Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Christmas

What does AP Language want for Christmas?


  1. I remember when I was little, I was never able to sleep on Christmas Eve. I was always too excited. So once it seemed like Santa ought to have come already, I would sneak ever so carefully down the staircase and peer into the softly lit front room. Under the tree I would find piles of colorful packages just waiting to be opened. I would creep back up to my room with the assurance that I had once again been good that year and then doze off until the morning came.

    Always, seeing those bright little gifts under the tree brought me an indescribable joy. Of course, the most difficult part of the season is always the Christmas list that states the presents desired that year. It's fun to look back over the years and see some of the ridiculous things you asked for and maybe received, and admittedly as you get older the gifts get less exciting. Often it is just clothing and a few other oddities.

    As usual my mom requested a Christmas list so she could pick out presents. I made a point of making it long so she had plenty to choose from, that way it is more likely that I will be surprised when I open my gifts. One of the more amusing gifts on my list, and I quote, is "a dainty but legit tea set". I have already been told that I will not be receiving this... I asked for a multitude of books that I have been dying to read. My little teaser was the PS4, which came with a ";P". Though I would say the thing I'm most excited for is a gift I already know I am getting, which is a new and very nice tennis racquet. It is my "taaaa" gift, as my family calls the biggest present. It originated when my stepdad made the "ta" noise as one of my siblings opened there's. It has stuck.

    1. Meaghan, you definitely want some cute things that are very fitting for you. I know how excited you are for your tennis racquet, and I hope it's exactly what you wanted! Merry Christmas girl!

    2. Meaghan, your list of gifts sounds like my sister Ellie's, she always has those nerdy cute things on it. I hope you get the things on your list, Merry Christmas!

    3. You seriously have such a way with words. It makes me so happy. You have such a perfect way of describing things, it just makes my day. I hope you get what's on your list! Merry Christmas Meghan!

  2. My Christmas list this year was really very tiny. I asked for a few geeky clothing items, socks, and jewelry making materials. In our family, we normally get a few things from our list then Santa brings us things he decides we need. It' since that way because I always get to be surprised. But this year, those things aren't really what I want.

    This whole year so far has been filled with activity after activity. Massive amounts of schoolwork, confirmation classes, attempting to get enough sleep, balancing friends and work, soccer, and training my heart out for pole vaulting leave me with just enough time to do the things my mom or dad asks me to do around the house. And now, even though break started, it feels as if I have even more to do, despite not having school to attend. Over break schoolwork, studying for midterms, and training for pole vaulting will take up my time.

    So really, all I want for Christmas is something very simple. Time. I want an hour to myself, even if it's every other day, just to sit and collect myself. After spending months without my sisters, I have to deal with two more people in the house, not that I don't want them there. Christmas madness is quickly ensuing everywhere. So, all I want for Christmas is time to myself to deal with my own stress that comes from being a junior, like dealing with colleges, confirmation, and grades.

    P.S. I did ask for a batman sweatshirt and I REALLY want that too.

    1. Hannah, I totally understand what you mean about wanting some free time. I was sent to the store twice today for cookie supplies. It hasn't really sunk in that we don't have school Monday, and I dread the idea of studying for the physics midterm. But it is a time of joy, and the atmosphere seems bright and festive. Here's hoping you get your heroic hoodie and have a fantabulous break!

    2. Hannah, your blog is so truthful, having an hour to myself would be absolutely amazing. I think what you want is very possible to obtain. Great blog and have an awesome holiday!

    3. Hannah, I understand what you mean about wishing to have some time for yourself. My brother just got back from college too, and boy. It's going to take some readjusting. I hope you get to relax a little and enjoy you're time with your sisters!

    4. Hannah, I know exactly what you mean about not having any time to yourself. Sometimes it is very frustrating that everyone else is in need of your time. Great job! P.S. I hope you get your batman sweatshirt!

  3. Christmas is a holiday where everyone comes together celebrate in my family. In past years, we ate, talked, and laughed in great quantity and ultimately enjoyed each other's company. There was always people everywhere and no where a quiet place to be alone. Christmas is the only time that I could stand this many relatives at one time.

    For the first in as long as I remember this Christmas is going to be different. This year many of my relatives aren't going to be present for numerous reasons and it is going to make for a quiet Christmas in my family. All that I really want for Christmas is for the holiday to still be as enjoyable as past years without everyone there. As for material things I really don't have a preference. I'm sure whatever I get I will love because it came from the people I care most about. The holidays are a time to spend with those you love not about the possessions you receive.

    1. Erin, I'm sorry you're relatives cannot make it, but I hope you still have a good Christmas. Many times my family can't make it in for holidays and it is sad because you're use to the attendance. I like your last sentence. It really summed everything up! Good job Erin.

    2. Erin, I understand the feeling of missing relatives. Every year my grandmother would come up for Christmas from Harrisburg, but this year she moved to Florida and so she is not coming. The house will seem empty without her energetic self bopping around. I hope that this Christmas is a pleasurable for you as the ones in the past, even if it is different. Merry Christmas and great blog!

    3. Erin, I can definitely relate to your situation, but try to make the best of it! Good job, Merry Christmas!!

  4. What little kid doesn't write letters to Santa? I am probably one of the only kids who never really have. It never really appealed to me. Of course, I've written the letters when we were in preschool and we would all do it as a class, but my list was never anything really significant. I'd usually just panic and write something very general and broad like "toys".

    It's safe to say that I was a weird child, and I'm still pretty weird. I have always been indecisive and somewhat anxious. I would try to write letters to Santa, but i never really saw the point in it. It also made me feel so pressured for some reason. I'm not really sure why. Like I said before, I was weird. I would get nervous and over think things to put on my list and then just give up on the list all together.

    I haven't told my parents anything special that I want for Christmas, and my godmother had been badgering me for a few months now on what gift I want. I still haven't given her an answer, and Christmas is only a few days away. I don't mean to sound cliche, but I really just don't know. I draw a blank when it comes to things like that. Call me crazy, but it's the truth.

    1. Felicia, that is strange you didn't write letters to Santa, and hey, we're all a little weird sometimes. I agree with you because I don't really know what I want either. Sometimes it's hard to think of things we want. Merry Christmas, Felicia.

    2. Yes! Finally someone I know who wasn't a list maker! We can be buddies! haha. I hope you have a great vacation!
      Merry Christmas Felicia!!

    3. Felicia, you may think its weird that you don't write Santa letters, but I'll tell you something. A certain person in my family is terrified of Santa Claus. Jingle bells freak her out, and she always thought he was going to steal her and take her to the North Pole on Christmas. So don't worry. Everyone has their little quirks, and yours just makes you who you are!

  5. I love the Christmas season because I get to spend time with my family and friends. Each year it gets harder for me to come up with things I want from Santa Claus. When I was younger, my siblings and I would make lists with many items on it. I would ask for so many little junk toys that were fun for a little, but then I would grow out of them. Now, I can barely think of anything that I would want.

    The main thing I asked for this year was clothing. Im hoping to get some cute Christmas sweaters. I also asked for a new pair of boots. I wear my pair of boots all of the time right now so it's be nice to have another pair. I love getting CDs and movies too. Of course, jewelry is always something to ask for. Last Christmas, I received a special ring with my grandmas' birthstones on it. I wear it quite frequently and I absolutely love it. I guess I'm a pretty average person when it comes to things I want. Truthfully, I just feel like I don't really need anything else right now.

    I feel blessed to have this time off to see my out of town family and just enjoy the holidays. It is going to be a busy break, but I'm sure it will be a good one. a Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. Jolene, I think everyone when they were younger asked for 'junk' toys. Also, I feel that if one person had something, everyone just had to have the same thing! I think it is really special that you received a ring with your grandma's birthstone on it last Christmas, that is a gift that you will cherish forever. Yes, I also agree it is going to be a busy but fun break as well!
      Merry Christmas!!

    2. Jolene! I agree with your statement on how it is nice to see out of town family. That is probably my favorite part of the Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas AP Language classmates! I hope everyone is enjoying their vacation so far. I just love this time of year, it is so special. However, I am very bummed that all our snow has been melted away by the rain :(.

    These past few days, I have been able to spend time with my Aunt Karen and Uncle Stan who live about an hour outside of Chicago. I absolutely love when they come in because my aunt and I spend endless hours in the kitchen cooking, and that is what we are going to do today!!

    As far as Christmas gifts, I am not a list maker. I always ask for some new running clothes/ gear and also just regular clothes too. Opening up a new pair of running shoes and new gear on Christmas is seriously so awesome!! My feet also thank me when they see new sneaks! I also asked for a pair of boots and sperry's. I also like when Santa surprises me too!!

    One of my favorite things about Christmas, is picking out gifts for my mom. My dad always comes to me when it comes to her because he knows that my brothers will be no help! We picked out some great surprises for her, and I can't wait to see her face on Christmas!

    I am so grateful and happy that the Christmas vacation is finally here. I am looking forward to just taking a step back from everything and just breathe. I love this time of year because I spend a lot of time with family. We make great memories that we look back on year to year. This is just truly a special time.

    1. Vicky, I couldn't agree more! I love spending time with my friends and family. It is a nice chance to slow down our hectic lives. I, too, am very sad that the snow melted. I hope we don't have a green Christmas! I also like getting new running stuff. It is perfect with track right around the corner. Merry Christmas, Vicky!

  7. Christmas this year will be completely different for me. I've lived in Emporium all of my life and our Christmases there had so many traditions such as going to my grandparents house for breakfast on Christmas morning. We have done this ever since I could remember and it's a little sad that we won't be able to attend this year.

    Another yearly ritual that won't make Christmas the same is that our kitchen is under demolition, so there is no way to bake cookies. This is my favorite tradition of all because we would make a complete mess out of the kitchen and sing Christmas songs and bake cookies all day long.
    Another thing that I am going to greatly miss is the company that would normally be filling our home. This year no one from out of town in staying with us because we aren't in emporium anymore. I always looked forward to seeing family members that I don't often get to see.

    Everything about Christmas this year is going to be changed a little bit.
    Therefore, all I would I would like for Christmas this year is for Christmas to still be as joyful as it always was at home.

    1. Erin, I hope this Christmas will be just as great as your past ones. You can make new traditions in your new house. I hope you make some memories with the new people in your life along with your family and friends from Emporium. Merry Christmas, Erin!

  8. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love spending time with all of my friends and family. I also enjoy all of the Christmas scents: the tree, candles burning, and food cooking. It is by far the best holiday!

    Every year, I think of great gifts that I would want for Christmas. However, when it is time for me to make a list, I seem to forget everything. Therefore, I have the same response to the question "What do you want for Christmas?" every year: clothes.

    The truth is, I really don't care what gifts are under my tree. I would rather have presence than presents. Each year, everyone comes to my house for Christmas Eve and to my Grandma's house for Christmas Day. The stories and laughs we share around the table are just a few things that I would like for Christmas that cannot be wrapped up and tied with a bow.

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    1. Sam, I love candles burning, too! And what you did with presence and presents was so good, it was adorable. Your final sentence was also really good. Merry Christmas!

    2. Sam I really liked your post. Merry Christmas to you too! Good job!

  9. Every year since I was small I was always looking forward to spending Christmas with my family and seeing everyone's faces as they receive their new things. Something else I really enjoyed was going to midnight mass with my family. Things are a little different now since my mom's parents have started going to Florida and my aunt goes with her fiancé to his parents. However, Christmas is still as fun as it used to be with a much smaller group.

    For Christmas this year, of course, I asked for a few material things. As well as having those I am going to be extremely happy just spending time with my family. If I had to only ask for one thing this Christmas it would be to have a fun, safe, and overall enjoyable Christmas with my grandparents, parents and sister. I am really excited for Christmas on Wednesday!

  10. I love Christmas, it is my favorite time of year. But every year when I get asked what I want for Christmas it gets harder to answer. As I child, I asked for toys and as a young teen I asked for books and cloths. Now the things I want aren't material, they aren't things that can be given to me.

    For Christmas, I want peace and quiet. I want to spend time with my family, watching old Christmas movies and reading good books. I don't want to have to do anything. I know that my Christmas break won't be entirely relaxing, not with midterms so close and my regular activities. All I hope is that on Christmas Day I get to sleep in and spend the whole day doing nothing of any importance.

    Merry Christmas AP Language!
