Friday, January 17, 2014

Using Logic in Writing

Craft a logical sequence into a written argument.  Begin with a logical syllogism.  Expand the argument with concrete evidence and then draw a conclusion.  This does not need to be research based.  It can be  a topic about which you are well versed.  It should not be long and involved.  See examples of this exercise on the Purdue OWL under Logic in Writing.  You can access the document through the link I provided in the email sent Friday.

When you are viewing the arguments of your classmates, be sure to be on the lookout for any logical fallacies.  If you see one, call them out on it by naming the logical fallacy you found in the comments under his or her post.  If there are no logical fallacies in his or her argument, comment on what you consider the strongest piece of evidence in his or her argument.  Good Luck!


  1. Fried food is fattening. It is prepared in oil and transfats. It takes extra time for the body's metabolism to break down the food. Even then, fried food does not break down properly and sits in the liver, kidneys, colon, and intestines.

    Fattening foods are unhealthy. They can have bad effects on the body. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, clogged arteries, and even cancer. These are just a few of several potential occurrences.

    Fried food is unhealthy. Empty calories are consumed, and the food is not filling. Fried food is not proper sustenance, and it is "like drinking oil straight from the vat".

    1. Meghan, I really thought your whole logical argument was very solid. I especially liked your quote "like drinking oil straight from the vat". Really good job.

    2. Meaghan, I thought this was an excellent logical argument. You basically said, "A is B. B is C. Therefore, A is C." I do not think that you used any logical fallacies. You supported each claim very well by explaining the body's metabolism and the bad effects that fried food has on the body. I agree with Austin that the final quote fit perfectly into this argument. Nice work, Meaghan!

    3. Meaghan, I thought your logical argument was very straight forward but very accurate and true. It was a perfect example of how to construct a logical argument! Great Job!

    4. Meaghan, this is really good. I also agree with Austin and liked that quote that you included in there. So true!

    5. Meaghan, you did a really good job supporting your conclusion. You did very well at following the format. I thought it was really strong where you said "it can cause an increase in blood pressure, clogged arteries, and even cancer" great job!

  2. Logical arguments in writing can be true or false. This an example of a false logical argument.

    Cancer is a very terrible disease that causes so many deaths annually. People are still working hard to find a cure for cancer, but it is a work in progress. Many things are said to possibly be the cause for cancer. Cancer can result from tanning, genetics, tobacco and more. Smoking tobacco products is said to come with the fatal side effect of cancer. Most commonly lung cancer.

    There are millions of people who smoke on a regular basis. Cigarettes, even though being expensive, are not morally wrong in our society. People have smoked regularly for years and years. It is very common to see people smoking in random places. There is a girl who was smoking down at the bar. She is a very heavy smoker and has been for many years.

    Smoking causes lung cancer. This girl is a smoker. Now, this girl is going to get lung cancer. This logical argument was stating that anyone who smokes will get cancer. Even though, in some cases, this might be true, just because a person smokes does not mean they will 100% be diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, this is a false logical argument.

    1. Jolene, your final paragraph really drove home how your blog was a false logical argument. I really like how you said that not everyone who smokes will get cancer. Well done.

    2. Jolene, I like your logical argument. This is a great example because although sometimes cancer is caused from smoking, it is not always the cause of cancer. I don't believe that you included any logical fallacies in your argument. Great work!

    3. Jolene, you did a great job providing evidence for your claims. I like that mentioned a specific person to help your premises. It was interesting to see an example of a syllogism that doesn't work. Fantastic job!

  3. Pollution kills animals. It dirties streams and the air. It poising animals bodies and makes it harder for them to live safely. Often, animals are killed off by ingesting these polluted substances.

    Pollution harms people and plants as well. It can cause disease and even kill off entire ecosystems. Pollution can do these and many other dangerous acts.

    Pollution is harmful to the environment. It is very damaging to animals and plants throughout the world. Pollution should be attempted to be slimmed out to create a safer planet for the people, plants, and animals on it.

    1. Austin this was a really good logical argument. I think the strongest point of this argument was how simple and true it all was. If pollution harms plants and animals then it will definitely be harmful to the environment. Good work! I did not notice any logical fallacies either! :)

    2. Austin, I agree with Jolene. I think this was really good because there's really nothing opinionated about it. You simply stated the facts and came up with a logical conclusion. Keep up the good work!

    3. Austin, this was a good logical argument. Nice job avoiding the use of logical fallacies. You always seem to tell it how it is. I agree with Jolene and Meaghan that you did a great job of just laying down the facts instead of turning it into a biased argument. Hopefully the pollution issue can be solved a little more each day. Nice job!

    4. I almost used pollution as an example, too! You did a very good job presenting this and avoiding fallacies.

    5. Austin, this was a solid example! You did a great job at avoiding logical fallacies. Good job!

  4. Logical arguments can be true or false. This is an example of a logical argument that is false.

    Premise 1: All professional athletes are good role models.
    Premise 2: Tiger Woods is a professional athlete.
    Conclusion: Therefore, Tiger Woods is good role model.

    There are a countless number of professional athletes. Some athletes live good lives, volunteer for community service, and donate to diverse organizations. Others are involved in violence and crime. Some athletes get caught up with drugs and other medications that can control a person’s life. Sometimes people believe that a sports figure is a good person only because they enjoy watching them compete in the sports world. Many times that person truly looks up to and strives to be just like that professional. When news comes out that a sports icon has committed a crime or has been caught with marijuana, the person who looked up to that athlete becomes rather disappointed.

    Tiger Woods is the most popular professional golfer in the world. Ten years ago, just about every single golf fan would have said that he was a great guy. When the news came about that he cheated on his wife with multiple women, many people lost a great deal of respect for him. Kids all over the world were crushed because they believed that Tiger was truly a good person, and that he had good values. People learned after the incident that Tiger Woods was not the best role model.

    This logical argument is not necessarily true. The reasoning is that not all professional athletes are good role models. Some of them are great people, but others fail to set a good example for their fans. Phil Mickelson for instance, is a fabulous role model for younger kids because he makes good decisions in his life. Not every single professional athlete is a good role model. Even though some of them are a great influence on other people’s lives, others lack the qualities that are needed to be a legitimate role model.

    1. Drew, even though this was a false logical argument, it was very strongly written. I think you did a good job staying away from logical fallacies. The strongest point of your argument, for me, was in your last paragraph when you compare Phil and Tiger's moral standards. This was an interesting topic to discuss because many famous people are becoming less and less "role model material like". Good work! :)

    2. Drew, this was an awesome blog. Despite it being false, you still did an awesome job. You really had a good point when you mentioned how people become disappointed and let down when their role model does something bad. Great Job!

    3. Drew, I liked how you provided an example of a false logical syllogism. I did not see any logical fallacies in your argument. I agree with Jolene when I say that the strongest part of your argument was when you compared the life of Phil Mickelson to the life of Tiger Woods. Sometimes you have to be careful about who you look up to, and as a role model, you have to be careful about who looks up to you.

      Nice job Drew!

  5. Premise 1: Some websites are invalid.
    Premise 2: All websites are internet resources.
    Conclusion: Not all internet resources are valid.

    Some websites are invalid. As a student, I see this everyday. Some websites are biased while others may not have credible sources supporting the claims. When I am researching material for a paper, I have to sift out the valid sites from those which contain faulty information.

    All websites are internet resources. The internet has revolutionized the world since the 1960s. The internet is filled with many things: videos of cats playing pianos, social media networks, images, advertisements, websites with information, etc. That list seems like it could go on forever.

    Therefore, not all internet resources are valid. Just like the famous State Farm commercial, many people think, "They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true." There are a lot of credible sources on the internet; however, not all websites are reliable or valid.

    1. Sam, I thought your logical argument was very solid. You providied good evidence with each premise and conclusion. Also, I did not see any logical fallacies. Great Job!

    2. Sam, I found your post very good. It is a topic that is always a problem for students. I feel the strongest part of your argument is where you list all the different things that can be found on the internet, they prove that not all information is valid. Overall great job!

    3. Sam, this was a great argument. You supported your premises well, and even added a little humor. You didn't have any logical fallacies, and like Erin said, I believe your strongest point was when you listed the myriad of things found on the internet. Wonderful blog!

    4. Sam, reading through your blog made me realize that there are so many things on the internet that even some contradict themselves. I think that stating the examples in your second paragraph was the strongest part of your blog. Good work!

  6. Premise 1: Some fruits have seeds.
    Premise 2: Bell Peppers have seeds.
    Conclusion: Therefore, bell peppers are fruits.

    Some fruits have seeds. There are many examples of fruits that contains seeds within them, such as, apples, watermelon, strawberries, and cantaloupe. Additionally, seeds are also presents in fruits such as raspberries and blackberries; they are just very small. They are the crunch you feel when you eat a raspberry.

    Bell Peppers. It is indeed true that Bell Peppers, whether they are red, orange, yellow, or green, have seeds. For the most part, peppers are hollow on the inside, and that is where the seeds are found. They are small and white. When eating a pepper, you scoop out the seeds before eating.

    Bell peppers are fruits. The topic of whether a bell pepper is a fruit or a vegetable is a hot topic. Peppers are considered fruits because of their non sweet taste like most fruits have. However, a pepper could also be considered a fruit because it contains seeds, like all other fruits. So, scientifically, a bell pepper is a fruit, but in everyday sense, it is considered a vegetable.

    1. Tori, I liked your syllogism very much, it is a good set of premises to make. I think the strongest part of your argument is when you give all the examples of fruit with seeds. Also, the part where you state that bell peppers are scientifically fruit is a great point. According to scientific definition all the fruits and vegetables that contain seeds are all considered to be fruit so while it is correct to say all vegetables are fruit it is wrong to say all fruit are vegetables. Awesome job!

    2. Tori, I think your syllogism was very well done. I always thought of Bell Peppers as vegetables, so reading your syllogism was very informative. I think the best, or strongest part of your syllogism was the way you used science to back up your point. I also liked in the beginning how you gave examples of many different types of fruit, so the readers could relate.

      Nice job Tori!

    3. Tori, I rather enjoyed your syllogism. The strongest part of your arguement for me was probably your second paragraph when you talked about scooping out the seeds before you ate the pepper. Good work!

  7. Premise 1: Soccer is a sport.
    Premise 2: Soccer is participated in all over the world.
    Conclusion: Soccer is the world's game (sport).

    Many people participate in sports throughout their lifetimes, either through active participation or by being an avid spectator. Athletes form teams to complete against others and fans fill the stands to cheer on their team. This is a popular tradition all over the world.

    Around the globe are many fans and athletes that annually participate in the sport. During the 2006 World Cup, an accumulated audience of 30 billion fans watched the competition on T.V. alone! According to one survey, in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Africa are over 3.5 billion fans, 1 billion more fans than the second most popular sport, Cricket. These statistics only account for the professional level of competition who knows how many more athletes and fans there are on the scholastic and community levels.

    With a fan base as large as soccer and as wide spread it is hard to deny the fact that soccer is a popular sport. All over the world, fans flock to T.V. screens and stadiums in overwhelming numbers to be a part in the sport. It is hard to refute soccer as the world's number one sport.

  8. Erin, I enjoyed reading your logical argument. I totally agree with you that soccer is a very popular sport. The statistics that were presented truly backed up your argument. I also liked how you added in the World Cup. I believe that every four years when a World Cup is played that the sports grows and grows. I think that you stayed away from logical fallacies too! Good job!

  9. Premise 1: Reading can be fun and educational.
    Premise 2: Some homework is reading.
    Conclusion: Some homework assignments are fun and educational.

    Reading is one of the most common past times in America. People who read tend to enjoy the books they have chosen to read. And most books, despite their genre, can be educational, as they increase vocabulary and reading skills. Readers are learning and having fun at the same time.

    Most homework assignments can be tedious, as it is not very commonly thought to be entertaining to stare at spelling words and write outlines for biology class. Reading is a common homework assignment in school. Chapters of material need to be read. Articles of information are handed out. And in English class, literature, oh the greatest works in the world, are handed into the hands of students so that they might read something extraordinary.

    These books, fiction, nonfiction, and all other genres, often are able to ensnare the attention of a student. Sometimes, it may take a while, but eventually, their mind will be consumed by the thrills of reading literature. They will learn of harrowing adventures on the sea that happened years before they were born, and expand their mind's logical boundaries when contemplating stories of the future. Many students will enjoy what they read, and learn new things while doing it.

    1. Han, I think your premises supported your conclusion very well! I thought your strongest point was when you said they could "expand their mind's logical boundaries. great job!

  10. False logical argument
    Premise 1- wine is good for you.
    Premise 2- alcoholics drink wine.
    Conclusion- it is a good thing to be an alcoholic.

    Recent studies have shown that wine can be good for you and for your health. It is recommended to have a glass of wine a day to help improve your life.

    Alcoholics drink a lot of alcohol. Beer, liquor, and wine. Alcoholics could consume at least one glass of wine a day.

    Wine is good for you, and alcoholics drink wine. Alcoholism can't be bad then, because wine is good. So that means that being an alcoholic is good for you and good for your health.

    1. Felicia, I thoroughly enjoyed your syllogism! I did not notice any logical fallacies, so great job!

    2. I agree with Natalie, I could not find any logical fallacies in your blog. Good work!

  11. Premise 1: The number 1 ranked player(s) do not always win tournaments.
    Premise 2: Serena Williams is the number 1 ranked woman's singles player in the world.
    Conclusion: Serena will not win the Australian Open

    Tennis is a sport where the number 1 ranked player is not always going to win every match. Each player has his/her own preferences: temperature, court (clay, concrete, grass), tournament, indoors or outdoors, etc.

    Serena Williams is the number 1 ranked woman's singles player in the world. Just yesterday, Serena lost in the Australian Open to the number 14 ranked player. Serena has not won, or even come to the championship game, this Open in the last several years.

    Therefore, it was no surprise that Serena will not have the opportunity to win the Australian Open, or be in the Final Four of the Grand Slam.

  12. Premise 1: No mammals are fish.
    Premise 2: All dolphins are mammals.
    Conclusion: Therefore, no dolphins are fish.

    Mammals are characterized by having hair on their skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands to nourish their young. Mammals are also back-boned, or vertebrate animals. Mammals are also warm blooded, meaning their body temperature stays relatively the same in their environment. Fish on the other hand are invertebrates, and they do not produce milk for their young. Fish are also ectothermic, meaning their body temperature can change depending on the temperature of their environment.

    Dolphins are mammals. As babies, dolphins are born with whiskers, thus proving the fact that all mammals have hair. Dolphins also have small mammary slits, which act like straws so as to keep the milk from being diluted by the salt water. Despite living in the water, dolphins are warm blooded, and they prefer places where it is warm.

    Although it is not so obvious, dolphins are not fish. Dolphins are sometimes considered fish because very little people know that dolphins are born with whiskers when they are young. Dolphins also do not have gills, an essential characteristic of fish. Dolphins must come up to the surface to be able to breathe. It is also hard to believe that dolphins have mammary glands because many people would believe that it would be diluted by the salt water. However, the mammary slits of dolphins act like straws, thus the milk does not come in contact with the salt water.

  13. Drinking alcohol alters the mind and does not allow for a good reaction time. Keeping concentration is difficult for people who are drink. While drinking, people may not make the same choices that they would make when sober.

    Driving a vehicle requires full concentration and the ability to respond quickly. When driving, you are responsible for yourself, anyone in your car, and everyone else on the road. Distractions could put anyone of these life's in danger

    Therefore, combining drinking and driving is extremely dangerous, because drivers mind's should be fully functioning while on the road. Drunk drivers are unable to concentrate on the road or make good decisions about many things such as road conditions, speed limitations, or staying on the road. A drunk driver behind the wheel is dangerous for anyone on the road.

  14. Premise 1: Smoking causes lung cancer.
    Premise 2: Not everyone that has cancer smokes.
    Conclusion: Smoking is not the only cause of lung cancer.

    Smoking causes lung cancer. This has been proven on many different occasions. It is even listed on cigarette boxes that smoking is dangerous and can cause lung cancer.

    Not everyone that has lung cancer smokes. Lung cancer can be caused by things such as radon gas. It has even been known to be heredity.

    Just because lung cancer is very common in those that smoke doesn't mean that smoking is the only cause of lung cancer.

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