one another. The second image uses ethos in the sense that beaches are said to be fun and relaxing. The credibility is there because many people have had good experiences with their feet in the sand and the sun shining down on them. This picture also uses pathos. Human beings like when things relate to their soft sides or their feelings. The beach does that by depicting the warm sand, the cool refreshing water, and the gentle breeze. People can relate to the aspects of the beach in many different ways. Because individuals can relate in personal ways, pathos is very much present in this illustration. A good title for this picture would be, “Everybody Needs a Day off Once in Awhile.”
    The first cartoon is very interesting because it shows what the reality of life today is. People that are of a higher class think that those of a lower class are below them. The first picture depicts what looks like a supervisor or CEO of a business standing on the back of an employee to hang up a sign. As much as team work is an important thing in life, there had to have been an easier way to hang the sign. If I was the man supporting the other man’s weight, I would give this image the title, “Not so happy Labor Day.” Pathos is used very well in this instance because we have all been in a situation where we have been the bottom person; therefore, it is very relatable.
    The last advertisement per say, has a lot to offer. It’s telling those of America how there are still so many jobs out there that still need to be done. The government today is losing a lot of money, not just because of America’s debt to other countries, but because people are collecting unemployment just because they are too lazy to work to support themselves and families. Labor Day is a day to rejoice in all the hard work one’s done in the past year, but if someone hasn’t done any work, why should they get to celebrate too? Logos is used here because of the logic people have been told since a young age: you need to work for a living. Pathos is also used because it shows how jobs are easier to find then people might think. It hooks onto individual’s soft spots and makes them rethink their choices. The caption I would give this image is the following: “Create a New Highway, and Life, for Yourself.”

  8. What does Labor Day mean to Americans? For the past 126 years, the United States has observed the first Monday in September as a day to celebrate the achievement of the American workers. Today, I believe that Labor Day has a different meaning to everyone that it pertains to. To some hard workers it is a break from their jobs, a day of relaxation, to others that are neglected it is a day of appreciation, and still to the unfortunate few it is just another day of hard work. This holiday also is a last day to gather with family and celebrate one last time before the Thanksgiving holiday. What Labor Day signifies to Americans as a whole is that the government really does appreciate the work that the employed people of the United States perform daily. This holiday is their way of expressing their gratitude towards the workforce that helps keep our nation up and running. In the past few years I believe the meaning of the holiday has come to mean more to those employees who lost their jobs during the recession and who are now employed once again giving them a sense of pride or accomplishment in themselves.
    As previously mentioned, I do not believe that there truly is a universal definition for Labor Day. Its meaning and tradition is as unique as each and every person that celebrates the holiday. Yes, each definition might be similar but there will always be a different significance of the holiday to each person, just as there is for other holidays. Why feel molded into the universal meaning of this holiday when you're not forced to be for any of the other ones? No one can tell you how you should feel about it, you need to discover its meaning out for yourself personally.

    1. Erin I think it's interesting how you point out that different holidays have different meanings for people. I agree that everyone should discover the true meaning of a holiday for themselves, not what the public or media determines for them. This was an interesting perspective Erin!

    2. Erin, I enjoyed the little history lesson in there!! I did not realize that the United States has been celebrating Labor Day for the past 126 years. I agree, I do think that Labor Day has a slightly different meaning for everyone. Some Americans just take it as day off from the usual daily grind, while others take a mini-vacation for the weekend.
      Overall, nice job!!

    3. Erin, you had some really cool facts in there! I also really liked how you described the different things that a holiday could mean to different pictures. Even though you didn't break down each picture I think you really got the gist of them and infused their meanings into your paragraph. Good job!

  9. The first picture that depicts the two men putting up the Happy Labor Day sign is quite ironic. Both of the men are working on a day that is meant to be a day of relaxation. Also, the worker with the hard hat on the bottom seems to be distraught. I think the white collared, businessman forced him to get on all fours. If the characters could speak I bet the man with the hard hat would say "Can I go home yet?", and I think the business man would say something like "Boy this is hard work!" A good caption for this illustration would be "Work never stops". The illustrator uses pathos because it makes other people feel grateful that they are not working on Labor Day. I also think that logos is used because of the irony portrayed in the picture.

    The second picture is definitely the cutest of the three. It depicts a little sun taking a break by the beach with a cool drink and his favorite tunes. I think this picture really portrays what Labor Day is all about. It's about relaxing and celebrating a day of no work. If the little sun could speak it would say "I heat up the whole world for this one day of relaxation". I think the caption "The True Meaning of Labor Day" would fit this picture perfect. The illustrator definitely uses pathos because he is implying that people should relax on Labor Day.

    The last picture is not what you would expect for a Labor Day cartoon. Instead of a picture portraying relaxation and fun in the sun, the illustration displays the jobs that are available for the unemployed. I think a good caption for this illustration would be "Job Opportunities". I believe the illustrator is using logos here because he is persuading Americans to work based on the statistics shown in the picture. The statistics also make this picture credible, therefore it uses ethos.

    I think that for all Americans Labor Day is sort of "the last hurrah" for summer. It's a time where the family comes home to enjoy some fun in the sun without having to partake in any backbreaking work. After Labor Day the weather will start to change and there won't be any time to enjoy the sun. Labor Day also celebrates all the hard work that America puts forth throughout the year. The universal definition of Labor Day probably varies because not everyone gets off of work and not everyone has a job. For the majority of people it means a time of relaxation and freedom from the grind of work.

    1. Ian, I really enjoyed your statement relating Labor Day to the last hurrah of summer. It definitely feels that way, especially when you live in a place like we do where the climate starts to turn cold after Labor Day. Also, you realized that a person who observes the first picture would feel gratitude for a day off, which was not something I noticed. Good observation. I like your take on the definition of Labor Day and its different meanings.

    2. Ian, the way that you explained the second illustration was outstanding. I loved the detail that you used when talking about the sun. I agree with your opinion on the universal definition of Labor Day. The holiday definitely has a different meaning to everyone. Great effort!

    3. Ian, I really liked your caption for the first image, "Work Never Stops." I also agree that Labor Day is about relaxation. Your analysis of the second cartoon is great! I enjoyed your opinion of Labor Day, that it is a time for family to come together without worrying about work.

      Good job!

  10. Labor Day is mostly known for the day of vacation it provides to American workers. But that is not the true purpose of the day. Every Labor Day, America is working to show thanks to all of the people with jobs who work for America. Of course, there are many different kinds of workers in America. Whether a person is a worker with a menial job or a big fancy business man in an Armani suit, everyone contributes. These workers and everything they do is what keeps our country running.

    As with every other holiday, Labor Day has cartoons, posters, and other types of media that are committed to it. In the first cartoon shown, two men are working to put up a sign that says “Happy Labor Day”. When I first looked at it, I immediately felt sympathy for the man who is being stood on, which is a good use of pathos by the artist. I can almost hear him muttering sarcastically “Well of course he can’t be bothered to get his special suit dirty!” while desperately wishing to return to his home. The man in the suit is most likely not worrying about the back he is standing on, so much as he is worrying about getting the job done and going home to relax. Logos is also present as the creator illustrates how even on a day off, the people who really work hard are determined to do what needs done, even if they don’t have to. It could be captioned “No rest for the weary.” And finally, as the cartoonist needs to establish credibility, they insert their signature into the picture to complete the three parts of rhetoric.

    The second picture is definitely more of a happy picture. As soon as someone looks at it, they feel warm and content (pathos), picturing themselves on the beach with a cool drink and not a worry in the world. By putting this picture in a person’s brain, it makes them want a simple day of relaxation. The sun depicted in the cartoon is most likely thinking something along the lines of “Three days of relaxation!” as it has a whole weekend to relax. The artist uses good logos by adding the word “weekend” to the statement “Happy Labor Day”, it is logical that since it’s a weekend, relaxation is definitely an option. Ethos is present because everyone knows that beaches are famous for relaxation.

    The third image is overwhelming at first. It shows how even more jobs can be created by adding different types of transportation infrastructure to the country, instead of just highways. Immediately, you know it is credible because of the percentages shown, so you know research has been done, which is the creator’s ethos. Pathos is present because many people are worried about job stability, and this poster shows how many more jobs could be made which gives them hope. A good statement to place on this poster might be “A New Hope for the Unemployed”. And if you look at it, it makes sense that adding bicycle, transit, and pedestrian infrastructure will add more jobs because these things are desperately needed, which is the artist’s use of logos.

    As an employed individual, it makes me feel good to know that the government recognizes that without the hard work and determination of the many workers in our country, they wouldn’t have much of a country to govern. Our country may come under the leadership of one individual, but it takes the whole nation to make that person’s ideas come to life. This is why we celebrate those who work for the better of our country on this special day.

  11. The first picture shows two men working on Labor Day. They are hanging up a sign that says Happy Labor Day! This illustration uses logos because people are supposed to have the day of work off on Labor Day. A good caption for this illustration would be "Work Never Ends". If the two men in this picture were speaking, I think that they would be saying "This is ridiculous". I think that the two men would be very frustrated that they are working on Labor Day, and everyone else is off of work.

    The second picture shows a sun sitting on a chair at the beach. I enjoy this picture the best because this is the way that I would like to be spending my Labor Day. This is a very happy picture. This illustration uses pathos. This is because everyone wants to be on the beach on Labor Day instead of working. A good caption for this picture would be "Sunshine and all is Fine". If the sun was speaking in this illustration, I think it would be saying "Life could not be any better."

    The third picture shows our country's colors, red, white, and blue. Although this picture is colorful it is not very exciting. This illustration is all about work, which is what Labor Day is all about. This illustration shows what new jobs there will be. This picture uses ethos and logos. This is because there is credibility and logic about the jobs. A good caption for this illustration would be "Jobs for the People".

    All three of these pictures are about Labor Day. Each picture shows something different about the holiday. The first picture shows that people should be thankful for having the day of work off on Labor Day because some people have to work. The second picture shows that people should relax and take a vacation on the day off of work. The third picture shows all of the new jobs for people in the country. This is important because the workers keep the country alive. I think that Labor Day means a lot to Americans. It is a day to thank everyone who works and contributes to the country. I do not think that there is a universal definition to the holiday. This is because many people spend Labor Day in diverse ways. Some people take the day off to relax. Other people try to do some work around the house. The important part is that Americans realize that everyone in the country depends on them to work and keep the country going.

    1. Drew, I really enjoyed your caption for the second picture, "Sunshine and All is Fine!" I agree with everything in your last paragraph. It is very important to recognize the workers for their hard work. They are the ones who keep America alive. Labor Day is a wonderful holiday, no matter how people choose to spend it.

      Nice work, Drew!

  12. Labor Day is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday of September every year in the United States honoring the dedication from the laborers.
    In the first picture, two men are hanging up a sign that says "Happy Labor Day." I find this image very ironic. The man hanging the sign appears to be a very important businessman. He is standing on the back of a hard-working laborer. Even though the sign was meant to honor him, the laborer is doing all the hard work. It seems like this man is never able to catch a break. He is letting someone walk all over him, both literally and figuratively, because the businessman is standing on his back while taking advantage of him. If the picture could talk, I think the businessman would be smiling while saying, "Wow, this sign looks good. I did a good job!" Whereas the overlooked laborer would probably be saying, "I have to do work even on my day off." I think the artist used pathos to appeal to the audience's emotions and feelings. I also think logos were used because it makes sense that some people need to work on Labor Day even though they might not want to. The picture even uses ethos because the sign shows credibility. I think a good caption for this cartoon would be "The Labors of Labor Day."

    The second cartoon is my favorite. It appeals to the audience's emotions through the usage of pathos because everybody wants to relax on Labor Day. Logos are also used by the artist to show that it is reasonable to take a break on Labor Day because of your work all year long. If the subject of the piece could talk, I think he would say, "Finally, I have time for myself." This image is very appealing because I think almost everyone would love to sit down on the beach in a stress-free environment, listen to music, and sip a refreshing beverage. "Break Time" would be a good caption for this picture.

    The third picture uses a lot of statistics and logic through the usage of pathos. I feel that the artist was trying to explain how Labor Day is actually meant for the laborers. Labor Day is very important to the people who work hard all year long. Therefore, this image is trying to get people to work. It shows possible job opportunities that are now available. These new jobs are critical because that is what Labor Day is all about. The picture is very persuasive and convinces people to go out looking for jobs. A good caption for this image would be "Job Opportunities." If the little workers in the picture could talk, I think they would say, "Labor Day means so much more when you work hard for it." Ethos show credibility in this image, and the pathos make the picture knowledgeable.

    The artists in the above three images did an incredible job persuading their audiences with ethos, logos, and pathos. Labor Day is very significant to the American people. It is important to show appreciation for every worker in our nation. Sometimes they feel like their work is taken for granted, but on this holiday, we are able to pay tribute to them. Laborers can finally sit back and relax. I do not believe there is a universal definition of this holiday because people celebrate it in many different ways. I am looking forward to having a dinner with my entire family at my grandparents' house tonight! Labor Day means much more than simply a day off of school.

    1. Sam, I appreciate your creativeness when it came to the captions in the pictures, great ideas! Also, I agree when you said that sometimes Americans' think that all their hard work is taken for granted. It seems like a lot of people almost 'forget' what the true meaning and the significance of Labor Day.

  13. Hi Everyone!! I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend!!

    The first picture is two men pinning up a 'Happy Labor Day!' sign. It is ironic because most working Americans have Labor off of work; however, it appears that these two men do not. The artist of this cartoon is using logos because he creating an argument. It appears that the man on all fours is more of a farmer or factory worker, and the men on top is more of a upper-class business man. A good caption for this cartoon would be, 'Never Ending Work.' If the men in the picture were to be speaking, I feel like they wouldn't have anything pleasant to say. They would probably much rather be spending the long weekend with their friends and families, because for most families, it is a sign of the end of summer parties and outdoor barbecues.

    The second cartoon is more uplifting than the previous one. The smiley guy is enjoying his day by relaxing on the beach with a cold glass of iced tea and lemon. The author of this cartoon is messaging across to the audience by saying that Labor day should be calm and enjoyable. The author is making this cartoon emotionally and visually appealing by using pathos. A creative caption for this picture would be 'Livin' It Up Labor Day Weekend!' If the smiley guy was talking in the cartoon, he would be talking about how much he is loving his day at the beach.

    The final cartoon has a lot of information into it. It shows a lot of patriotism with the red and white stripes and the blue background. The author of this cartoon is using logos and ethos to reach his audience because of all the facts, data, and credibility that this cartoon provides. This cartoon is telling everyone that jobs are being created from investments in transportation. A caption for this particular drawing would be 'Creating Jobs.'

    Overall, Labor Day is a great holiday. It is a time to thank and truly appreciate all of Americans' hard working men and women. I believe that all Americans should have off on this day, because after all that is what the holiday is all about. It is celebrating all the contributions that workers put into making America a better place.

    On a universal perspective, Labor Day for many countries is celebrated on May 1; however, Canada celebrates the holiday the same weekend that we do.

    For me, Labor Day is a relaxing and fun time with family. Later this afternoon, my family and I are traveling to my uncle's camp for a cookout! Labor Day is a great time to soak up that last little bit up of Summer.

  14. Nice job. Erin Clancy had a few technical issues, but overall, I would say week one of blogging was a huge success!
    Mrs. Messineo
