Friday, December 13, 2013

The True Meaning of Christmas

A Doubtful Christmas is a story about the value of hard work.  Read this enjoyable, true story and answer the following question:  Have we lost the true meaning of Christmas?  Choose a side and argue it.


  1. The "most wonderful time of the year". Christmas is a time of happiness and cheer. When you hear the word "Christmas" you probably think of lights, cookies, eggnog, carols, and splendidly wrapped presents beneath a beautiful tree. That is not the only reason adults and children alike look forward to the Christmas season. After all, who doesn't like receiving things? Sadly, modern culture seems to have blinded us to what Christmas is really about.

    Christmas was originally, and still is for some, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time to praise the coming of the son of God. The name "Christ" even makes up half of the holiday's name. Yet somehow the tale of Christ is often forgotten. Whether purposefully or not, the celebration of Christmas is even further separated from our religion through the innocent title "Xmas". I myself have used this term while texting because it is shorter and quicker, but we are simply taking Christ out of Christmas. Even if he was not are lord and savior this is a horrid situation. How would you feel if everyone forgot about your birthday?

    But, that is not the only aspect of Christmas that has been lost. When we think about Christmas we think about receiving gifts, but the true joy is not in the receiving. It is in the giving. There is nothing that can quite compare to the feeling of simple bliss when you give someone a present. The look on their face that says you picked just the right thing. Somehow buying gifts has come to be perceived as a burden.

    Despite the majority of people forgetting these important traits, there are some who still celebrate the birth of Christ and the gift of giving. These will never fade completely, and as a whole Christmas remains a time of being thankful for what you have been given. Strolling along sidewalks and elaborately lit halls with a gay and festive attitude is a part of Christmas that all are able to participate in. Christmas has lost some of what it once was, but as the years go by, it gains new traits that add to its rich history.

    1. Meaghan, I completely agree with your post. I know I certainly love getting presents -- who doesn't? I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated, "Sadly, modern culture seems to have blinded us to what Christmas is really about."

      My biggest pet peeve is when people say "Xmas". What about Christ? I love your whole second paragraph!

      I, too, agree that it is more rewarding to give than to receive. However, I am one of those people that consider buying gifts a "burden." Not because I don't like giving, but I stress over finding the perfect gift for everyone.

      You made some very good points. Nice work, Meaghan!

    2. Meaghan, I loved this all. I also agree with you and Sam. I hate the term "X-Mas!" Great job, meaghan

    3. Meaghan, you made some really great points concerning the true meaning of Christmas. I too believe that many people think of shopping as a burden and a stress rather than a fun experience. Overall, nice job!

      Also, Sam, I really enjoyed reading your comment.... it made me chuckle when you said 'pet peeve' and 'hit the nail on the head' because I could totally see you saying that in person!! And I too stress over finding the 'perfect' gift for everyone.

    4. Meaghan, Great job! You definitely made me think about Chrustmas with some of the comments you made. The whole "Xmas" thing bugs me too! Maybe through all of these blogs we'll be able to remember the true meaning this year!

  2. Merry Christmas fellow AP Language students!
    Christmas is such a wonderful holiday. It is always nice to spend this special time with your family and reflect on the highlights of the past year. However, I feel that over the years we have lost the true meaning and spirit of Christmas. The true meaning of the holiday becomes masked over by the hype of buying presents and everything else. People can become so stressed during the holiday season over the littlest of things, and for what? Christmas time should be about family and remembering the birth of Savior, Jesus Christ.

    I think we need to get back to the basics when it comes to Christmas, just like the family in "A Doubtful Christmas." People should not have to stress or worry if they bought the 'perfect gift' for someone. Sure, it is great to give to the ones you love, but it should never be something to stress or worry about.

    Also, I think everyone needs to remember CHRIST in CHRISTmas. After all, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, and that is truly why we celebrate Christmas. We should not expect to receive presents and gifts on Christmas, it should be viewed more as something extra. I think spending quality time with family is a perfect way to cherish this holiday.

    I think sometimes people just need to get away from all the hustle and bustle and just slow down and take time to thank God for all that he has given us.
    Remember Jesus is the reason for the season!!

    1. Tori, I fully agree with your post. Where is Christ in today's Christmas? Is he still in a place of importance, underneath the tree like the rest of the gifts because he is the gift to the world or is he shoved in a corner? We need to keep him centered and cherish every moment of the Christmas season.

    2. Tori, I agree completely. It really does feel as if we have lost the real reason for this holiday. Thanksgiving is another prime example. Black FRIDAY shopping now starts Thursday night, time you should be spending with family instead of galavanting about malls. Great job with the blog!

    3. Tori, your first and last paragraphs were fantastic! And yes, people are forgetting about Jesus because of shopping and "the hype" of the holidays! (Loved your usage of hype) You did a great job with this, I think you took your time reflecting. Merry Christmas, and well done!

    4. Tori, your blog was excellent. I really enjoyed your second paragraph because I strongly agree with it. People should not have to be stressed about buying a gift, rather happy and excited to be giving the gift in the first place. Great job!

    5. Tori, I love how you mentioned people need to remember that giving is more rewarding that receiving. You definitely thought about this and made great points. Great job!

  3. What does Christmas mean to you? To some it is a holiday of cheer and gift giving and to many others it is a time of hardship and dismay. Doyle Suit's Christmas, he thought, would fall into the latter category. He had to idea how his mom would provide for them through the holiday but like many before her she was determined to try.

    A mother's love is endless as she portrays in the story. She ingeniously constructed beautiful homemade toys because of her lack of funds. It did not matter that they weren't store bought because they came out of love. This demonstrates the true meaning of Christmas, to give from the heart not from the bank account. Even though they were in hard time she still loved her boys enough to go out of her way and give them a great Christmas.

    Today, Christmas has became commercialized, no more is it about thoughtful gives from the heart but about outdoing others. People trampling others over half price TVs and getting in fights over dirt-cheap electronics on Black Friday. Where did the Christmas cheer go? Is it still present? That does not show how much you love the recipient of the gift, it shows how much you love saving money.

    Personally, I feel, we need to get back to the old way, the way described in a "Doubtful Christmas". Christmas is a holiday to spread cheer and be with loved ones, not how many gifts are under the tree. It is a time to cherish the people around you, not cherish possessions. What happened to those cliche Christmases we see in our favorite Christmastime movies where everyone has a cup of cocoa sitting around the tree genuinely enjoying each other's company? I would much rather have that Christmas over the commercialized one we partake in today.

    1. Erin, I love what you said about giving from your heart not your bank account. It seems like many people just feel obligated to buy gifts and dread spending the money in the first place. Christmas, as you said, is about spending time with your loved ones because you want to, not because you need to. Fantastic job!

    2. Erin, great job talking about how "Christmas has become commercialized." Last Sunday, Father Jim stressed this point during his homily. We need to remember the true reason for this season -- Christ!

      I agree with your ideas about Black Friday. That day is pure craziness! Where is the Christmas cheer at while people are pushing shopping carts into each other or playing tug-of-war with the newest gaming system?

      I love your post! Great job!

  4. Wow! "A Doubtful Christmas" was a remarkable story. It was very inspiring in many different ways. Doyle Suit explained how his father walked out on them and took everything with him. After moving in with his grandparents, the boy did not think he was going to have a very good Christmas; after all, they only had enough to get by. However, his mother had a completely different idea.

    His mother knew that she couldn't afford to buy any presents, but she did not take the easy way out by just wrapping the hand-me-downs. She knew the true meaning of Christmas involved love and commitment! After all of her hard work and dedication, she had wonderful gifts to give her kids. This was their best Christmas ever. It meant a lot to the boy that his mother put so much thought and effort into his present.

    Often times we forget the meaning of Christmas. We all seem to get caught up in this hectic holiday. We go from shopping mall to shopping mall. This blog allowed me to reflect before this upcoming celebration. First of all, I need to slow way down and remember it is CHRISTmas. Secondly, this holiday is not just about who gets the best, most expensive present. It is about spending time with the ones you love. Of course it is the season of giving, but these gifts should come from your heart. The song "Price Tag" is now stuck in my head!

    "It's not about the money, money, money
    We don't need your money, money, money
    We just wanna make the world dance,
    Forget about the price tag
    Ain't about the cha-ching cha-ching
    Ain't about the ba-bling ba-bling
    Wanna make the world dance,
    Forget about the price tag"

    I am truly thankful and blessed to have such great friends and family in my life. Every year, I make my parents cards. Of course I can always run into Wal-Mart and pick up a Hallmark card, but I enjoy putting in a little extra effort for all the extra things they do for me.

    1. Sam, your third paragraph was spot on! I loved the CHRISTmas, very classy. And it is so adorable that you make your parents a card! Lovely job, and merry Christmas!

    2. Sam, I loved how you quoted price tag, it fit into the topic very well. I agree with Ann about the point you made concerning Christmas. Likewise I find it cute that you make your parents cards, that's adorable. Overall great job!

    3. I loved how you quoted price tag! It made me laugh so hard, but it really fits in with the rest of your blog. Good job, Sam!

    4. Sam, it was awesome that you used the song price tag in your blog because it is so accurate. Christmas should not be based around money and material objects. Great job!

    5. Sa,. I read your blog and now I cannot stop singing that song. So thank you for getting that stuck in my head! you're blog was really good and heartfelt. You nailed the true meaning of Christmas . Good job!

  5. It's easy to forget the meaning of Christmas. In fact, one of my friends is in speech class and has to do a speech on the meaning of Christmas. We brainstormed for a couple of minutes because she didn't want to give the same old speech about giving and receiving. That's when I rediscovered the truth of Christmas; simplicity.

    What I mean is that I believe a Christmas is made wonderful by the simple things. For me, it's not Christmas until the snow has fallen, the decorations are up, and the cookies are baked. All of these things are important to me, they're my traditions. But there is something more to this holiday. It's the strangers wishing you merry Christmas in the streets and writing letters to Santa whether you believe or not. It's the things we don't think we'll miss until they don't happen.

    My theory of simplicity relates to the story because they were living simply and yet it was still a wonderful Christmas. We tend to get lost in making everything perfect, and we forget what this season is about and what it represents. Was Christmas perfect for Mary and Joseph? No! They had a baby in a barn, after all. So even though I live for decorating the tree and seeing the light in my sisters eyes when I give her the ultimate gift, I would trade it for the little moments of the first snow flakes and putting the baby Jesus in her manger on Christmas Day.

    Do something simple this Christmas. Wish a stranger happy holidays and play in the snow because we only have this once a year. And always remember to thank God for all that you have; your family and friends and, yes, even our little AP Language class. Without the simple things, nothing would be the same. Merry Christmas!

    1. Wow Ann! I absolutely loved everything you had to say! I am with you all the way, I need that blanket of snow and the decorations up in order for it to be Christmas. However, I agree that it is the little things that happen that really make Christmas a special holiday.

    2. Ann, I think your theory of simplicity is absolutely a perfect explanation of the true meaning of Christmas. I am a big believer in the little things that make us happy, and I believe the little simple things make Christmas that special holiday.

      I also accept your challenge Ann. I will wish a stranger Merry Christmas, and I will play in the snow. The little things will make this Christmas a great one.

      Great job Ann!

  6. "A Doubtful Christmas" is truly a touching story. This woman was left to raise her kids with literally nothing. She barely got my with the help if her parents. Although they didn't have much, she loved her kids so much that she wanted them to have an enjoyable Christmas. It is really heartwarming how she went so far out of her way to make her kids something special for Christmas. I think more or less, her giving them gifts helped her, too. I think it gave her some confidence. It was the first Christmas with out her husband and the father of her children, yet there they were, all together as a family, happy. That is the meaning of Christmas.

    It's been said that it's the little things that matter, and sometimes little things can end up being not so little. To a little kid, a train set on Christmas Day can seem to be a little thing, but growing up, I'm positive that the gift turned into a much bigger thing. Once the kids grew up, I'm sure they realized it wasn't merely just a train set, but it was all of their mothers long hours and hard work. Once they grew up, they could develop a greater appreciation for the gift of the train sets. Going out of your way for someone, loving them so much you'd go through great lengths just to see them happy, that is the meaning of Christmas.

    For me, Christmas is solely based on traditions. Food, family, fun, more food... Some of our traditions are our own, like sliding on around on the iced over tennis court and making pyramids, and some of the traditions are ones we have picked up, like the feast of seven fishes. In all honesty, my family is what makes my Christmas's so special, year after year. All of us gather at my grandparents house on Christmas Eve and eat, laugh, talk and play games, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Every family has their own traditions, and I'm so thankful for mine. Togetherness... This is my meaning of Christmas.

    1. Felicia, I love how you said that your family is what makes Christmas special because I completely agree! The mother in this story puts her family's needs before her own and that is what makes their Christmas so special. Good job!

    2. Fida, I like how you mentioned all the food and family and other traditions that you guys do. It gives met hat warm and fuzzy feeling inside that my family is not the only one that has things that hey do every year. Good work!

  7. Christmas started out simply as a celebration of The birth of Jesus. Society has commercialized Christmas to the point where it is all about money. That should not be what Christmas is about at all. The media makes a big deal out of presents and the newest and best material items coming out for sale, but if you think about it none of that matters at all. During the Christmas season you should give to others out of kindness not to benefit yourself at all.

    I was always taught to look at Christmas as a very cherished time of year. In my household, Christmas has always been centered around first and foremost the birth of Christ, and the next biggest thing is family. Everything we do around Christmas is with our family. I believe that the true meaning of Christmas has been taken out of the media and our society, but I know for a fact that there our other families like mine where the true meaning if Christmas still fills the homes during Christmas.

    In the story "A Doubtful Christmas" the mother takes all she has and makes a wonderful Christmas with her family. She gives everything that she can for her children to be happy and that kind of love is what Christmas is all about. This kind of love is the same that we see given from Jesus to us when he gave his life to take away our sins. Christmas is such a special and beautiful holiday because it is meant to be based on an unconditional love. Hopefully we can give that love to others to brighten other people's Christmas seasons.

    1. A-aron, I really like how you brought in your family's traditions. It really makes it seem that not all of society has lost they true meaning of Christmas. Nice job, girl!

  8. Christmas is one of the happiest times of the year. Families come together, presents are given, and it's a time for everyone to be happy and filled with joy. Christmas is the birthday of Christ. This was the beginning of a new life for all people, but in today's society, people often forget the true meaning of the holiday.

    I think it is sad that some Christmas cards are afraid to say Merry Christmas on them. Instead, the have Happy Holidays to be politically correct. Time, that's just wrong. No one should be embarrassed to say this is the day Jesus was born, let's celebrate for that. I also feel that for many people it's al about the money and presents. Children are becoming so spoiled that all they care about is what presents they are receiving. That ,however, is not the true meaning of what we should be caring about.

    My family, on the other hand, still cares about the true meaning of Christmas. Every year we attend midnight mass to celebrate the birth of Jesus first thing in the morning. Then, before we look under the tree, we all say a prayer to God thanking him for everything. My family gets together almost everyday over break tot just spend time with each other and be together. The holidays are so much fun with my family and help remind me of the true meaning of Christmas.

    The story "A Doubtful Christmas" was an adorable story. That family lost nearly everything, but stuck together and made it through. The mother in that story was so faithful to her kids. The children were so grateful for the homemade gifts. This family showed that even if you don't get a new iPhone for Christmas or a lot of fancy clothing, it can still be a special, fun holiday. I respect all of the children, the mother, and the family member in that story because they showed how Christmas is about your faith and time with family.

    1. Jolene, I like the way that you explained that people should not be afraid to say Merry Christmas. If people are afraid to say this, than they should not be celebrating the Christmas season because that is what it is all about. I also like how you talked about what your family does each year for Christmas. Good job!

    2. Jolene, I really liked how you talked about the iPhone. It's true that if kids don't get the newest trends they get angry. Good job!

  9. I asked my cousin the other day if he was excited for Christmas. And, as expected, I received the normal answer. "I can't wait for my presents!" No mention of family, friends, or religion came from him even when I asked what his favorite part was. Again, he was only concerned with what he would be receiving for Christmas. Many people have forgotten the true reason why there is a celebration every 25th of December. We aren't celebrating Santa Claus and his magical reindeer, which is what the world has turned it into.

    The celebration originally started as the feast of Saturnalia which was celebrated by the Romans. It was a pagan feast which promoted lawlessness without punishment. The Catholic Church wished to get rid of this celebration, so they replaced it with Jesus's birthday, which is actually in the summer. Many of the traditions, like Christmas trees, came from Saturnalia. Over the years, Christmas became a time for celebration of the birth of Jesus and the salvation of the world that was to come.

    During Christmas, we celebrate how God sent his son Jesus to earth for us so that we might be saved from our sins. We praise our new born Messiah, and the works he will eventually do. We also take into account the sacrifices Mary and Joseph made as they accepted such a huge responsibility. Jesus was born in a stable with the humblest of beings. He came to the world without riches, but a manger for a bed. The mother in “A Doutbful Christmas" and Mary, the mother of Jesus are actually very similar. That family had lost everything. Everything was totally dependent on the mother. Yet, she sacrificed everything for her children so that they would continue to believe in the magic of Christmas. And not the Santa brought magic, but the kind that came from the realization that no matter what, Jesus will come to save us. Both of these women gave everything for what they believed in and for their families.

    This Christmas, we should all reflect on how much Christmas means when we strip away the lights and dazzling ornaments to get to the true meaning. Take a moment to think about how much has disappeared over the years through the haze of self centered Christmas celebrations. Maybe then we'll realize that Christmas is so much more about sacrifice and giving instead of receiving. Through this reflection, we'll be able to rediscover the true meaning of Christmas that has been buried so deep that many people have forgotten what occurred when a simple child, one that did not even have the ability to speak or walk yet, was born into the world.

    1. Hannah, I enjoyed how you started your blog off by talking about the rather common response to someone when you ask them about Christmas. I also like the way that you said Christmas is about "sacrifice and giving". Great effort!

  10. Christmas is the time of the year when family and friends come together. It is the birthday of Jesus Christ which I believe is why it is the “most wonderful time of the year”. Christ is the true meaning of the entire holiday because without Christ, Christmas would not even exist. It is a time of the year when people should be thankful for everything that they have. People should pray to have another year where they are healthy and safe.

    I do believe that Christmas has lost some of its true meaning in a way. People still celebrate the birthday of Jesus, but some do not. Some people are only worried about the presents and gifts that they are going to receive on Christmas day. During Christmas, people should be going to church, praying, and preparing for the birth of Jesus Christ. In the story “A Doubtful Christmas”, the family did not ever complain about the situation that they were put in. After the father stole everything that the family had, the mother still found a way to provide for her children. This is what it is all about. The kids contributed with their efforts too.

    Although some people do not know the true meaning of Christmas, there are still many that are aware that Jesus is the true meaning. My family spends a lot of time together throughout the Christmas season. We go to midnight mass each and every year. I think that it is important to spend time with family each and every day over Christmas break. This is because Christmas only comes around once a year and I believe that we should make the most of it.

    The story “A Doubtful Christmas” actually displays the true meaning of Christmas. The family was forced into a difficult change with no time to prepare. They stuck together through the good and bad times. In the end, the mother and her five boys found a way to get through the Christmas season which was remarkable. This is something that everyone should read because it may change how they celebrate the holiday, and it will change the meaning of Christmas for them.

    1. Drew, I really liked your blog. I too agree that one should spend time with their family during Christmas. As you said, Christmas comes around once a year and that may be the only time to see your family, so it is important to make the most of it.

      I like how you said "People should pray to have another year where they are healthy and safe." Every year my family gathers around during our Christmas dinner and prays for a healthy and happy new year. God gives us the great gift of life, and each year we should be thankful for that.

      Nice job Drew!

  11. I really love Christmas. It fills everyone with a sort of five year old glee and excitement. From the gingerbread houses to the stringing of tinsel on the tree, Christmas is just a beautiful thing. It is that one time of year that you can get together with all of your family. It is that one time of year that you forget about all the troubles outside of your life and focus Jesus. I would argue that society has not really forgot the true meaning of Christmas, but rather just neglects the true meaning of Christmas.

    I love seeing all of my cousins during the Christmas season. It is truly wonderful to see their faces light up when they receive a present. And that is only the beginning of the wonderful things that happen during Christmas. I, along with my family, get to bake Christmas cookies, build snowmen, and decorate our Christmas tree. I think all these festive activities enhance the Christmas spirit. One can enjoy buying Christmas presents and still celebrate the birth of Christ at mass.

    The true meaning of Christmas is being with family and celebrating the birth of Christ, hence “Christ”mas. Some people would rather just call Christmas “Xmas” because they do not believe in Jesus. I think the world has always been this way. People will believe what they want to believe. But the true Catholics, the true people who believe in God will never forget the true meaning of Christmas. Sure they may get caught up in buying the perfect gift or building the biggest snowman, but at heart Catholics will never forget the true meaning of Christmas.

    I do not think the true meaning of Christmas is ever lost. I think it is always at home, in the spirit of the Church. Anyone who wants to be apart of it just has to take that first step toward Christ. People will always make Christmas out to be something more than it really is, but I think it is important to accept the changes society brings while still staying true to the roots of Christ.

    1. Ian, I really enjoyed your whole blog. Every part of it was easy to read. I especially like your last sentence about how people need to stay true to Christ in new society. Great work.

  12. In today's life, Christmas is quickly becoming all about presents and who can give the most expensive ones. This is not the true meaning, however. This specific story tells of the importance of the little things and how it is all about having the family together.

    In my family, before we open any presents or do anything on Christmas morning, we all go around the nativity set and sing happy birthday to Jesus. I believe that this is very important because we make it a priority.

    In "A Doubtful Christmas" is a heartwarming story about a family that lost just about everything...except their faith. It tells of how the children are even grateful although they didn't get new clothes or fancy technology. I have a great respect and love for the family who was so poor in possessions but so rich in faith and family.

    1. Jessica, I like how you include one of your own family traditions. I also agree with your sentence concerning presents. Gifts are becoming a major distraction from the true meaning, but not for all people. Overall, great job!

  13. Christmas has changed in a lot of ways since the origination of the holiday. The holiday was always about celebrating the birth of Jesus especially for people in the catholic faith. Now people have created a different meaning of Christmas in modern society. It seems that children forget about the birth of Christ and only think about getting toys a gifts from Santa. Given all children are not like this but many forget and were never taught a great way to celebrate Christmas.

    The family in a "Doubtful Christmas" had a great idea of what the true meaning of Christmas was even though they were at a disadvantage. If other families in the U.S.and all over the world were able to have the same compassion that this family had for one another as this family did Christmas could return to the great holiday it once was.

    If people who celebrated Christmas would make Jesus the biggest part of Christmas festivities the holiday would be much better than it is now. If people would think about the love Jesus had instead of just thinking about gifts and money the holiday could be just like it used to be.

    1. Austin, I like that you related the story to your blog. I also agree that Jesus should be our main priority during the Christmas season rather than preparing expensive gifts. Overall, nice job!

  14. Christmas is probably my favorite holiday, but not because of the presents. I love singing Christmas carols, cutting down the Christmas tree, decorating the tree, baking cookies, and just being with my family. I've noticed that as I got older, my wish list for Santa has gotten smaller and smaller. Christmas is about realizing that your family will always be there and love you, no matter the present you give or receive.

    I think some people have lost the true meaning of Christmas, but not all. Jesus should the reason we celebrate this holiday since it is his birthday, but for most it is not. I see people fighting at Black Friday over toys, appliances, and technology. For them, Christmas is about getting and receiving the perfect gifts. For others, Christmas means so much more.

    I think that as I've grown older, I've realized how important Christmas is. Without it, Jesus wouldn't have been born. My faith is probably the reason why the paper and ribbons are at the bottom of my list. There is so much more to be thankful for during the Christmas season than any other. I believe that faith has a lot to odd with how a person perceives the Christmas spirit. Those who don't believe in God most likely only appreciate the gifts they receive, but I don't think they've really lost the meaning of Christmas because they don't believe in it. Yet despite those people, I believe that most of us have not forgotten why we even celebrate Christmas in the first place.

    1. Natalie, I really enjoyed your opening paragraph. Saying that you do not look forward to the gifts as much as being with family seems to me as the way Christmas should be. Great Job!
