Friday, February 14, 2014

Pick a Controvesey, any Controversey!

Choose one of the topics from the list.  You may NOT choose your own literary specialist topic.  Once you have chosen a topic, speak to the controversy surrounding that topic.  Argue at least one point about the subject and back it up with evidence. Include a work cited at the bottom of the entry. Here are your choices:

Child Abuse
Space Travel and Exploration
Gene Therapy
The Overuse and or Abuse of Social Media
Parenting Strategies
The Holocaust
The Rwandan Genocide
Drug Trafficking
Concussions in Sports
Excessive or Obsessive Running
The Afghan War
Foster Care

Only one person can choose the topic.  That  way, all of them will be discussed.  Log on early to get the topic of your choice!


  1. Gene Therapy
    Often in the world of medicine, it is hard to determine the morally right from the morally wrong.
    In one specific area, much controversy has arisen due to its questionable morality. Gene therapy has many benefits and can cure some of the deadliest chronic diseases, and even some that aren't. So why are people refusing to be treated with it, or to support the research?

    Gene therapy is replacing one of a person's genes that is faulty or diseased, with another gene that could possible reverse the damage already done and prevent any more. It can also be used to train the body to recognize diseased genes, because sometimes the body is unable to determine bad particles from good ones. This process that allows for this can be a tricky one to do. The genes are removed from the body through either blood or bone marrow. They are then manipulated in the lab to do the function they are needed for. One this has been successfully completed, they are injected back into the body to do their thing.

    There are many issues that follow this, however. One of the main arguments is that gene therapy should only be used for repairing uses, and not ways that could enhance the human being. Another is the debate between somatic gene therapy and germ line therapy. Somatic will only solve the problem for the patient, while germ line will eradicate that fault from the patient and all of their offspring. But the biggest dilemma, at least in my mins, is the use for embryos for use in gene therapy.

    Genes are not easy to come by, and are costly to work with. So, if the medical community can find an endless and inexpensive supply chain, they're likely to jump at that chance. But what if they come from aborted children, or as some people believe, aborted embryos? Some of these people are going to think twice before using these genes. They might not want to use genes that were harvested from a baby whose life was ended for the chance to further scientific research. While some of the embryos that are used were not aborted for this purpose, it is still an issue of morals. On the other hand, the doctors and researchers can save money and time on the research they are conducting. And there are also researchers doing invasive procedures to remove the genes from embryos who will not be aborted, but this procedure could permanently harm them.

    Gene therapy is a growing branch of recuperative medicine. It has many extremely beneficial uses, and allows for people to live stronger, healthier lives after a successful treatment. The research has been recognized to cure some forms of cancer, hemophilia, and immune dificiency illnesses. But does this justify the use of embryos? If the other option that allows for the patient to receive their own genes without chance of rejection or other harmful factors didn't exist, it could justify the use of aborted embryos. Yet that option does exist, and is much better as it does not have any moral or ethical issues attached.

    Works Cited

    Mauron, Alex. "Ethical Aspects of Gene Therapy." Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 17 Aug. 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. .

    Mayo Clinic Staff. "Gene Therapy." MayoClinic. Mayo Clinic, 05 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. .

  2. Excessive Running

    Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone? It’s a fair bet to say you have, and ultimately the argument probably originated from different viewpoints. There are always different opinions on every topic because everyone has different experiences and no one thinks the same. Not only that, nearly every situation has both good and bad qualities. Thus we find ourselves in a controversial world of humans determined to find the truth.

    I sincerely doubt you can find someone who says exercising is bad for you, and if you can, they are probably using that as an excuse to not do it themselves. However, some would argue that too much exercising is bad for both the body and the mind. Still others would argue that no matter how much you exercise, you can only improve your health. In the past, there has been no conclusive evidence, but over the past few years there have been several studies that suggest over-exercising does in fact cause side effects.

    A study in Britain showed that excessive training would cause fibrosis, or scarring of heart tissue, in a person’s later years. Furthermore, Canadian and Spanish scientists conducted an experiment using rats that proved showed the same results. The experiment’s results did not end there. The experiment indicated that resting allows the heart to return to normal. Does this mean that exercising is, in all actuality, bad for you?

    Let’s not jump to conclusions. Most everything is bad in excess. If done in moderation exercising, among others things, is okay if not excellent. Physical fitness is a very important part of taking care of your body and as such should not be disregarded. As Dr. Paul Thompson says “Too much exercise has not been a big problem in America. Most people just run to stay in shape, and for them, the evidence is quite strong that endurance exercise is good”. Exercise is not in and of itself bad. It is a tool that can be used for different purposes and lead to different results. Nothing is inherently evil, or in this case unhealthy.

    Works Cited
    Perna, Erica. "The Side Effects of Excessive Exercise." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 20 Aug. 2013. Web. 14 Feb. 2014.
    Reynolds, Gretchen. "When Exercise Is Too Much of a Good Thing." Well When Exercise Is Too Much of a Good Thing Comments. The New York Times Company, 9 Mar. 2011. Web. 14 Feb. 2014.

    1. Megs, this was a great read! I learned a lot more about excessive running. And you expressed your ideas clearly and In an organized sense. Great work!

    2. Good work. Do not forget in text citations!

    3. Meaghan, you expressed your ideas very clearly. I agree that exercise in moderation is good for you but excessive physical activity can have a reverse trend. High school and college athletes are a good example. Playing sports and engaging in physical activity 1-4 hours daily every 6 out of 7 days can really take its toll on kids and can lead to injuries from overuse or from wearing the player down. Now-a-days it is very common for year round athletes to have injuries compared to one season athletes. Exercise is a great thing but if done too much can have a negative effect on someone.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Meaghan, I really like your take and opinion on this topic. This was actually the same stance that I was going to attack my paper. I too believe that exercise, like all things, is good and encouraged in moderation.
      Specifically, for children I think it is important that the parents aren't pushing the kids to run just because they have natural ability. The kid must have the will and desire to as well. I do not think it is very wise for a young runner to attempt a marathon, as I think it will produce harmful effects on their growing bodies.

  3. Concussions in sports
    In a contact sport, it is inevitable that someone will get hurt. Maybe the athlete can get right back up and back in the game, but maybe not. There are many different levels of seriousness, so just how serious is a concussion? First of all, what is a concussion? I'm sure everyone has heard of one, but they are often worse than perceived. People often think a concussion is something in relation to a headache after a bump to the head, but in actuality a concussion is labeled as a traumatic brain injury.
    The brain is extremely sensitive and is protected by the skull with a layer of cerebrospinal fluid in between acting as a cushion. A blow to the head can result in the brain getting knocked around, hitting the walls of the skull. When the brain gets shook up, it can result in brain injuries like bruising and tearing. A shock like this can result in abnormal brain functions, not allowing the concussed to think straight. In more severe cases, the victim can even be left unconscious or seizures could occur.
    Ones pride may get the best of them and the concussed may insist to stay in the game and fight for the win, but that will only make matters worse. No matter the severity of the concussion, it is important that proper medical treatment is being received. There are two typical cases of concussions, simple concussions and complex concussions. Upon a doctors orders, the typical resting period is 7-10 days with a simple concussion, but a complex concussion will require further observations and a longer, undefined period of time. Did you know, if a concussed person tries to hop back into their everyday life as if nothing has happened, it can result in permanent brain damage? Is it worth it?
    When concussed, the best thing to do, while complying with doctors orders, is to rest. Proper rest is crucial so the brain can heal itself. When the symptoms have gone and the doctor gives the patient permission, they can slowly work back up from "no activity" to their original "level of full contact training" with their doctors approval and medical clearance. It is extremely important to take your physical and mental health serious and follow doctors plans, even if you don't agree. Keep in mind they've studied intensely for years on ways to keep people like you, people like us, safe.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15
    Aug. 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .

    "Concussions." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed. Rochelle
    Haas. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Felicia, first off I agree concussions are very serious and need attention but as an athlete who has had multiple concussions in the past it is not that simple. Sometimes a player doesn't realize he or she is concussed while playing, this happens a lot in soccer. Heading the ball, head butting a player, or colliding with other players is very common and many times will leave you with a head ache for the remainder of the game, you do not realize until later when you calm down your dizziness, slurred speech, or nausea. Many athletes have been misdiagnosed with concussions because doctors are afraid to be sued if a problem does develop and if diagnosed with two "concussions" within a year of each other can be removed from athletics for a year to life. Many do not see this as worth the risk and rely on self-diagnosis and treatment to combat their injury. I know this is a serious problem and athletes, including myself, who do this are risking their future health. I have lapses in memory and sometimes I lose whole days after getting hit and have speech problems on occasion but being an athlete is who I am and I wouldn't change it for anything. I accept the possibility of injury when I step onto the field just as every other athlete does, we know how our bodies will be when we're battered and old and yet we still play for the love of the game.

  4. Homeschooling:

    Homeschooling is a very debatable topic. There are many pros and cons of being homeschooled instead of attending a public or private school. However, I believe that the cons of being homeschooling greatly outweigh any pros that this program has to offer.

    When it comes to the quality of education one would receive in the classroom setting compared to at home, it is pretty equal. A student can take college level classes while being homeschooled, just like they could if they were attending a regular school.

    Despite all this, I believe that attending school has its advantages. For one thing, waking up and going to school teaches responsibility and accountability. You are responsible for being to school on time, just like one would be expected to arrive at work on time. Also, homework must be completed on time. I feel that homeschooling is more lax is this aspect. Attending a regular school prepares a student for life as an adult, because it teaches them to be on time, and have their work done.

    Another key thing that homeschoolers miss out on is the social aspect. Going to school every day isn't just to learn, it is a whole life experience and interaction with friends, adults, and teachers. Interacting with people teaches social skills, and as humans, we crave interaction between one another. Homeschooling does not provide these same experiences. You interact and see the same few people everyday. Their home and school become one environment. As adults, homeschoolers might be lacking the necessary skills to work and interact with fellow adults and coworkers.

    Being homeschooled is another way to receive your education up through high school. Most homeschoolers do receive a high quality education to move into college. However, they do miss out on a lot of social activities that schools offer, and not being accountable for being somewhere at a certain time could hurt them later in life.

    Works Cited:
    Rufener, Brenda. "5 Reasons Why Homeschooling Should Be Banned." Homeschool Diaries. Modern Blogger Pro Theme, 11 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Tori, I completely agree with you! I thought you presented your opinion on the subject very well. I didn't really think about school being something to teach responsibility and accountability until I read this. Great job!

    2. Tori, I really liked how you talked about responsibility and accountability. When I think about getting up for school every day, I never realized that I was really working on those two things as well. I have a friend that is homeschooled, however, and would have to strongly disagree with the part about it being more lax than the concept of school that we attend. That's the only thing that I believe could be debated to a further extent. Good job though!

    3. Tori, I thought you did an excellent job discussing this topic. I agree with you on your opinion about being homeschooled. You did miss out on a lot when you are at home all day. Great work Tori!

    4. Vicky, you chose my topic! Yay! I completely agree with you, and I think this is the direction that my paper is heading towards. I found it very interesting that waking up for school and arriving on time prepares students for the responsibilities required in future jobs. Another key point that you noticed was the aspect of socialization. Throughout this preparation process for this paper, I constantly wonder how homeschoolers can fully develop these types of skills. Thank you for your input and good job!

  5. Drug trafficking has become in the past few years a very popular smuggling system across state and national borders. Drugs enter into the United States in multiple ways such as by vehicle, ships, and flight. (U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency) Drug traffickers, over the years have found many unique ways of smuggling their cargo and today there is an intricate system of routes they follow to distribute their "goods" to the markets. A major leader in drug production and distribution is Mexico. Mexico is annually trafficking $50 billion worth of drugs which they tend to send over the border into America. (Drug Abuse) today, there are even more countries trying to break into the drug trade in he United States.

    The drug trade in the US is ever increasing, more and more police officers and agents are needed to try to contain the problem. (Drug Abuse) Many different drugs and subtypes are available on the market and each has a different price or purity. A common issue is that the drug is laced with a second or third and cause the user to overdose. (U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency) Drug trafficking is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in the American culture.

    Work Cited
    U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. "Drug Trafficking in the United States." Drug Trafficking in the United States. U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, May 2004. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .

    "Trafficking Statistics." Drug – Drug Traffic in the United States – Drug Rehab and Drug Trafficking. Drug, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Erin, it was interesting to read something about drug trafficking. I always see articles about it, but never take the time to read them. I definitely agree that it is becoming a huge "problem in the American culture". I also liked how you included a statistic; I love seeing numbers involved! Nice job!

  6. Foster Care
    Obesity is a growing problem for all ages in the United States. Over 2 million children are obese and are threatened with diabetes and other liver and lung diseases (Tanner). Dr. Ludwig, an advocate for weight loss in children and an owner of an obesity center, believes that children with severe cases of obesity should be considered for the foster care system. Others argue, saying that the separation from their parents will cause more problems for the overweight children (Woolston). That is true, more damage can be done by pulling them apart, but what is best for the child should be exercised.

    Dr. Ludwig thinks that the extreme cases with parents of disabilities should be placed temporarily in the system for the sake of the children. For example, Ludwig had disabled parents bring in a 90 pound three year old. By age 12, she weighed 400 pounds and had several problems including diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure. The parents had a difficult controlling their daughter's weight, so for medical reasons, the state placed the girl in a foster home. Over the course of one year, she lost 130 pounds. She remains in the foster home for her health (Tanner). Ludwig also said that this was one of several similar cases.

    The foster care system is not just for those neglected, abused, or alone. It is extremely helpful for those struggling with weight issues that their parents have no control with. Unfortunately, many people disagree, so the foster care system is not used for all cases that have gone beyond control. The system is not a place to dump children, but it is a place where those in need receive help.

    Tanner, Lindsey. "Should Parents Lose Custody of Super Obese Kids?" NBC News. Associated Press, 20 Jan 2012. Web. 15 Feb 2014.

    Woolston, Chris. "Placing Obese Children in Foster Homes a Controversial Proposition." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 14 July 2011. Web. 15 Feb 2014.

    1. Wow, Natalie! This was definitely interesting to read. I haven't heard about children being placed in foster care because of their weight. This is definitely something that could be debated, and you did a great job relating one of the controversies. Good work!

    2. Natalie, I have to agree with Hannah. I had absolutely no idea that someone's weight had anything to do with foster care. I really enjoyed how you said in your last paragraph though that foster care is not a place to dump children, but to receive help. Great job!

    3. Natalie, I'm so happy you chose my topic! I've never heard of the foster care system being used like this! I'm not sure I think that it is a good idea. As it is already, there are not enough foster parents. The country is so desperate for foster parents, that they are allowing previous criminals to take the responsibility. So yes, the over weight children may lose weight while in foster care, but it may not be in a healthy way. The statistics of children being abused in foster care is higher than it should be, and a lot of kids are being starved and forced to excersize as punishment. I really did enjoy reading this! If we can get our foster care system better monitored, this would be a lovely idea! Nice work, Natalie!

    4. Natalie, I have never seen a twist on foster care for the obese children. This was a very interesting idea for me. I had always thought of foster care for children whose parents died or weren't fit for parenthood. I suppose I was wrong, I learned something new today! Great job!

  7. Poverty

    Many people have different opinions about the topic of poverty. Poverty is a terrible thing. There is absolutely no doubt about that. 14.5% of the United States struggles to afford food for their families (U.S. Hunger). There are basically two ways that a person can view the issue of poverty. They either feel bad for the less fortunate or believe that the poor people did most of it to themselves. In other words, some people state that poor people made bad choices throughout their lifetime, and now that have to deal with the consequences.

    For those who feel so terribly for the poor, believe that they didn’t do anything to deserve what they are going through. “Imagine getting a bee sting; then imagine getting six more. You are now in a position to think about what it means to be poor (Bennett 1).” This is how Charles Karelis describes poverty. For those who are poor are often tested because they have nothing, and it is challenging for them to get off to a new start. It is hard to truly understand what some of these people are going through. Each day is a struggle, and nothing is handed to them. Something to think about is to put yourself in their position. People who don’t feel bad at all for those who are poor might want to think about the issue from that perspective.

    Others feel as though poverty does not just happen. They think that big mistakes have to be made. For example some of their reasons for poverty are to drop out of school, to have children while in their teens, to abuse drugs, to commit crimes, to not save when extra money comes their way, and to not work (Bennett 1). In some cases, these people made a good point. There are people out there who do not work, and are earning money from the people who are working full-time jobs.

    It is tough to actually choose a side on the topic of poverty. This is because for all of the people who are fighting and trying their best to make something out of themselves, there is that group of people who are not trying. They are fine with not working. This is a serious issue. It is also a difficult problem to fix. Poverty will always be a situation where people argue both sides because it really can depend on the circumstances.

    Works Cited
    Bennett, Drake. The New York Times, 30 Mar. 2008. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.
    "U.S. Hunger." Bread. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014

    1. Drew, great job explaining two different views on poverty. I loved your concluding paragraph, simply because that's also how I feel. I would hate to have to pick a side for this topic because it is so hard to know each individual's situation. Great work, I completely agree with your viewpoints!

    2. Drew, I liked how you argued both sides of poverty. At first I found myself feeling bad for those in poverty and then I started to question my feelings. I do not think the argument can be won over poverty. I think there is always going to be people who say that poverty happens because others make mistakes, and they there will be others who believe that those in poverty did nothing to deserve it. It is a very interesting argument and I wish the best of luck to whoever must argue it.

      Nice job Drew!


  8. Today at 11:31 PM

    Parenting strategies

    Parenting is not the same today was it was when my parents were my age. This can either be a good or a bad thing. I just find it very interesting how the parents of a particular child can completely determine who the child becomes or can be the reason that the child is the opposite of them

    Parents play a big role in shaping a child's personality. For example, if the parents are negative all the time, the child is likely to be a negative person as well. The attitude would work the same if the parents were positive and supportive.

    If parents do not have a lot of rules for there children because they want them to have the freedom, they will most likely take advantage of this freedom. Along with this comes strict parents. Some parents make threats all the time but never follow through with them. Some parental figures believe that this is one of the worse things you can do because the child will only push the boundaries further.

    The main thing, in my opinion, that parents need to work on or the strategy they need to use is to actually talk to their kids and not just lecture them. The point comes across a lot more affective in short, sweet, and to the point sentences.

    Although no parenting strategy is "wrong", there are some that are better than others. Nothing is wrong with trying new things and not getting caught up in the same old daily routine. They also need to realize that they are role models for their children and should lead by example.

    "Effective Parenting Strategies." Parenting Assistance Line - PAL. PAL- Parenting Assistance Line, n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Jessica, I would have to disagree with your statement "Although no parenting style is 'wrong'". I believe that the parents who are not involved in their child's life and do not set any boundaries or hand out discipline, are failing their children. Yes, some parents can be too strict, but I would rather have parents who actually care than ones who don't. Anyway, I respect your opinion. Also, I liked that you mentioned that some parents only threaten to discipline their kids, and I agree that it is a huge mistake in parenting.

      Overall, you did a good job!

    2. Jessica, I have to agree with Sam because there are some terrible parenting strategies out there. But what you said about not lecturing kids was great! I admit that whenever my parents start the lecture I zone out and probably just feel angrier than I did before. Children are much more reasonable when treated respectfully but firmly. There is a fine line between right and wrong here and it's up to every parent to find what works for both them and their children. Nice job!

  9. Parenting Strategies

    I believe that everyone is raised in a different way with different rules as they grow up. Some people feel that certain ways of doing so are better than others. There are four main types of parenting styles, they are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. Some methods may seem like better routes to follow, but is there a certain method that is truly the greatest.

    The first method, authoritative, is probably, in this area the most common that people know of. This is when parents are involved with the child, have rules, are always forgiving, and believe in certain punishment when bad behavior is performed and rewards when good behavior exists.

    The next strategy is authoritarian. This is when the parents are very strict. They believe in punishing when something goes wrong with their child. Often times these parents do not communicate well and the child or children are usually afraid to speak with their parents.

    The third form of parenting is permissive. Permissive is when the parent acts like more of a friend, then a guardian. They often times allow the child to do whatever just to seem "cool" to the children. The child is basically allowed to make any decision they want whenever they want to.

    The fourth and final style is uninvolved. In this relationship, the parent neglects the child and does not care. The parents or parent do not meet the basic living needs that the child requires. The child basically has no relationship with their elder.

    Now, after defining and taking a further look at each parenting style, I definitely think there are certain methods a parent needs to have in order for the best outcome for the children. A child needs love and not just harsh punishment. However, children also need to be given some direction and guidance and not allowed to just do whatever they want. Thirdly, children need love and compassion and should not be neglected.

    Many parents and parenting styles are different, and that is good. However, I do feel that all parents should follow the outline of an authoritative parenting. This appears to be the best option because kids are giving a healthy amount of guidance, punishment, and compassion.

    Work Cited

    Lloyd, Carol. "What's Your Parenting Style?" GreatSchools. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
    "The Four Types of Parenting Styles." - Section 04 and 05 F11 PSY 1001. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

    1. Jolene, I never knew there were different parenting styles, but I thought you explained each one quite well. When I saw this as a topic, I was very intrigued, so I am happy that you chose to write about it. I believe that the authoritative approach to parenting is the way to go.

    2. Jolene, the way you explained different parenting styles really helped me to understand much better the different formats of parenting styles. I think it was very interesting how you could find all these different examples of parenting. Great work

    3. Jolene, I, like Tori and Austin, did not know there were so many different parenting styles. I like how you clearly explained each one, and it made me think about what style my parents or my friend's parents use. I think the perfect parenting style would be a good mix of all four approaches. Children and teens alike need strict rules and guided obedience sometimes, but kids also need to have a little bit of freedom and a little bit of free choice in their life. It is important to be able to make your own decisions, but it is also important to make sure those are good decisions, and that is where parents come in.

      Nice job Jolene!

  10. The Overuse and or Abuse of Social Media

    Social media has become a part of everyone’s lives whether they wanted it to or not. Friends are connecting with friends and families are connecting with families. But has social media become an addiction for some people? Kate Rogers, a reporter and writer for Fox Business, revealed a statistic from a survey conducted by Experian that stated that the average American will spend sixteen minutes on social media sites for every hour online (Kate Rogers). An addiction to social media may also cause an addiction to one’s self, causing an ego-centric personality to emerge. Our generation is becoming a “me generation” because we are constantly informing others of our own accord.

    Addiction is defined as the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (Megan Donley). Social media addiction causes people to lose out on big parts of life, like real face-to-face interaction. It seems that social media has slated the need for any real conversations through new instant messaging. People may start to forget how to talk to others, and thus leading to cringing awkwardness when people are forced to have a conversation.

    One might also argue that social media is a great advantage to society. Though social media sites may seem like places where young kids share their thoughts and photos, many businesses are reaping the benefits of staying connected. Facebook was released in 2007, and just one year later there were already over 100,000 business pages (Will Sigsworth). Business pages give companies an easy way to interact with their audience. Businesses can post about new promotions and sales, and they can also hold contests and competitions. Social media allows not only businesses, but also lets people stay connected with those that are important to them.

    Social media also lets the user have their own “piece of the internet” (Megan Donley). Having a Facebook page or a Twitter accounts lets anyone share their opinions about anything they really want. People can post blogs, videos, or share pictures from their family vacation. In other words, social media allows people to stay connected. It is no longer hard to stay in contact with Uncle Bob who lives out west in California because you can always talk to him and stay up to date with his personal life through the power of social networking.

    The overuse and abuse of social media is a hard topic to argue. Both sides of the argument seem pretty strong with valid points. I might add my personal opinion to the argument by just saying that I think everything should be handled in moderation. Too much social media is addicting and self-involving, but I think it is also important to stay connected with everyone and not waste a perfect opportunity to use the power of instant communication to be involved with the people that matter in your life.

    Works Cited.
    Donley, Megan. "Does Social Media Addiction Really Exist?" Does Social Media Addiction Really Exist? South University, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2014.
    Rogers, Kate. "Americans Addicted to Social Media." Fox Business. Fox News, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
    Sigsworth, Will. "Why Social Media Is a Must for Your Business." RSS. Social Media Today, 23 July 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.

    1. Ian, your entire blog was great. I agree that both sides of this argument are arguable. It is hard to choose which side is correct. You also said that social media would be better in moderation which I think is exactly right. Getting addicted to social media is what causes things like cyber bullying. Great work! And by the way good game last night man. We will get them in the playoffs!

  11. The Overuse of Social Media

    First of all, I would like to explain why I chose this topic. We are all teenagers, and our generation uses a fairly new type of communication: social media. What is social media? It is all the websites we use for social networking. Nearly everyone in our classroom has a Facebook profile or a Twitter account. Some people may even have been active with MySpace a few years ago. Therefore, this issue affects almost every one of us in the AP Language classroom. I believe teenagers and young adults are going to be the intended audience. Recently, I watched a show about a newly-married couple. The woman's "addiction" to Facebook nearly tore her new marriage apart until she received help. This really drew the line for me.

    Social networks are widely used as a way to communicate and interact between friends and family. Many people now have phones with internet on them. These social networking sites seem to be accessed more and more every day, either at home, during work (or maybe even at school), while traveling, and more. "According to ProCon, of the amount of time spent daily on the computer, 17% of all internet use goes to social networking sites" ("Social Networking: Overused?" 1). While looking at that number, it may not seem like a lot; however, that statistic is for the entire world. The internet has many uses: businesses creating websites or advertisements to promote products, teenagers watching music videos on YouTube, students researching information for schoolwork or downloading important files from their e-mail, etc. It is astonishing to believe that 17% of the internet is used just to post a picture, update a status, or to come up with the best hashtag (#yolo #swag.. really?). The criminal rate rises as that percentage gets higher, too ("Social Networking: Overused?" 1). This does not mean that there are more bank robbers or serial killers roaming the streets, but people who commit internet fraud.

    Many people argue that communication through social networking sites is ruining the communication between people in person. A teenager on "Teen Ink" explains that it is "awkward" to talk to the girl next to you in chemistry class, but he confidently Facebook messages her every night ("Social Networking: Overused?" 1).

    As teenagers spend hours per day on these sites, are they doing more than just wasting their time? The overuse of social networks sometimes has negative effects on an individual applying to a school or looking for a job. "Dailytech says that an online survey called 'CareerBuilder' took a survey and concluded that out of 3,169 hiring managers, 22 percent of them check online profiles of the job applicants" ("Social Networking: Overused?" 1). This upcoming generation seems to abuse the internet's communication tool, and, overall, create bad reputations for themselves.

    As Meaghan stated earlier with "Excessive Running", things are okay in moderation. The same thing applies here. The social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. I love sharing pictures and commenting on posts with my cousins from Georgia. However, it is important that websites, like Facebook and Twitter, are not overused or abused. It is a controversial topic if they truly are or not, but I can certainly think they are overused.

    Work Cited
    "Social Networking: Overused?" Teen Ink. Emerson Media, 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.

    1. Sam, you did a great job by starting the blog explaining how popular social media truly is in our generation. Social media can cause many problems in peoples' lives. I also enjoyed how you gave a few statistics on how social media can hurt someone's chances of finding a job or getting accepted to the university of their choice. Great work!

  12. In eighth grade, our class went to Washington DC. We saw monuments and recieved tours, I loved the city and the experience. But after all this time, one part of the trip stands out to me the most; the Holocaust Museum. Nothing can prepare you for what you see there. It's not enough to just read about it or watch the Diary of Anne Frank. Seeing their shoes, their cloths, thrown in to filthy heaps changes a person. They have the actually rail cars that people were stuffed into with little plaques explaining how unhealthy and over crowded they were. I stood in one of those carts with Jessica and she said to me, "they would put our entire group in here. Chaperones and all, that's how many people it was Ann." My point is that we don't really understand. The Holocaust was so much more horrific that I wonder, if everyone really knew the truth, would they stop making a joke out of it?

    The Holocaust Museum posted an article on its website, directing people on how to teach about the events the occurred. They stated "structure your lesson plan on the Holocaust by keeping questions of rationale, or purpose, in mind." (1) What exactly does this mean? In the very first paragraph of the article, they state that the point of teaching history is to invoke curiosity and understanding. (1) It is true that while learning about this topic, many inappropriate questions are aroused, but I still don't think that the Holocaust is being taught accurately. When the Holocaust Museum's article posses the question "Why is a particular reading, image, document, or film an appropriate medium for conveying the topics that you wish to teach?" I have to say that the word appropriate stands out to me. There was nothing "appropriate" about the Holocaust. Why should it be watered down for students? I think that the Holocaust should be taught at a higher grade level, when students are more emotionally prepared. And I believe that they should have to go to that museum, to see what happened, to watch clips from programs that show the filth, the horror, the fear of the death camps. The Holocaust Museums article also states that the reason we teach about this is because people have to know. We can't be numb to the pain that the world felt durning that time. (1).

    Maybe I'm wrong, a lot of people could argue that it's not necessary to expose the people of this generation to the whole truth. In fact, my eighth grade teacher told us that she was not allowed to show us many things because they were not considered "appropriate." But if the Holocaust is going to be part of every students history lesson shouldn't they understand it to the fullest extent? All I want is for people to think before they make a rude comment about the Holocaust, for people to respect those who survived and mourn those whose lives were taken. Is that so much to ask when such a tragedy has been written in the history of our world? I have always been interested in the Holocaust. I've wanted to know more about the people who lived through it, whether soldier or civilian. I want to understand it. I suppose not everyone cares about it as much as I do, and they don't have to, but I think it would be a better idea to expose the whole truth. The Holocaust is not a graphic story or an R rated movie, it is a real life event that our ancestors suffered through. I just think it's important that we know what happened and that we grasp all the terrible things that occurred so that the people of the Holocaust's stories are finally heard.

    Work Cited
    "Why Teach About the Holocaust?." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Ann, I like how you talked about our trip to Washington D.C., and the Holocaust Museum. You are totally correct when you state that there is nothing that can actually prepare you for what you are going to witness. I think it is good that you explain that there is no reason not to display the terrible acts that took place at the Holocaust. There is no reason to hold back because the point is to make people realize the awfulness of that time period. I think that your concluding paragraph is fantastic. You really grab the attention of the audience and prove your point. Great job!

    2. Ann, firstly I want to say I loved your blog. I liked the anecdote about the D.C. trip. I think that was especially effective since the majority of your audience, the AP Lang class, was also on that trip. I liked that you kept going to your original reference to the Holocaust museum. This is my topic, so I may be a bit biased, but just like you I have always been intrigued by the Holocaust. What led to it, how did people survive, why would people think that it is okay to eliminate an entire race? And I think that is why we need to understand the Holocaust in its fullness, like you said. Because we need to see what led to this tragedy so we can prevent something like it from happening again in the future. Keep up the great work!

  13. Child Abuse

    Child Abuse is one of the most disturbing actions occurring in the world today. Parents physically, emotionally, intellectually, and sexually abuse their children. Most of these kids do not do anything wrong and all of them do not deserve this "punishment" from their parents. These children also do not know anything else, or how to make it stop. They keep their emotions bottled up and continue to take this terrible abuse.

    Many children wonder why do my parents do this to me. They are many in-valid reasons why parents abuse their children. Some reasons are drug or alcohol abuse, lack of support, unrealistic expectations, and emotional disorders. Sometimes even parents abuse their children because they were abused when they were younger. (Bauer, Mary)

    Some children who are abused never reach their full potential. Who knows what these children could become without this constant abuse. They could possibly become much better people in proper families or even with a little help from someone outside. Hopefully someday child abuse will not be able to exist and all children in the world will be able to grow safely and happily.

    Bauer, Mary. "What Causes Parents to Abuse Their Child?" LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 16 Aug. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Good job, Austin! I agree, child abuse is an aweful thing, I can't even imagine what that would be like. It must be hard too, because you can't really escape your parents at such a young age. Nice work.

    2. Austin, I completely agree with both you and Felicia that child abuse is extremely disturbing. I like how you gave contributing factors to child abuse, but none of them are acceptable. Great job!

  14. Space exploration

    Many people tend to find space exploration interesting and necessary to our future success in advancing in scientific knowledge. There are some people that think that sending people into space is an unnecessary action that is potentially extremely dangerous. Space exploration could help us, but also could things we are about to find out hurt us?

    There are more than one type of space exploration. "Interstellar space travel is either manned or unmanned travel or move between the stars in the planetary system(Space Exploration)." Unmanned space travel may be the best option for the exploration of space. This way no one has their life put in danger, but scientists will be satisfied with new information from space.

    Other problem people may have with space travel is the cost that it consumes. It is hard to look at how much the United States is spending on Space exploration when we are in so much debt. Some people may say that extra costs in the United States should be cut out until we are out of all of this debt.

    There may be some problems with Space Exploration, but there is also many positive sides to it. Science has advanced and we have learned so much more than when we had originally thought the sun revolved around the Earth. Hopefully, Space Exploration helps us to benifit our living on Earth.

    "The Future Of Space Travel." Space Exploration. Wordpress, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. .

    1. Erin, you made several interesting arguments. I think the most effective one is the cost. Not only is America in debt, we have many problems within our own country, such as healthcare and unemployment. We need to take care of our own problems before spending money on something that could be described as a ridiculously expensive affair with the sole purpose of quenching our curiosity. Good work!
