Friday, October 18, 2013

I Love America

In preparation for your entry into the Patriotic Audio Essay Competition, discuss some of the reasons why you are optimistic about our nation's future. 


  1. America has always been considered the land of the free. It is unlikely that the phrase will change any time soon. America is a country that was founded by those longing for freedom, and it became a country filled with people willing to stand up for what they believe in. America will flourish like a strong, beautiful tree in the years to come.

    People have always come to America because it is filled with opportunities. That is one of the reasons why there are so many immigrants. Chasing dreams is something that people can do in America, unlike in many other countries. It is a culturally diverse place where people can be themselves.

    There are many uncertainties that the country faces. Racism is still a problem that seems impossible to quash. The many different languages cause communication issues among residents. Drug addiction is an ever escalating crisis. Even the government is beginning to teeter on the thin line between righteous and self-absorbed. America seems to be slowly crumbling under the pressure of its ever growing population and debt. Despite all of this, or maybe because of it, America will persevere. One thing that is certain is that history always repeats itself.

    America's history is one filled with tales of victory and overcoming tragedy. The people living in America are strong. In the following years there will be advances in medicine and science. New ways of doing things will come about. People will find ways to conserve that which will not last forever. America is a country that had learned to evolve and adapt to situations. It is a country that will last for generations, improving as it goes.

    1. Meaghan, you made some very good points in your blog. Our country has definitely gone through many tragedies, yet we have always overcome. Our country is strong, and, as you pointed out, very good at adapting to change. Good work!

    2. Meghan, I really liked the point you made about history repeating itself. Your explanation of all the things that America has overcome to keep going was a great point as well. Nice work!

    3. Meaghan, I really enjoyed your second paragraphs. You did an excellent job discussing the oppurtunites and to follow one'a dreams. Great work!

    4. Meaghan, I really enjoyed how you included some of the problems into your third paragraph. You listed them in a way that didn't make it seem like a list. Great work!

    5. Meaghan, I like how you said that in America, people can chase their dreams. I have always believed that everyone is entitled to their own "American Dream". I think it is what makes our country so special. I also agree with your point about how America will preserve through thick and thin. I think the adversities that this country faces only makes us that much stronger. As you said, this country will evolve and learn as it goes, and this country will preserve for years to come. Good job!

  2. I have lived in America my whole life. I have never known another country, yet I would be totally confident in saying that America is a good, strong country. The United States has never been the type of country that gives up on something because it seems a lost cause. We began as a group of people escaping religious persecution, have overcome fighting for our independence, a civil war, and two world wars, along with a few depressions and other tribulations. We are progressing quickly, and always conquering new obstacles. America is a country of perseverance and integrity that will continue to fight its way through all difficulties that can arise.

    When our ancestors came to this country, they faced famine, disease, and the treacherous perils of unknown lands. But they stayed strong and survived their first winter, and then continued on, never giving up. Recently, we have encountered terrorist attacks, a recession, and government scandals. And throughout these trials, the people of the United States have joined together to work for reform, instead of turning against each other. The American people know the importance of working together to achieve things for the successful future of our country.

    America is also known for its acceptance of all people. Founded by many people of different cultures and beliefs, the United States has always encouraged the immigration of people from other countries. It has never forced anyone to change their religious beliefs because their beliefs did not agree. Our country which previously had more slaves than it needed, has elected its first African American president. Feelings against Germans and Japanese because of the wars have settled and now are almost forgotten. We have learned to forgive any misdoings that have happened to our country. The American government is also working to fight against oppression and terrorism.

    If our country can accomplish so much after starting put with so little, why not be optimistic about its future? We've already overcome so much, why can't we continue doing so? The United States will progress in all aspects, including scientific exploration and knowledge of the world and it's secrets. I have faith that our country will continue to be a good and prosperous place to live because of our strong government and unified people.

    1. Hannah, I really like your last paragraph. I also think that if people believe that the country can get better that it will. Nice job!

    2. Hannah, I totally agree with your statement that the United States is not a nation to give up or quit. This is one reason that I believe that our country is on a different level than any other nations. I also like the way that you explained how America accepts everyone. Whether you are an immigrant or not America will always allow you to come and contribute to the country. Good job!

  3. The future of the United States is very much in question due to the recent government shut down and other problems. There are still many ways the United Staes can be good however. One reason by why I am optimistic is because the United States is starting to watch spending a little bit more. Saving more money would help the country get back to more of a superpower like it used to be.

    Another reason I am optimistic about the United States future is because the military is still the best around. Without this military power the US would not be where it is today. The military power of the United States has been the strong suit for the country and will continue to be.

    I believe that the United States is going through a bit if a rough part of its history right now, but it is beginning to bounce back. As soon as the US stops putting itself in more debt the United States will be peacefully sitting at the top of the world again.

    1. Austin, I like how you considered the importance of our strong military. You made good points here. Great work.

    2. Austin, I agree with all of your points. The U.S. military is a great asset to America. Good points!

    3. Austin, I like how you talked positively about the military. I didn't even think about talking about them when we got the paper about the contest. It was a very good point to make. Fantastic job!

    4. Austin, I really liked how you pointed out that despite the country's current issues, we can still get better. The idea about spending money was really good. Great job!

  4. Many people question America and are negative about its future. Many of these people are pessimists towards everything in life. However, I feel it is important to look at America for all of its positives sides. America, as a nation, has conquered so much and we should only except more good to come.

    The United States is strong when it comes to fighting. The America has done so well in past years with wars. With the technology improving and the United States getting more intelligent, we will be able to continue to fight for our country. I feel safe and protected living in the United States as I will for many years to come.

    Another optimistic aspect of the future of America is the right to be free. I can't even imagine living in a country where you don't have freedom. I truly believe that America will continue to be strongly a liberal country until the end of time.
    I also feel that our freedom is sometimes taken advantage of by any U.S. citizen. We should continue to appreciate all our country offers so that future generations may also do the same.

    America has many great opportunities for those choosing to pursue those. We as a nation need to realize that this country will continue to have these opportunities in the future. I believe that there is a great future ahead for America. If the country keeps working past every problem it encounters, there is great hope ahead for the country.

    1. Jolene, I like the first sentence of your final paragraph. It made me feel like yes, America does have great opportunities, but only for those who are willy to work for them. Great work!

    2. Jolene, I agree with all of your points, they are very similar to my own. You are right in saying that our country has had a turbulent past and a bright future. Good job!

    3. Jolene, you made some great points about optimism in our country, especially about the right to be free. So many people in the world are missing out on so much because they do not have the rights and freedom that we have as Americans.
      Overall, great job!!

  5. Looking back into the history of America, our country has accomplished a lot. We won our freedom from Great Britain, developed a Declaration of Independence, ended slavery in the United States along with many other things.

    Seeing how far America has already come in less than five hundred years makes me very optimistic about all of the other things our nation can accomplish. Such as the research paper we just wrote on legislating English, many things could improve this already great country.

    I am so optimistic about the future of America because we, the country as a whole, have already completed so many good tasks. We have made decisions and taken risks that have ended well and landed us where we are today.

    1. Jessica, I enjoyed your last paragraph because it shows that even when we weren't sure where to go, we picked a direction and went there together. Good job!

    2. Jessica, I loved how you recapped the improvements we, as a country, have made over the last 500 years. It is very true that we have come a long way and that we can only improve from here. Great job.

    3. Jess, I really liked the little history lesson. I agree that with how far we've come, we will certainly go farther. Fantastic job!

    4. America really has come a great way. I love how you compared how far we've come to your hopes that we keep getting better!

  6. The founding fathers built America on the ideas of freedom, strength, unity, and faith. Even though the United States is not at the strongest point in the country's history, these ideas are still present today. Going through a rough time does not mean that America is weak, it just means that the people have to find the strength to keep going.

    Often times, in my household, there is a lot of complaining about our government and where the United States will go from here. Truthfully, the fate of the government will soon not be in the hands of the current adult generation. The teenagers who are seeing how the government is now should be getting involved in the government. These teenagers have the opportunity to make a change.

    Younger generations need to be educated and aware of what is going on in the world around them. Not everyone needs to run for office, but as long as an person is educated, they can vote and have a voice in their community and country. The teenage generation that sees the state of our government now, have to be the change. They will, as long as the generations to come are optimistic about keeping the country's foundation standing tall. When the founding fathers started America they intended to stand strong through anything, that is precisely what Americans will do now.

    1. Erin, I really like how you added a sentence about your own family. It gave the blog a real feeling. Also, great points about the younger generations being the next government officials. Good job!

  7. Optimism is a state of being, for things to actually be better you have to believe that they will be. The same is true for being a pessimist. America has been a country who has had its struggles and it has always bounced back. So why would it be different this time?

    If I cannot be optimistic about America's future how can I optimistic of my own? I want to believe and hope in a great future for myself and my family. I love being an American and the freedoms that are entailed in it. I want to live a good life and that is only possible if I believe that I can.

    America is full of opportunities for people of all statures. No matter your situation there is always a job or a place for you to live and/or receive help. I believe this will never change, it will only go up from here. Government resources will continue to help these people and improve their circumstances along with the help of volunteers.

    I, along with everyone else my age in America, should be optimistic about our country's future because of these reasons among others. Without optimism and our own hard work we will not have a bright future. So it is our duty to make the future how we want it, to band together and improve everyone's circumstances so they, too, can live a good life.

    1. Erin, I really agreed with how you said that in order to optimistic about your own life, you need to be optimistic about America. This is very true and I hadn't thought about it that way before. Great thinking!

    2. Erin, you made a great point when you said that it is difficult to not be optimistic about America's future if you want to be optimistic about your own future. I agree because America's future can control the way that our future will turn out. I like the way that you stated that America has many opportunities at hand. America is a country in which chances are out there, it is only a matter of who is willing to take them. Great effort!

    3. Erin, I love your first sentence! I also really liked how you created a parallel between your future and the future of America. I also really like how you mentioned that there are all sorts of opportunities because there are, we just have to look. Good job!

  8. I think that the United States is a great country. It is truly a land of opportunity and freedom, welcoming everyone. I can proudly say that I am happy and so grateful that I grew up in America; there are so many great opportunities here, and it is a free country. I know that sounds cheesy, but some people living in other countries do not have the freedom or rites like we do in the United States.
    One of the reasons I am optimistic about our country is the quality of education you can obtain right here in the United States. I believe that our country's education programs are top notch and best of the best. A true testament to this is the number of students that come from all over the world in order to go school here. I think that our education programs will only get better.
    Another reason I am optimistic about the future of the United States is the job opportunities, especially in the medical field. There is so much new technology and information surfacing in the medical world and medicine. All of these things will help the doctors cure cancer and other diseases such as AIDS. That is one of the multiple reasons why I want to go into nursing; eventually I hope to become a CRNP. The job field is huge, and they are making a difference every day.
    Even though our nation has its faults, we are constantly trying to become better. Whether they want to admit it or not, all countries have their flaws. I think we are so fortunate that we are not in a civil state like some other countries around the world. Overall, America is truly a land of great hopes and dreams.

    1. Vicky, I liked your thoughts on education! I also liked your opinion about the medical field. I, too, believe that with job opportunities in this area and advancements in technology, a lot of research can be done to cure harmful diseases. I totally agree with you that our nation has faults, but we will always continue to make progress day by day. It is important that we, as citizens, are proud to live in this country filled with "great hopes and dreams." Nice job, Vicky!

  9. The one major thing I am optimistic about for this country's future is change. This country is in dire need of revamping many subject areas.

    I'm looking forward to a new face in the Oval Office; someone with fresh ideas will hopefully conquer the next election. I'm also hoping to see an improvement with jobs. There are so many people out there with families to care for who are unemployed. I also want to see a change in welfare distribution. There are people who are handed that money and use it for drugs and alcohol, but there are also people who need it, but do not receive the welfare. It is a disgrace to this nation. I am also looking forward to having a government that can agree and are extremely wise with the country's money.

    I will admit, I'm typically a pessimist when it comes to the country, but change is the one thing I can happily anticipate. Hopefully, this country will forget about past mistakes and look forward to the future of the younger generations. In order to stay united, the United States of America needs to consider the everyday citizens rather than the government officials.

    1. Natalie, after reading your post, I never really realized or thought of all the problems we have in our country. I would also like to see a change in the welfare distribution. The United States needs to be constantly thinking of the future generations.

    2. I love your use of revamping and that you admit to your negative outlook on life! This is a good blog, and I agree that newer generations will help us. Nice job!

    3. Natalie, I loved reading this. I love how you were honest with your thoughts and opinions. Great job!

  10. America has fought through tragedy, and jumped for joy since it has been established. Although the country is not having the best time right now with the government shutdown, America has resiliently found a way to rebound from each hardship that it has encountered in the past. I am rather optimistic about the future of America because I know that our country has potential to be very successful. America has had its good times and bad times throughout its history, but no matter what the situation the country has stuck together as a whole.

    The United States of America definitely owes a rather large amount of money to a few different nations. The national debt for America is not something that people are proud about at the moment. Americans will need to collaborate, so that together, we can solve the problem with spending. There is no doubt about it that America has learned from its mistakes in the past. The country is now much more cautious about money that is being spent, than it was a few years ago. I am hopeful that America will be confident with the decisions that they make with spending money in the forthcoming years.

    One thing that I love about America is that the sky is the limit. No matter how good or bad something is America is always trying to improve the situation. There are a plethora of opportunities in our country. Americans need to rise to the occasion, and make something happen that will change our nation for the better. Another great part of living in America is simply freedom. People in America fail to realize how fortunate we are to have many diverse freedoms. Most countries do not have the privileges that Americans do with basically everything in life. I am confident that the United States will be intelligent with the choices that are made so that America will maintain each and every one of its freedoms.

    America has always been known for its celebrated history. If the country can excel in the department of the economy and keep unemployment down, it will be a future to be proud of for America. It is crucial that the United States keeps from digging themselves even bigger hole with the national debt. If America can stay positive and keep everything in order, I do not believe that it will be too long until the country is right back on top where it belongs.

    1. Drew, I agree that sometimes in this country, freedom can be taken for granted. I think it is important to remember how fortunate each and everyone one of us are. I also agree with how you said that America should keep from digging itself a bigger hole in the national debt. I think that if America can focus on and deal with its problems at the source, nothing can stop us. Nice job Drew!


  11. America, land of the free, home of the brave. I am very optimistic and patriotic about the future of America. I believe everyone living in the United States is entitled to the “American Dream”, because in this nation everyone is free to do as they please. America has been through the Great Depression, World War I and II, and the Cold War, and through think and thin, we are still here. This nation has looked adversity back in the face and punched it square in the nose. America will never falter, America will never back down.

    I believe America is the most dominant and rightful “Super Power” in the world. No one is ready to “shove us off the block”. Other nations look at America as an example of prosperity and hope, and America is the still the prime destination for immigrants. America is the rightful Super Power because this nation does not look to abuse the power it has been given. We seek peace first and war last, but we will still stand up for what we believe in.

    I do not think anyone rivals the militarily capabilities of the United States. While China seems to be pushing forward in the development of military weapons, I do not think they can be compared to the overall strength of the United State’s military. All five branches of the military, which include the Army, the Marines, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, and the Navy, show impeccable strength, and more and more people join the ranks everyday. I think America has no rivals on the military front.

    America will always be there. The United States adapts to change and welcomes it with a smile. I do not think that anything can bring down America. The American spirit has always been to keep pushing, even through the toughest times. The nation has plenty of weaknesses, but our strengths out number them.

    1. Ian, great introductory paragraph! You really started your post out strong, especially the beginning, "America, land of the free, home of the brave". I agree that America is very strong and dominant. It is important that we fight for what we believe in. I am sure the other countries do look up to us. Very good points, our nation does truly have a remarkable spirit as we change for the better. Good work!

  12. I could not have thought of a better title for this blog, "I Love America"! I am very proud to be a citizen of the United States; furthermore, I am extremely optimistic about this nation's future.

    First and foremost, America is a very strong country, and I believe it will always stay that way. This country has overcome many adversities and obstacles throughout the years, including the struggle for independence, wars, depressions, terrorist attacks, and more. The United States currently has a rather large national debt, but I think that, with hard work, we will muddle through it. America is able to protect the freedoms and liberties of its people.

    America is also making many advances in technology. This opens a doorway to better research and improvements in our world today. For instance, the medical field is always making explorations. Technology could possibly find a cure for devastating diseases like cancer.

    Another thing that I like about the United States is how we are working towards equality. Every man and woman should be equal. In the past, citizens of America used to own slaves. Now we are far past those days; after all, we have the first African American president, President Barack Obama, in office right now. Over time, this country has come a long way, and I believe that America will continue to make progress in the future, especially as we welcome immigrants into our land.

    Overall, I think America will have a bright future. Many programs are in the process of being created or improved; for example, healthcare will be enhanced. Just as our Founding Fathers wanted this land to strive, we can all unite together in order to accomplish many goals to make this country a better place for future generations.

    1. Sam, I never thought about our advances in technology. It was a great point! I agree with your points about equality as well. Overall, your blog is wonderful!

  13. Despite all if the downfalls of this country, American is wonderful. Our history is one of trials and triumph, slavery and freedom, destruction and new birth. But lately the USA has been struggling. Unemployment rates and debt are up and more people are living here than ever before. I, however, believe in us. I believe that our country will triumph.

    I do not blame our leader. The president has been doing the best that he can, but in times like this we need change. I am very excited for the next presidential election because, not only do I have high hopes, but I will be able to vote. Perhaps a new perspective is all the USA really needs to return us to our full glory.

    I believe that there is also another, greater force at work here. It is no coincidence that "one nation, under God" is in our Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" is on our money. The USA was built faith. In times such as 9/11 we turn back to God, and we need him now. Through prayer, he will guide us. God cannot shower us with money and power but he can lead us where we need to go to succeed once more.

    My final argument is that our current state is natural. We were prosperous before this as we were before the Great Depression. The better things get, the farther we have to fall. These are simply the ups and downs that all countries must face. I think that the USA will reach new heights in the time to come because of how we are doing now.

    The American people have never been the kind to give up. I am certain that we will push through this with the help of God and a new leader. Times such as this are inevitable but we will pull through. I believe in the USA.

  14. Growing up in America, it is hard to imagine living anywhere but here. After all, America is a great country and a great place to live. America has fought through many hardships, and overcome many problems. We have survived multiple wars and direct attacks. We have kept peace between ourselves and ended slavery. Our struggles have made us strong.

    Although it seems America is digging itself deep into a dangerous hole, I don't think we will ever be buried. Yes, we do have problems. There is drug abuse, murder, and the possibility of history repeating itself with the horrors of racism. We are facing more hard times like we have in the past, but I believe together we can all get through these hard times as they did hundreds of years ago.

    America is a great country and will only continue to grow greater over time. We have all come too far to turn back now. Our struggles will make us stronger. We need these hard times to appreciate the good times. With our nation under God, we can never go wrong.
