Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Tell the story of Halloween from the perspective of a piece of candy.


  1. Today was the day, it was my turn to be chosen. I knew because my bag was finally selected to be bought. I hoped the future brought more excitement than the present did, little did I know that it was going to bring more than what I dreamed.

    I was feeling great, high on life, but no one else felt that way, they seemed scared. "What's wrong?" I asked the tootsie roll beside me.

    "It is the reaping time," he say ominously, "pray for safety, you Snickers bars will need it."

    Dumbstruck I tried to get further answers but he refused to answer them, burrowing himself deeper into the center of the bag. What was this reaping for? Why did it happen? My head flooded with questions but I could only wait until the reap commenced.

    Later that night, after being thrown into a big bowl and being sat by the door did I realize what the reaping was. Every time a gong went off ding dong a chant sounded and another piece of candy disappeared from the bowl. At first we didn't realize what was happening then our numbers began to drop. At some gongs only one or two pieces disappeared, other times as many as ten did.

    Frightened I began digging myself deeper and deeper into the bowl trying to hide from the snatching hand. At first it worked quite well until there weren't enough bars to hide behind. I feared the worst. I layed there for hours hoping, praying for me to be left alone, not to be eaten.

    A while later the gong ended, the chant silenced and yet I still lay defenseless, the only candy left in the bowl. I had survived the reaping, I am still alive! Whoopee! Then suddenly my jubilation was intruded upon.

    "Oh, a Snickers bar, my favorite!" And the dreaded hand came down, scooping me up, ripping my cover off, bringing me closer and closer to the cowboy's mouth.

    "Nooooooo!" I had made it so long, why now? I feared my impending doom. I did not survive the reaping, no one did. Now I understand why the tootsie roll said what he did. Stupid wrapper, stupid carmel flavor, why did you have to do this to me?

    Maybe because it is Halloween and no candy survives the reaping we call trick or treating.

    1. Hahahaha! That was great, Erin! I love how the Snickers Bar made it till the end just to get eaten anyway! I especially like how it curses how good it is. Fantastic job!

    2. This was cute Erin! The ending was great just as Meaghan said. Haha:) I loved it! Great job!

    3. Okay, this was totally like the hunger games of Halloween to me! Like sacrifice the others as long as you live but no one ever really makes it. I really enjoyed it, it's nice to have an unhappy ending sometimes. Lovely job, Petrosky! You're writing is very enjoyable!

  2. Most consider my first memory trivial or dull. True, it consists only of a soothing warmth and a gentle white glow that pervaded my very core, but it ended my days spent in a void of nothingness. I came out of the machine exactly like the others. My creators clothed me in the colorful garb that all candy of my kind wore. I had felt that we were a part of something big.
    That is, until we were forced into our own little prison. The bag was small, to the point that I had felt a wave of claustrophobia rising in me. Our prison was sealed, and the fresh breeze slowly converted to thick, stale air. The light shining through the thin layer of material that imprisoned us revealed lettering across the waxen surface. Our prison is apparently called "Twix minis". I'm not entirely sure who came up with such a lackluster name for a place of despair. Perhaps it's a joke.
    We've spent the last few days on one of many long platforms burdened with dozens of prisons. Giant creatures similar to our creators come to view us frequently. I hear they are called "humans".Our days melt away with nothing to measure time besides the numbers of bags the "humans" take away. It is nerve-wracking; would it be better to stay here or to be taken? I don't know the answer. But, when a small, pudgy hand pulls us over the edge I feel elation. The waiting is over.
    We land with a thud in what the others call a "car". I fall asleep to the steady thrum of the "engine" as we speed off into the unknown.I awake to the sensation of falling. I soon realize it is not a mere sensation. I land among the jumbled mess of gold and red wrappers. Other varieties of candies are soon dumped into the "bowl". Nervous chatter echoes off of the curving walls. What is in store for us?
    Nothing happens at first. Then there is a ding. An opening sound and the words, "Trick or Treat". Then a hand plunges into what has just become our torture chamber. I am trapped. I hear muttering around me. I hear an explanation as more and more prisoners are snatched up.
    This horrifying event is a "holiday" the humans call Halloween. We, candies, were made for this. The "prison" was just a mode of transporting us for the humans. We exist to make them happy. That is all we are. Nothing more.
    I feel shell-shocked. Is this all I amount to? Something swells up in me, panic or fear I do not know. Why me! I want to scream. Then I am plucked from the bowl. Never have I felt such hatred or revulsion. That is, until I see it.
    The human's face is lit with excitement. It is smaller than others of its kind. Going by the terminology I heard in the bowl, I would call her a "little girl". There is such happiness in her wide eyes. Her round face is split with a lopsided grin. I realize the "knowledgable" candies were wrong. Halloween isn't about taking. It's not about receiving either. Halloween is about the gift of giving, and thanks to this little girl, I get to be a part of it.
    I know I born as a candy. I was born limited. I was born with a lifespan that was bound to be short, but I want to perform this one act of kindness. It is small. It is all I am capable of. It is enough. The cold, night air rejuvenates me as I await the end of my trip.
    A blast of warm air signals our entrance into the little girl's home. The candies around me are silent, resigning themselves to their ends no doubt. A brief feeling of melancholy settles on me like another wrapper. They will disappear without knowing they made a difference. The silence was oppressive. Now, not so much. I feel light, and I know I have truthfully come to terms with my ending.
    Her delicate fingers lift me up. She removes my wrapper with ease. For the first, and last, time in my life I am not labeled. I am not a "Twix mini". I am me. That is enough. I am different. That is okay. I am happy. That is unimaginable. It was a short life, but I learned so much despite it all. I am free.

    1. Meaghan, I loved this! I read your longer version of this earlier today. I didn't even consider the fact that a candy might actually get something out of this experience. You learned the meaning of life in a short period of time and accepted the fact that you were only here in order to make others happy.

      I also enjoyed your word choices. For some reason, "delicate fingers" stands out to me. Good job, Meaghan! I think this should be made into a movie. Where's my popcorn?

  3. Sweet Revenge
    I, the ever popular Hoho, have been selected for the tedious task of Halloween. I'll be honest, I am four years old. I have been sitting in this box since purchased, waiting dutifully for the Halloween when more than two stray children would find their way to our doorstep.
    But this year is different. They tore open my cardboard haven and spilled me and my inmates into a garish, orange bowl. We've been set out on a rickety stool in the brisk autumn air with a sign that reads "TAKE ONE." As the sun sets, the porch light is flicked on. So it begins.
    A single child comes within the first hour, dragging his worn-out parents behind him. But he selects my brother to the right of me and I am left to wait. As the moon rose higher into the black, cloudless sky, it became apparent to me that we would be left out all night.
    Two more trick-or-treaters came to pass, but I remained untouched by them. As the final child left I heard his mother state in an undertone to his father that it was well past eleven. It was over. From this day forth I was doomed to rot in a heaping landfill. No child had recognized my perfection, the pure joy that I, alone, could give to them through consumption.
    I laid in silence, determined to wallow in my sorrow until dawn, but it was not to be. My attention was drown outward to the sound of approaching footsteps.
    "Mother load, man!" A rough, callused hand reached into my bowl and dragged me, along with a handful of others, into the open air. The young face of the man sagged from bad habits, and his dirty chin was dusted with stubble.
    "Aw Steve, this ain't right," a teenage girl beside him whined as I was dumped into a plastic bag.
    "Shut it, Cindy! The old bats won't care. They'll be thrilled that they're bowl is empty for once."
    While the man called Steve continued to fill his bag the girl named Cindy snatched me up. I was level with her bloodshot, grey-green eyes as she scrutinized my wrapper.
    "Yuck!" She threw me back into the bag and backed away. "Put 'em back, Steve. Them things expired years ago."
    "Would you stop complaining? I don't plan on eating them anyway."
    Cindy's eyes widened. "Steve, yer not gonna do sometin stupid, is ya? Yer always doin sometin stupid." He ignore her and began to haul his loot away. "Steve," she whined.
    He trudged down the street to a rusty pick up truck and dumped us into the bed of it. "Start unwrapping." Cindy obeyed silently. Soon I was helpless and wrapperless as were all of my companions. I didn't like it; I felt naked.
    "Get in the truck."
    "Whatcha gonna do, Steve?"
    "I said get in the truck." The car door slammed and Steve plunged his fist into the mass of unwrapped delights.
    This was the end. As his massive hand closed around me, my chocolate layers began to condense until cream was oozing from my sides. It was agony. Then I was flying; soaring through the cold air! It was gratifying, it was exhilarating, it was... SPLAT!
    Now I've heard of a house being toilet-papered, and even egged. But never have I heard of someone Hoho-ing a house...

    1. Ann, Holy Cow! You are a terrific writer. You have unbelievable talent. This was so creativemand funny! I don't know what you want to be when you grow up, but if you aren't thinking of writing, you should really consider it! :)

    2. Ann, I love this story a little more every time I hear it. It is so unique and creative! It really makes me want to throw hoho's too! I love this so much!

    3. I just can't stop giggling! That was such an intriguing and amusing idea. I have no idea how you of all people came up with something involving vandalism ;) Great job, Ann!

    4. Oh Annie, You and your amazing imagination have done it again. Who else would have thought of such an amazing story? I love your character development, and how you used different colloquialisms in your characters speech. Great job!

    5. Ann, this is so cute! The characters are so funny! I love the idea of Hoho-ing a house! Very impressive!

    6. Ann, You a very creative thinker and a great writer. This is a great story. Nice Job!

  4. I just woke up, lost and confused, wondering where I was. I looked to my right and to my left and saw I was surrounded by different candy bars. There were bags of snickers to my right, bags of Hershey bars to my left, and sharing the bag with me was Kit-Kat bars. I finally realized I was on a shelf in Wal-Mart during the most dangerous time of the season, Halloween.

    It was the morning of October 31. I could sense the fear of every candy bar in that store, for we all new this night could be our last. At approximately 10:30 a.m., my bag was picked up and into the shopping cart I went. The ride through the store seemed endless, but eventually we checked out.

    As the day turned into night, us Kit-Kats were poured into a bright orange bowl with black cats and witches on it. We were placed on a table right next to the front door. Then, I heard a ding. There was the door bell and the sound of little children singing. Then the family opened the door. I saw a witch, a lady bug, and Frankenstein as they placed their hand into the bowl and grabbed some of my friends. I still remained in the bowl. Throughout the night I got to see many different creatures as one by one we were taken from the bowl. Then a little girl dressed as a bumble bee grabbed me and placed me in her bucket.

    It was freezing outside as we strolled up and down several streets. I met some new friends: Sam Snickers, Ben Butterfingers, Hector Heath, and Rick Reese. Then we all were dumped from the bucket onto the floor. The little bumble bee was placing the candy bars she got tonight in rainbow order on her bedroom floor. She took Ben Butterfingers and threw him in the garbage can. That's when the feeling sank in; my experience living on the earth was over.

    I heard the little girl's father call her from a different room. When she got up and began running to her father, she kicked me and I went flying under her bed. There were several stuffed animals under the bed, some clothes, and other little toys. It was dark but cozy. I heard a scream from Sam Snickers and the little girl saying "Yum!". Another one of my friends was gone.

    I began to think, was I gonna be stuck under here forever? Had I survived the awful night of Halloween? The night went on as more and more candy was eaten. Then the lights went off and the little girl was sleeping above me. I had lived through Halloween night. Then, the final thought came into my head.

    "I hope she never cleans under her bed."

    1. Your ending is so adorable! I loved her little journey throughout Halloween day. You packed some good descriptions into this. It was so cute, great job!

    2. This is so cute! For some reason, the girl in this reminded me of Darla from Finding Nemo! Adorable! Great job, Jolene.

    3. I love your story Jolene!! I thought it was really cool how you gave your chocolates names like 'Sam Snickers', so I did the same thing in my story! Great idea!

    4. Jolene, I really liked your story. I loved how you gave your candies actual names like "Sam Snickers and Ben Butterfingers", it was pretty cute. The way you ended your story was awesome as well. It left me with different thoughts about how the rest of the story might continue, it was really entertaining.

      Nice job Jolene!

  5. Halloween: October 31. This was the most highly anticipated and awaited days for candies and chocolates alike. I, Paige, a Peanut Butter M&Ms, along with the Hershey bars, Twix, Kit Kats, and all other candies, have been preparing all year for this special day. Why do we love this day so much? Halloween is the day when children dressed in costumes walk do to door and shout "Trick or Treat!" They are then given one a piece of chocolate such as me, a PB M&Ms. We love Halloween because we are what brightens the hearts, souls, and tummies of little children. They enjoy the sweet taste of our chocolate shell with a creamy peanut butter center that simply cannot be resisted. Some may think it hurts us to be eaten and digested by the little munchkins, but it is our job, to nourish the children with something a little sweet and sinful, and we do not mind!! Right now I am in the Lanzel Family's candy bowl with my Pretzel M&Ms and Dark Chocolate M&Ms cousins, and a bunch of other goody treats such as, Milky Ways, Snickers, and of course my best friend, Kelly Kit Kat! We are just waiting until dusk hits because that is when the fun begins!

    It is a bit chilly waiting here on the porch for all the trick-or-treaters to arrive!! A few have come already, but not many. They must have been allergic to Peanut Butter or something because they did not choose me! What a shame! They are missing out big time! I really hope that Kelly and I will get chosen at the same time. We have arranged ourselves in the bowl so that we are side-by-side in hopes that we will be chosen together.

    More and more children have visited! They have great costumes. I have seen ghosts, princesses, firefighters, dancers, and cowboys! Peanut Butter M&Ms bags have been taken, but I am still here chillin' in the big 'ole candy bowl! Kelly and I love listening to the chatting of children and their little feet running down the street. When we become tired of that we gaze up at the sky and look at all the stars. I hope we get chosen soon! If not, I won't feel as if my goal on earth will not be complete.

    "Kelly! Kelly! Wake up! Do you hear those footsteps? This is it; I can feel it!"
    "I don't know, we have been here forever. What makes you think this is the one? And besides, even if it is, what are the chances that we will be chosen together?"
    "Let's just make a wish on that star and hope for the best."

    "Trick or Treat!", said a little innocent Princess Cinderella.
    "Why what beautiful costume you have! Take some candy!"
    This was it, her hand reached in and grabbed, except it wasn't me. It was Kelly! Devastation. Kelly and I were forever separated, and I will never get to see her again! But then I heard Mrs. Lanzel saying, "Oh take another piece! I do not want any leftover candy in my house! I will never it eat all!"

    Cinderella dug her hand in again, and I closed my eyes, praying she would pick me! My wish must have worked! I was placed inside her bag and quickly reunited with Kelly! Everything was going to be okay. In fact, everything was more than okay, it was perfect. This was the best Halloween ever!!

    1. Tori, I love your whole story! The relationship you created between Kelly and Paige was adorable. You did a great job and it was very creative and unique!

  6. Dear Diary,

    Today's the day! It's October 31st, it's Halloween! I'm so anxious. I can't tell if I'm nervous or excited, maybe both. We finally got moved to the bowl! Hershey didn't make it though... She... She melted... It was so sad! There was chocolate everywhere! Poor Hershey... She never got a chance. Well anyway, I hope a princess picks me tonight! Preferably Cinderella, but beggers can't be choosers. I heard princesses take good care of little sweet tarts like me. Good thing I'm not a popcorn ball. Word around the bowl is that one year, a bunch of boys threw them around like snowballs until they were nothing but crumbs! Reese says that's what happened to her boyfriend, the poor thing. Uh oh! There's the doorbell! Wish me luck!

    1. Felicia, I loved the way you wrote this as a diary entry! It was very creative and I could tell you were thinking out of the box. My favorite part was when you said the popcorn balls were thrown "around like snowballs".

      I enjoyed this very much! Good work!

    2. I loved the journal entry it was a unique way to present the story. I absolutely loved it, Felica. Keep it up

    3. I enjoyed how your story is short and sweet, because that is sometimes the way to go. Also very creative and cute ending!! Great job Felicia!

    4. Felica, I thought your story was extremely cute. I really liked how it was a diary entry. Great job!

    5. Felicia, this was a really creative approach! I like how it's set before trick-or-treating night. Awesome job!

    6. Felicia I like how your blog was creative and to the point nice job!

    7. Fida, your blog was a very interesting twist on a Halloween tale. I enjoyed how you brought in the excitement and anxiety of how the candy must be feeling with also mentioning the reality of Hershey, who wasn't as lucky... Great job!

  7. Halloween, that fateful night, every year, candies like myself lie in wait for the most momentous night of their lives. Our birthplaces, the buildings humans like to call factories, begin to shape us into pumpkins, cats, witches, brooms, and many more holiday themed candies. We are clothed in orange and black, the colors of Halloween. Every sweet is told these stories the moment their sugary goodness is harvested from the cane. To be chosen for Halloween candy is the greatest honor that can be bestowed.

    I have received this honor, and currently am being robed in my shiny orange and black striped wrapper. Even my insides have been dyed a bright orange unlike others of my kind. I feel great excitement for what lies ahead of me.

    All the rest of the candies and myself are being packed into a bag festively decorated for Halloween night. "I wonder where we are going?" The candy next to me asked. "Hopefully somewhere with lots of children!"

    I smiled and replied, "I hope so too. And maybe they will choose all of us, and no one will be left behind." I shuddered at the thought. To be chosen as a Halloween candy and then not taken by a child was the greatest dishonor among candies. "I wonder who will be the first to be chosen?"

    A different candy began to reply, but was interrupted by a rushing motion that caused us all to roll and pile on top of each other. Some laughed while others groaned and tried yo shimmy their way out of the pile. I was happily laying on top of the rest when our bag was opened and we fell, tumbling into a bowl. "This is it! We're going to be chosen!" I couldn't wait to be fished out of that bowl by a tiny hand and placed in their trick or treating bag. But then I realized with dismay, that I was far down in the bowl. Nearly to the bottom, I feared I wouldn't be chosen.

    An hour passed, then another, until we heard the first ringing of the doorbell. There was a shuffling noise, and the weight on top of me became slightly lighter. "The first candy was a Milky Way." One of my neighbors whispered to me. And so it went. More and more candies were chosen while the pile onside the bowl grew steadily smaller. We were shuffled a few times, reaching closer to the top and then falling below.

    The night wore on, and I was no closer to being chosen until a small hand with blue fingernails reached in and grabbed me. "Oh! A Mallow Cup! My favorite!" Suddenly, I was being lifted into the air and placed into a bag. The other candies greeted me with happy voices, and they congratulated me. I had been chosen. I would bring this child a small amount of happiness, even if not for very long. I was a Halloween candy and I was here to do what I do best. Be tasty and bring happiness and sugar rushes to little children.

    1. Han, I love how you started with the candies in the factory, it was a nice take. Overall I loved the story, great job!

    2. Hannah, I liked how you included bringing happiness to a child was what the candy did best. I really liked your story!

  8. I had only ever heard the wonderful stories of Halloween from the shelves of Walmart where I waited to be bought and given away to a sweet child. But today should be different, hopefully my wait will be over. It is the day before Halloween and most of my friends have been taken away, but still I wait patiently. The others in my bad did not seem at all concerned with not being picked. I was just starting to think that I wouldn't get to partake in Halloween when an elderly couple came up to me. The husband was pushing his wife in a wheelchair. The husband grabbed my bag of candy and set in in his basket. I had thought that this day would bring so much excitement with it, but something did not seem right. The couple seemed almost grief stricken and I could not make myself excited. We left the store with a few more bags of candy and one very large chocolate bar.

    I could not see where we were headed to in the car due to the brown paper bag we were in, but when we got there the husband walked around to the back door and grabbed the chocolate bar. He had accidentally knocked over the bag in the process which allowed me to to see what was going on and where we were. I was at first confused why we were at a graveyard, but then I realized that they were laying the chocolate bar on a grave. I wondered whose grave it was, but then understood why the couple seemed so upset.

    We all listened quietly as the couple spoke of their 7 year old granddaughter who had passed only a month ago. Halloween had been her favorite holiday and it was difficult for the couple to think about spending this one without her. The rest of the ride home was silent. When we got there the husband, after helping his wife out of the car, grabbed the rest of the candy and took us inside. We were poured into a large black bowl that said "Trick or Treat" on the front of it. We were left on the kitchen counter for that night and the following day.

    When it was finally time to start passing out candy we all filled with anticipation. The wife came into the kitchen and quietly told her husband that she did not want to pass out candy this year. The husband, very well knowing that this would anger his wife, set our bowl of candy on her lap and rolled her out onto the porch anyway. She was angry with him, but she would not let it show in front of the children. So she sat on the porch and her husband grabbed a chair so he could sit next to her and hold her hand.

    I could still see the sadness in her eyes as kid after kid came up to get candy. All of my friends were being chosen by children of all different costumes. Then a little girl in a lovely Cinderella costume came up to the couple and said happily "trick or treat" the wife's eyes filled with tears, but this time she looked so happy. The wife smiled and said "take your pick princess". The little girl grabbed me and I watched the wife lean over to thank her husband as I was tossed into a bag full of treats. The little girl skipped off and I thought that this is the best Halloween I could have ever asked for.

    1. Wow Erin! I was truly heart-stricken by your story. I was not expecting this type of story at all, it was really good. At first I was sad for couple, and I thought that nothing could go right for them this Halloween and that it would have a sad ending. But you turned it around and made it one of the most uplifting stories.

      Nice job Erin!

    2. Erin, this story was really good! I didn't know exactly where the story was going because with all of the sad news that came about throughout the story I felt like it was not going to end in a good way. As Ian stated, I felt very sad for the majority of the story, but you did a good job at turning the story around to have a happy ending. Way to go!

  9. Most of the other candies are scared of tonight. This night called Halloween is when children come and take candy from houses to eat, but I am not worried one bit. Many of my other friends have already been eaten throughout the year. Our group of candies, the Hershey Kiss, is one of the most popular candies out in the world, so we get taken to our death quite often. As I said many of the other candies that were purchased that were in my bag have been taken away. I now look forward to tonight because I am ready to die.

    As all the candies including myself are dumped in this bowl, I am more ready then ever for what is coming. It did not take long for me to be selected from the bowl and dropped into someone's candy bucket. As I heard the nervous chatter of all the candies I felt at piece at last.

    As we continued down the road at the end of the night, the child carrying the bucket dropped us. We spilled out all over the sidewalk and a few of candies including myself fell into the storm drain. The child tried to get to us but he was only able to reach a bag of skittles and a Hershey bar. About 5 of us candies still sat in the storm drain. The others talked about how they have made it and life will go on, but I knew that being here would drag on my painful life.

    1. Austin, when I began reading your story, I was expecting something happy and cheerful about finally being chosen, but then I read the part about being ready to die. I'm not going to life, I was a little taken back. It was an interesting twist on the classic Halloween tale, which is normally happy and scary in a playful way. Good job on creating a different twist on the holiday!

  10. "In and out," I tell myself as I reach for the doorknob.
    A dare, that's why I'm standing in front of the haunted Black House. I never back out of a dare, especially on Halloween. All I have to do is go in and stay there for a full ten minutes.
    I open the door, and as I do, a cold breeze washes over me. The door slams shut behind me. The room starts to spin, the darkness somehow got even darker. I feel myself falling through the floor.
    It's pitch-black in here. Am I alone, I wonder. I hear a crackling sound right next to me. Then another to my left and even more below me. All of a sudden, a glimmer of light starts to open above me, blinding me when it becomes larger and more vibrant. After I adjust to the light, I can see what's around me--popcorn balls. They seem so big, I wonder if they're life size. Then, almost out of instinct, I look down at myself. But instead of seeing my jeans and hoodie, a clear plastic wrapper covers my body, which is no longer human. I am a stale ball of popcorn.
    An elderly woman dumps me, along with the others, into an orange bowl. I start to panic, remembering its trick-or-treating night.
    I'm going to be eaten alive, I think. Why me?
    The woman picks the bowl, shaking all of us around, shifting me to the bottom. It's not what I would call comfortable, but it's relaxing to know I'll be taken last.
    I try to recall what happened in the Black House, try to find something that may have caused me to transform into a treat some bratty kid that will receive, but won't care about, because I am now a popcorn ball. No one ever thinks to wonder if they're snack is actually a person. If they do, they're most likely crazy. I honestly don't even remember going to the Black House.
    A giant hand reaches into the bowl, digging around until it has a hold!
    When I'm out of the bowl, I'm quickly dropped in a bag overflowing with candy and other goodies. The child swings her bag around, not worrying that her treats are flying out, including myself. I go soaring into the sky, and I land beneath a giant oak tree in the woods.
    I think to myself, this is worse than being eaten. Here, I will rot or be picked apart by a squirrel. This is the true fear of Halloween--being that piece of candy or treat that doesn't get eaten, but rather left alone at the bottom of a trick-or-treating bag until thrown away. That's a lot scarier than spooky stories of ghouls, ghosts, and witches, and even more terrifying than entering the Black House by yourself.
    "I just wanna go home," I say aloud.

    I never got the chance to go home. I'm still alone in the woods. The first snow flurries fell yesterday; soon I'll be frozen, waiting for the thaw of spring. My only warning, do not enter the Black House.

  11. While many candies fear the so called “judgment day” of Halloween, I relish in the fact that I, a bite-size Snickers, may be eaten by a small child. The rush and thrill of the thought of being chewed to pieces brings me great joy. I hope that I will make some child’s Halloween night, and they will make mine.

    Old grandma Sally picked my brothers and me off the Walmart Halloween candy shelf on October 30, one night before Halloween. I could not contain my excitement. It was almost time to fulfill my dream that I set out for when I was wrapped in the factory.

    On Halloween night, while all my other Snicker brothers were saying their goodbyes and wallowing in tears, I was ready to be eaten. Sally put us into a big orange bowl with other candies that I had never seen before. I made friends with the strangest of candies from Twizzlers and Sweet Tarts to Milk Duds and Milky Ways. I heard some interesting stories while we all waited for the Halloween night to start.

    Seven o’clock, the church bells rang and the porch lights went on. It was time, time to play the waiting game. Who would be picked?

    Kids came by and by as grandma Sally said, “Take one children.” My brothers left one by one and the new friends I just met went as well. Some of them screamed as they were put into a Halloween basket, while others had no tears left to give.

    It was starting to get late. From how dark it was I could guess it was about nine-thirty or maybe even closer to ten. Was I not going to be picked? Was no child going to devour me this Halloween night? No, it couldn’t be. Someone had to pick me; it was destiny, my dream.

    It was probably five to ten when many porch lights started to shut off. I was left in the bowl with two Twizzlers, one Milky Way, and two other Snickers. I was starting to get nervous, but just as my fears began to peak, one child, one saving child in a princess costume came to the door.

    As grandma Sally was turning away to shut off her porch light, the little girl yelled “trick or treat!”

    “Oh dear, I’m sorry little one, please take one.”

    This was my chance, my route to mouth of this child. Please pick me I yelled. As if hearing me, the pretty princess grabbed me and put me into her Halloween basket. My dream had come true. I would be eaten on Halloween night.

    “Come on Rosie it is time to go home”, said one of the princess’ tired parents.

    Just then, Rosie reached into the basket and picked me out, I guess I would be eaten early. I was so excited; I didn’t have to wait any longer to be chewed to bits.

    Rosie tore open my wrapping, but then her parents yelled, “Rosie, no more candy you have had enough tonight.”

    Rosie put me back into the basket in my chocolate nakedness. She started to skip merrily to the car, bouncing the basket every step of the way.

    The basket started to swing violently. I, on the top of the pile was getting worried that I might fall out.

    “Stop skipping, stop skipping!” I yelled. She didn’t listen. As the basket bounced into the air, I fell square onto the cold, unforgiving sidewalk.

    “Come back, come back!” I screamed, but the girl skipped back to her car, completely oblivious to fact that she lost a Snickers.

    Was this my fate? Was I to lie on the sidewalk forever?

    I thought that maybe someone would pick me up and eat me in the morning, but I forgot to account for one thing, the sun. I prayed all night that the sun would not rise in the morning, but to no avail, the sun rose beating down on me as I melted under its rays. My dreams and my hopes would not come true that Halloween night, only my worst fears and my nightmares.

    1. Ian, I thought that your story was fantastic. I like the way that you made your candy yell to stop skipping. The way that you ended your story was good too. There is no doubt about it that melting in the sun is one of the worst fears of chocolate candies. Great job!

  12. I was on the candy truck and fell asleep for a little while, but in no time I was laying on a shelf at a place called Walmart. I am a Reese cup. I know I am a top seller because I mean how can a human being not enjoy the chocolaty, peanut butter taste? I was hoping that the Reese’s are being selected for something special for the night of Halloween. If the workers at Walmart put my fellow Reese cups and I on the 15% off rack this Halloween may get rather violent. That would be a joke because I am absolutely sure that every Reese’s cup is worth full price.

    The action began to pick up when an old granny started to walk down our aisle. At this point each and every one of the Reese cups has a heartbeat that is off the charts. Well, just my luck the old granny does not only decide that she wants Reese cups, but she opens the bag in the store and pulls out just one Reese cup. There is no doubt in my mind that I am going to be a little snack that is devoured in this lady’s mouth. She actually did not eat me. The woman just put me in her pocket. I hope I do not melt!

    All was going good other than I lost connection between my brother Reese cups who are still waiting patiently back in the aisle. When the old granny decided to check out I began to realize what was going on. Not only am I going to an old granny’s house to probably be fed to her rather chunky grandson, but I am being involved in a crime because she is not paying for me. “This is total disrespect you wrinkly, old woman. The least you could do is pay for me”. Miraculously, we make it through the check out without getting caught by security. I am in a grocery bag and let me just inform you people, I am very claustrophobic. I have had a terrible day, and I am yet to discover who will place their grimy hands on my precious coat of chocolate and dispose of me in an inelegant way.

    After the trip in the car to the old granny’s house my heart rate did not go down at all. “Let me tell you she is one horrendous driver. I mean how does she even have a license. She was bad enough with just driving alone, and then she had the bright idea to starting eating her bag of candy corn while she was driving. Are you out of your mind lady?” We finally were inside the house, and I was placed on the table. I thought great I will actually be placed in a bag now where nobody can physically harm me. The old granny placed me in a purple bag that was decorated rather nicely. I finally was happy because at least I have a nice Halloween bag!

    I could tell that my time was coming to an end. I began to have severe anxiety attacks in my Halloween bag. Before I could say another word, someone grabbed my bag and put their hands in for candy. It was the worst thing that could have happened. The person was the old granny’s grandson Jack. How can I put this in a nice way? Well they have not been generous to me, so let’s just say Jack is a little on the chunky side. This is it he grabbed me and pulled me out of the trick or treat bag. Oh boy, I am heading towards his mouth. “I just want to take this moment to say thanks for everything to my fellow Reese cups. Hopefully I will see you guys another day in Candy Heaven.” Finally, I would like to say that this has been a nerve wracking Halloween.

  13. I am a "Snickers Bites". As I sit here on this shelf, I constantly listen to the
    other candies around me. They talk about me because I am the "fresh face in the
    crowd", considering that I am a new candy, unlike the Reese's, Twix, and M&M’s.
    The veterans laugh at me because they do not think I, the rookie, will survive
    this upcoming "holiday".

    "Her first Halloween will be one she will never forget. Trick or treat!"

    **continuous laughter**

    "It is a shame that she won't live to tell the story!"

    The big day was here, October 31, 2013. Maybe I lucked out -- no one chose me
    yet. I might be able to survive Halloween, the day I've been dreading for quite
    some time now. As these thoughts crossed my mind, something weird began to

    "Eeeeek! We are falling!"

    I saw the look of fear on my friends' faces around me as we shuffled throughout
    the bag. Someone chose us.

    After a couple hours of confusion and anxiety, I saw a bright light. Someone was
    opening my package. Something weird was happening once again, I was falling for
    the second time. This time I landed into a bowl. I crawled my way to the top,
    did I survive the holiday? I looked around, and then I heard some type of bell. A
    man rushed over to the bowl. He reminded me of the workers at the factory. My
    friends and I were being carried to the door. As I peaked over the edge of the
    bowl, I saw a little girl.

    "Hi, my name is Lucy. I am a fairy."

    Halloween didn't seem so bad after all. I began to smile as I realized the
    candies at the store were just joking around with me. I was relieved. Just as I
    began to relax, I heard Lucy open her mouth once more.

    "Trick or treat!"

    I knew I heard this saying before. Then it hit me -- the candies weren't
    kidding. The little girl's hand plunged into the bowl. I was being picked up. My
    friends tried to save me, but it all happened so fast.

    I felt a breeze as my wrapper was shed. I knew the end was near. The veterans
    were right, I would not live to tell the story after all.

    1. Sam, I really liked how you told about the older candies and how the younger candy thought that they were just "joking around" when they really weren't. It was a great story and I enjoyed reading it very much!

  14. I was so excited to be at my family reunion with all of my aunts, uncles,
    and cousins. It was being held in the giant bowl at the Bauer's house. We were
    sitting on the end table beside the front door having a great time when the
    door bell rang.

    "Oh no!"



    I hear everyone yelling. A sense of panic broke out. I didn't know what
    was happening. My mother grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite
    direction. Next thing I knew, I was being tossed around and bounced up and down.
    All of a sudden I heard the sound of laughter and saw little kids dressed up as
    batman, princesses, and witches.

    Before I knew it I was being swished from side to side again as the door
    closed and the kids disappeared. My mom let go of my arm and I moved back to the
    top of the bowl. On my way up there I saw a couple of snickers and their son
    crying. When I got to the top layer of the bowl I heard what had happened; one
    of the children took their daughter as captive. They were never going to see her
    again. It was then that I realized I was doomed. I was going to be separated
    from my family; I was going to become a slave to the children.

    Five minutes passed before the doorbell rang again. When it did, I wasn't
    as lucky as last time. I was only under a small covering of candy when the I was
    swooped all around and heard the laughter of little boys and girls yet again. I
    felt the hand of a small child as the piece of candy beside me was chosen. I
    thought I was safe; I couldn't have been more wrong. A second later I was in the
    grasp of five little fingers and being pulled away from all I had ever known.

    I was dropped into his bag, falling among unfamiliar pieces. Before I could
    fully understand what had happened I was bouncing higher than I ever had before.
    I was picked up and dropped then rocked back and forth. It was like I was on a
    ship traveling across the Pacific Ocean to America to be traded and forced to
    work on the fields as a slave. It seemed liked hours were pacing as I got
    jostled around and as more strange pieces of candy joined our voyage.

    The waves had started to calm down as the ship began to settle. Just as I
    had drifted off into an uneasy sleep, I was rudely awakened. I looked around and
    was greeted by more foreign surroundings as I, along with the other candies were
    dumped rudely onto the firm, crisp floor. It was then in there that I realized
    exactly where I was. I was on the deciding platform where my fate would be
    chosen for me, just like the slaves.

    I watched as all of the Twix were pulled from their spots and placed in a
    pile in the middle. Next all the kit-kats were placed in a different pile as I
    saw the kids grimace as they did so. As the other sweets around me were selected
    and thrown into piles, I began to grow scared. Where would I be placed? Would
    category would I be forced into? Would I be eaten or left there to rot?
