Saturday, April 12, 2014

Testing 1,2,3

Write your reaction to the AP practice exam.  What was hard, what was easy?  How did you feel about taking it?  Was it what you expected?  If you had to make a plan for the actual exam, what things, what skills do you think you would improve upon.  Make an estimated guess as to what you scored on the exam. 


  1. Taking the AP practice test yesterday was definitely an experience! I can't say I enjoyed going through a three hour test, but it was good preparation for the actual test in a little under a month.

    At first, I thought it was really stupid and senseless to hold the test at the old Middle school. Would it really make that much of a difference? However, I think it was very beneficial that we went over there. It was very quiet, and the bathrooms were nearby. Also, it was kind of cool all of us walking over there together, it was like we were starting our journey as one little group! Oh and the snacks and flavored drink mixes were awesome! My lemon water kept me going! Thank you Mrs. Messineo for having such an array of snacks, drink mixes, and water!

    Now, to the test taking...... Wow! I guess I really didn't have any expectations going into it, so it was all new. I wasn't even sure of the order in which everything took place. Originally I was thinking we would do one or two essays, then the multiple choice, and the final essay. Even though it didn't go like that, it worked out well. I can't remember which one, but one story in the multiple choice section was very difficult. Also, I needed like 5 more minutes. I had to randomly fill in answers for my last 5 questions. I did not realize that there were 5 readings, is there always 5? For some of the questions I was really debating between two, so I hope I guessed right!

    It was nice that the essays went right in a row, and that you could manage your own time. I did quite well with my time management. I didn't need the full 15 minutes to read through the sources, so I started my synthesis essay before the actual 40 minutes started. I finished all three with about 20 minutes left, so I read them all over and checked them for any grammatical errors. To be honest, I am not sure which essay I did the best on; I thought they were all equally challenging.

    To try and estimate what I scored on the AP practice exam is a hard assumption. I guess I am really just hoping for a passing score. If not, I know I have the next couple weeks to prepare to improve on my score. To properly prepare for the exam, I think I need to become a little more familiar with some literary devices. I also hope to practice my multiple choice skills as well.

    No matter the outcome, I am so happy and proud that I took AP Language. It made me a better student and person all around. Not only did I learn about things related to English, I also learned how to prioritize homework and focus to just get my assignments done. This year has been great so far, and I am nervous, apprehensive, and excited all at the same time to finally "go to the prom!"

    1. Tori, I also thought that it was silly to take the test at the middle school, but it definitely was a great idea because we were able to focus during the entire exam. I agree with your statements about the sections of the test in which you would work to improve. The multiple choice questions were not easy. All in all, this was a good year. AP Language allowed us to improve not only in writing, but also our ability to comprehend what we are reading. Great work!

    2. Tori, I agree with everyone of your thoughts. Especially Mrs.Messineo's snack and drink choices :) The test was definitely a challenge and I think we can all use these next couple of weeks to prepare for it. I agree that the essays were nice being able to manage your own time. Good work and good luck with your scores!

    3. Tori, I love reading your posts. They are always so nice! I agree, I liked how we could manage our own time on the essays. I also loved your opening paragraph. How we all walked over together, that is so cute! Good work and good luck!

  2. There is no doubt about it, the AP practice exam was exhausting. I think that the test was pretty tough, but at the same time I think it was a good thing because it definitely challenged each student on the skills that they have learned throughout the year in AP Language class. I believe that taking this practice exam was beneficial because it gave me something that I could judge how well I knew certain things that we have learned. It was a phenomenal way of doing a self evaluation.

    I thought that the AP practice test was pretty tough. The multiple choice questions seemed pretty challenging, which made the test even more difficult. It would have been nice to be able to settle into the exam with a few questions that were not so tough, but the questions forced me to think critically. I feel alright about taking the test. I didn’t run into any issues with time. I think that it helped a lot to have the clock facing us in the front of the classroom. I also feel that taking the AP exam over at the middle school was a wise decision. It was nice and quiet, and we didn’t have to worry about other students interrupting during the time in which the test was being taken.

    The test was basically what I expected it to be. Mrs. Messineo informed us that there was a multiple choice section and three essays, so it was not shocking to hear what we were required to do to complete the test. The test was grueling because you had to have good time management skills, and at the same time write solid essays and answer multiple choice questions. I feel that the test is set up very well though. It definitely challenges the student on all of their skills in the English department.

    If I had to make a plan for the actual AP exam I would improve a few of my skills. I would work on practicing eliminating a couple choices in the multiple choice questions. I think that this section of the test was rather difficult, but if I practiced a little bit more I think that I could have done a better job. Another area where I could work on improving is learning more rhetorical devices in depth. I think that I was able to identify some of the rhetorical devices, but I struggled to explain how they actually pertained to the passage in a significant way. I understand what the purpose was of the rhetorical strategy, but I could have gone into more depth in my explanations.

    It is hard to say where I think that I would have scored on the AP exam. My main goal was to pass the test in general. If I did any better than just passing the test it would definitely be a bonus. I know that the AP exam was vigorous, and I feel that if I was able to pass it, that it was a success. I am very happy that I took the AP Language course this school year though. I know that this class enhanced my writing skills drastically. I have absolutely no regrets in taking the class, and I plan on finishing the year strong!

    1. Drew your blog was very detailed and good on how you felt about the test. I think most of us had the same general feeling about the exam. I really enjoyed your final paragraph because you're right, I have no regrets taking AP Language either, it has been a great experience. Good job!

    2. You're right the test was definitely exhausting! It was challenging for each student by a really good way to prepare us for the actual exam and really to just see how much we've learned so far this year. I am hoping for a passing grade too and anything better would just be great! Good job Drew.

    3. Drew, your blog is very informative on your analysis of the AP Exam. I agree, it is definitely a great way of doing a self evaluation of how much you learned and got out of the class. I also think that anything above a passing grade would be icing on the cake! Great Job!

    4. Drew, I completely agree with you! Those three hours were definitely exhausting and challenging, but it did serve as a great self-evaluation. This was a very descriptive analysis of your AP exam. I think everyone needs to review a couple things, but, overall, I think our class is headed in the right direction. Nice post, Drew!

    5. Drew, great blog! I completely agree that it was exhausting and really made me critically think about the questions and passages. I am also really happy that I took this class; I feel like I look at things differently now.

  3. Friday was quite the day for me as a student. My brain definitely hurt and I enjoyed my two hour nap right after school to rejuvenate myself. I was expecting the test to be hard, and I was not disappointed. Three solid hours of testing was a challenge for me. The multiple choice was extremely hard and took some serious time management that I need to develop better skills for. The essays were just as I expected them to be, but when it came time to actually write them it was tough. After the first two essays, the third essay seemed like a killer! However, I really appreciated all the wonderful snacks and drinks Mrs. Messineo brought for us!

    There are definitely some things I could improve on before the actual test comes around. So I am glad we had the opportunity for the practice test because now I feel much more prepared. I need to really work on time management. For the multiple choice, I was really rushed for the last two pieces to read and didn't have time to really focus and analyze either of them. On the other hand, for the essays, I had about 20 extra minutes at the end so I feel I could have spent more time on the essays and I hope to do that next time. I also want to study some more literary devices and improve my vocabulary to improve my scores.

    As for guessing my scores, I really have no idea. Of course, I am hoping for a passing score, but I'm not too confident. I really was not positive for many of the multiple choice question, but I'm hoping that I got over half of them right. I think my essays were good, but not great. As I said earlier, I really need to improve on some skills to hopefully earn a higher score to pass. AP Language has been one of the hardest classes I have ever been in. I have learned so much though, and I really feel like it helped me for college and my future. One more month to prepare for the real test, and I think it is going to fly bye!

    1. I really enjoyed your first paragraph. I agree, after all that testing my brain was fried. My afternoon classes were a little bit of a struggle. Yes the food and drinks definitely helped make the whole day. I also agree that taking AP language definitely helped for college and my future. I too need to keep working to improve my score for the actual exa. Good job Jolene.

    2. Jolene, I bet that nap after school was awesome! I, too need to work on my time management skills. I almost wish it was 3 hours for the entire test and you had to manage you own time for everything. That definitely would have worked out better for me because I needed like an extra 5-10 minutes on the multiple choice, and I was done with my essays way early. Depending on the strengths of the student, I feel that some might need more time for the essays/less time for the multiple choice. Yes the month of April is going to fly by, before you know it, it will be the 21st! :) However, we will try our best during this month to become prepared as possible for the test. Great Job!

    3. Jolene, I had the same problem with timing and the third essay. Particularly the third essay. I agree with what you said about AP Lang being a difficult course that has helped prepare us for college. The year would have gone a little differently in an alternate course, and I am glad I chose this one. Keep up the good work!

  4. Like most people, I hate tests. Honestly, if someone even mentions a test in school I act quickly to discern the class in which it will occur. Not to say that I necessarily fail at taking tests, I simply despise them as I would my bitter nemesis, if I did in fact have one. I was equally unenthused about the AP test. I do not handle sitting still for hours well either. So it was a bit rough, especially since I couldn't even move my legs without lifting the child size desk. Despite my anxiety, I feel I took a lot away from the test.

    Firstly, it was not quite as horrible as I anticipated. I assumed I would have absolutely NO idea what the questions were asking. In most cases I felt reasonably comfortable with my answers, and for the others I could generally narrow it down to two or three. I even answered them all! I did have a concern going in about finishing it. I would not say it was easy, but my Physics tests are even more disorienting, truthfully. In the future, I think I should familiarize myself with more rhetorical devices.

    I had some trouble with the third essay. I plowed through the first two, and when I reached the third, I was just so done. My third essay was utter nonsense. A seventh grader could have done better. I felt pretty good about the other two, though, the synthesis essay in particular. The essays were an awesome way to see the improvement I have made over the year. Even if they are not good, which I hope they are, there is no way I would have been able to write three essays in a row in such a short amount of time as a sophomore. So I am at least somewhat smarter for it all.

    How did I do on the test? My own opinion is that I did average. I do not think I performed on an apocalyptic scale, but I would not describe my work as breathtaking or out of this world. I think I am okay with doing average. Honestly I would like to do better, but it just feels so incredible to know I did my best and finished that beast. I'm impressed with the rest of you, too. You're all so bright and fun to learn with. I don't think I would have learned as much this year if a single one of you was missing. Great job on the test, and keep up the good work. Only two months left of junior year. Let's make 'em count.

    1. I agree Meghan, I am not exactly a fan of taking tests either. You're last paragraph, that is so sweet! I am so happy you are in the class two! We certainly do have quite the class, I wouldn't have it any other way! Good job and good luck!

    2. Meg, although I did not take the test yet, I can only imagine that I am going to feel as you did when I finally reach that last essay. However, I think that saying a seventh grader could have done better is selling yourself short, please excuse my cliche. You're a great writer and you did your nest.i'm with you and Felicia.. I hate taking tests, and quite honestly, it is not my strongest suit. But with each other, you are right, we learned so much. Good blog!

    3. Meg, I don't know anyone who loves to take tests, but we made it through! I understand how the third essay was the worst, by that time I was just extremely exhausted! Great work!

  5. The AP Practice exam on Friday was very difficult, but basically what I expected. Overall, I thought I was well prepared for the exam. I have learned a lot cover the past few months and my writing skills have increased a lot. Both the multiple choice and essay topics were very difficult and challenging, but I do think I was prepared for the overall format of the test.

    There were many areas into which I felt I could definitely improve my skills and that I will work to do so over the next month. The first thing I really need to do is work on my time management. I really would like to time myself better, especially for the multiple choice. There was. Lot of information to read and what seemed to be little time to do it. I also would like to learn to read those passages more in depth. That way I would understand the questions better and hopefully be able to answer more accurately. I also need to read the sources for the synthesis more in depth, and really pay attention to detail. Before the final exam, I also need to look over and familiarize myself with more rhetorical devices.

    Overall, I felt taking the practice AP exam really helped me in the long run. However, giving myself a score is quite difficult. Just as everyone else, I am hoping to pass and the higher the better. I think I got over half of the multiple choice correct, but I am not overly confident. I am hoping to get at least a three on my essays, but if not at least I'll know where I need to improve. I have a full month to better prepare myself for the exam, and this practice exam really encouraged me to keep pushing and work hard to increase my writing, reading, and thinking skills.

    1. Ian, I completely agree with your second paragraph. I ended up finishing all the multiple choice, but I was concerned about it the whole test. I also need to learn more rhetorical devices. I think that, as you said, this test was a good experience. Also, I'm pretty sure you got higher than a three :). Great work on the blog and on the test!

    2. Ian, you are correct in saying that the test on Friday was difficult. I like how you talked about time management because that is such a big part of the test in general. I think it is a good goal to want to pass the AP practice exam. This test will only help you when it comes time to take the actual exam. Good work!

    3. Ian, I agree that we were well-prepared for the format of the test. I, too, need to familiarize myself with a couple more literary devices and rhetorical strategies. As you pointed out, time management is a huge part of this exam, especially as it increases our level of stress. However, I think once we conquer this obstacle, the test will be a success. Nice work, Ian!

    4. Ian, time management is a huge part of the exam, it does not matter if you know the answers it is a matter of efficiently responding the questions so you have the opportunity to answer all the questions and receive maximum credit.

    5. Ian, your perspective of the test was very interesting. I also hope to get a high score and see what I got soon. Good job.

  6. One word I can think of to describe the AP Lang practice test would have to be exhausting. Thank you, Mrs. Messineo for the snacks, water, and drink mixes, I know we all appreciated it! I am really happy that we got to go over to the old middle school to take the test. It was so quiet and so much easier to concentrate. Maybe I'm weird, but I find it easier to take tests in a room that I am not usually in. I love being in new rooms for big tests like that!

    The multiple choice part of the test was most challenging for me. There were one or two essays in there that really threw me off. The break between the multiple choice and the essays was extremely helpful and let me collect my self. At first, I was worried that we wouldn't have breaks between each essay, that made me really nervous. However, about half way through the essay section, I realized why there weren't any breaks and I was really happy about it. I feel as though I did pretty good on the first two essays, but my third essay was just bad. There's no other way to say it, it was a train wreck. It's actually kind of embarrassing. I focused to much on the first two essays, and didn't leave myself enough time for the third one. It didn't help either that I was completely dumbfounded by the topic. Just hope my scores from the first two essays will maybe make up for the third one a little bit!

    While walking back over to the highschool, I found myself talking to some on the other students about the test. Specifically, we were talking about the essays. When we were talking and explaining our thought process to each other, I realized a few things I could have done differently and that would have helped me, but I can't go back in time. I'm really at a loss at what my score could be. Here's to hoping its a good one!

    1. Felicia, it is a great thing that you realized tactics you could use even if it was after you took the practice test because not you can use them when we take the final exam in May. Being that I have not taken the test yet, I'm not quite sure how not having a break I between essays is beneficial, but I guess I will have to wait and see. I also found it interesting how you mentioned how the multiple choice were challenging, just something to work on I suppose. Good work!

    2. Felicia, I would like to sympathize with you on your last essay. Mine was a train wreck too, and I had plenty of time to write it! But I think that would be a great thing to work on over the next few weeks, like Mrs. Messineo said we could do maybe. Great job though!

    3. Felicia, as always good blog. Just like Hannah said I also thought the last essay was hard. I also felt that going to the middle school was very beneficial. Good job!

  7. First of all, I am going to start out with a reflection on our practice exam. I know what mistakes I made, so I plan on avoiding them for the actual exam. I was extremely nervous going into the test. In order to cope with my nerves, I just accepted failure. I went into the exam with negative thoughts assuming I was going to fail, so I will not be surprised if that is the actual outcome. For the test day, which is less than a month away, I plan on entering that room with a positive mindset instead. Secondly, I had a huge problem with time management on the multiple choice section. I did not realize there were five stories. The next time that I take the test, I will definitely look in advance. I need to critically think, but I also need to do it in a fast manner. I learned the hard way that it is better to miss one question rather than stress about finding the answer for so long that I do not have time to complete the last fifteen or so questions. Yikes! I am happy that I had the opportunity to take this practice exam because now I know how to tackle the real one and the things I need to work on.

    The essays also were quite challenging. However, I have developed a plan on how to handle them on the actual exam. I have decided to use the first five minutes in each allotted amount of time to create a small outline. I can get all of the hard thinking out of the way and then focus on actually writing quality essays. In this way, I think I will be using my time more efficiently. I also need to look over and continue to review the various rhetorical devices; this will help me in the essay portion as well as the multiple choice section.

    I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the old middle school. This practice exam, overall, served the purpose of a reality check. I discovered the areas I need a touch-up on, and I look forward to doing better on the next one. Over these next couple weeks, I have a lot of work to do. Most importantly, I need to learn a positive way of suppressing my nerves.

    AP Language is a very important part of my daily schedule. I love math and I tend to sway closer towards the math department and different sciences. However, this class is starting to make me into a well-rounded student. I actually enjoy reading now! I also think this class has helped me in my other classes by teaching me how to critically analyze problems and to express my thoughts in clear, concise words. After I conquer my time management issues, I think this AP exam will be a success. I am truly thankful to have had a practice exam to show me what I need to work on. As for my score, I hope that I passed, but if not, I know how I can do better next time.

    1. Sam, I really like how you acknowledged all the difficulties you had. Most of us felt the same way so don't feel too bad! And I felt the same way about the middle school. It felt so nice to have a quiet atmosphere where we could take the test. Great job!

  8. Friday was, needless to say, a very interesting day. As many other people have stated, my mind was in total disarray after that test. But I felt good about it. I know that my test score isn't a five yet, most likely a three or four I believe, but after taking the practice test, I feel much more confident for when I take it next time. There were definitely bits and pieces that were easier than others, but now that we have this one down, we can prepare for those ones over the few next weeks.

    I found the last essay to be the hardest to write. I would definitely like to have more practice writing those type of essays. The others seemed slightly easier, but I won't know if they were or not until I got my scores back of course. I also thought that with all of the practice we have gotten on the multiple choice section that it wasn't too bad. I was able to manage my time well, and have enough left over so that I could go back and check most of my answers.

    I think time management was a big issue for a lot of people, but when it came to the end, I ended up having enough time after I wrote my essays to return and review what I had written, and make the necessary adjustments. I definitely felt that taking the test all together made it much more fun because I felt a sense of camaraderie amongst all of us struggling test takers. The snacks and drinks, thank you Mrs. Messineo, definitely added a calming effect when we were done with the first part.

    Altogether, I felt that it was a great experience, and now I have a better idea of what to expect next time. And, I can expect to be useless for the rest of the day as my brain will be recovering from trying to give 125% effort next time. I really want to succeed on this test because it will open up opportunities for me in college, and I think that our class has come so much closer to the top of our AP Language ladder.

    1. Han, I agree that because of all of the practice ones it was easier to manage my time use during each section. You are definitely right, our class has really come so far! Nice work girl! Good luck for the next one!

  9. When I woke up Friday morning, I was filled with nerves. I expected the test to be a challenge, but I was pretty prepared to face it. The test was no disappointment in the challenging aspect. I thought the test was difficult, but I definitely did the best I could. The three hour test drained me for the rest of the day and I was left tired and wet (figuratively and literally), but the test actually gave me a huge advantage the next day.

    Saturday I spent the whole morning taking the ACT test and it really helped with the reading and writing sections. The essay I had to write came very easily to me because I was prepared for it. If I had to prepare for the real AP test, I would work more on my multiple choice because I have a more difficult time as I noticed on Friday with those questions.

    Taking this test was a helpful opportunity that we received and I'm actually really thankful that we got to take it. I am, by no means, saying that I like tests, because I do not. Sometimes it is necessary to do things we don't like. I think over all I did alright on this test. I believe that I did better on the three essays than I did on the multiple choice, but that is something I can work on for the future!

    1. Erin, I agree the test was draining but it was a worthwhile experience, likewise I feel I should have worked harder to prepare myself for the multiple choice section.

  10. The AP Language test on Friday, I felt, was easier than expected. I am not sure whether this was because I totally bombed it or because I actually knew the information, I guess time will tell. During the multiple choice, I struggled comprehending the first and the last story making those questions difficult for me but the middle three stories I really enjoyed making them easier to understand. Where I thought I would surely run out of time I actually had five minutes left at the end, surprising me a great deal.

    The hardest part of the test was definitely the essay portion, or more specifically the synthesis and rhetoric analysis essay. The hard part of the synthesis essay was that I honestly did not have an opinion on the USPS and have never spent much time thinking about it. Much of the twenty minute prep time I was just sitting there thinking "Oh, God, what the heck am I gonna say?" then last minute I decided just to go with it and follow my gut, needless to say it was a really rough essay. The hard part of the rhetoric analysis essay was remembering the devices' names. Before the exam I felt confident enough that I could pick out a few and write on them but as soon as I got the exam my mind blanked and I could not remember any of their names even though I could pick them out.

    For the actual exam I'm not sure if I would change anything. Although the test was challenging and caused much panic I feel it is as simplified and easy/challenging as it will get. Having the breaks was nice because it let you recollect your thoughts and prepare yourself for the next section. Overall, taking the test was an excellent experience to undergo to prepare us for college examinations.

    1. Erin, I love your blog! I felt the same way about the synthesis essay; I had to make up an opinion. I also struggled with remembering the names of the rhetorical devices!

  11. The Ap Lang practice exam was a very eye opening experience. It was very difficult right from the start. The first section of the multiple choice was very challenging and introduced what the rest of the test would be like. The multiple choice was definitely the hardest part of the test. I found myself thinking I had a right answer but not being one hundred percent sure for any of them. However, I do not think I did too bad on this part of the exam and hopefully I will know for sure soon.

    I felt that taking this practice exam was helpful for taking any type of standardized test. It helped with time management, writing skills, and English questions on any test. I somewhat wished we would have taken an exam like this before the SAT was taken too that focused more on English and reading. I believe the more practice their is for any test the better the score will be on the test.

    Time management was a huge part of this exam. In previous small practice tests we have done I always found my self hurrying at the end and going over the time limit. In this test it was not the case. I felt myself finishing the sections much sooner. I am not sure if this is good or bad however, but I guess I will find out soon enough.

    I honestly have no idea what I scored on the test. As I said before I thought my answers were correct, but I am not really all that positive I had that many correct. Overall this test was a good experience and I think it will be very beneficial for other tests that will be taken through the course of my schooling and career.

  12. Taking the practice AP exam was a great experience. It felt good to know that all of the hard work put into class so far payed off. I thought it was a great idea to take the test over at the old middle school building; we were given peace and quiet that would have been difficult to find at the high school.

    The whole test was quite difficult for me, but the hardest part had to be the multiple choice questions. There were so many questions that I narrowed down two answers and thought both were correct, but eventually I had to choose one. I just hope I chose wisely! I thought the easiest part was the the third essay question. I really liked how it was open to your opinion and how you had the opportunity to persuade the reader of your opinion.

    I was extremely nervous he day before the test and the morning of. But once I sat in my seat and put my name on the answer sheet, I felt relieved to be finally taking it. Throughout the exam, I felt unsure of myself with some of my answers. I'm just happy it's finally done with!

    The test was somewhat like what I pictured. I thought that we would do an essay then some multiple choice questions, followed by the second essay and the rest of the questions, and ending with the final essay. I have to say though, I liked having all of the multiple choice questions and then all three essays. I felt like it was less pressure when we had no time limit on the essays, just a total amount of time to be spent on all three.

    There are definitely some things I need to improve upon. I struggled with some of the vocabulary in the passages for the multiple choice questions, so I need to expand that. I also struggled with remembering rhetorical devices for the essays. I knew that at least one of the essays would ask for them, but when I had my pen in my hand, I drew a blank.

    If I had to guess on what I scored on the test, I would hope for a 3 if I'm lucky. Honestly I just hope I passed the exam, but I would like to see what questions I answered wrong and what was incorrect about my essays. Overall, I think the test was a success for everyone, and I'm sure we are all happy to know we accomplished it!
