Saturday, December 28, 2013


Education Quotes

Choose one of the many quotes contained through this link.  Start your blog with the quotation of your choice and discuss how it speaks to you in regards to your education.  Comment also on how the quote relates to Dr. Ben Carson.


  1. Nelson Mandela was quoted saying, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Dr. Ben Carson's world was definitely changed for the better at his decision to become a doctor. Not only was his world changed, but a multitude of others lives, also. he changed the lives of his patients and of the patients families.

    This quote does not only relate to Dr. Ben Carson, it can relate to anyone and I like to think it relates to me. Education can change your world, it sure does change my world every day. These changes arent always the biggest though. Sometimes, what I learn simply causes a different outlook on something.

    Education can take you from small town Saint Marys, Pennsylvania to anywhere in the world. Thats where I hope my education will take me, anywhere and everywhere. I hope all of my classmates use their education to the best of their abilities too, and I hope they change their lives and others, wether by being a social worker, a librarian, or really anything. Take advantage of the greatest power we were ever given.

    1. Felicia, I totally agree that education is the greatest power we were given. I believe that education is important for growing towards greater things that allow you to travel and continue your education also. Great job!

    2. Felicia, I really enjoyed this quote too! I agree with your thought that education not only changed Ben Carson's life, but basically anyone he works with each day. I also like the way that you end your blog by stating that people should take advantage of their education. Good job!

    3. Felicia, I found your blog to be short but sweet this week (my favorite type). Education really is important. If you blow it off, you are like the Titanic. In other words, education is a sink or swim situation. You made some great points. Keep up the good work!

    4. Felicia, let me start by saying good work! I really liked how you included how a good education can take you anywhere whether you want to stay in a small town like St. Marys or end up living in London, England. It really made me think about just how critical a good education really is.

  2. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ~Nelson Mandela.

    There are many ways to change the world. It can be done to the physical world gradually through erosion and other natural processes. Sickness and disease can wipe out a whole culture. War can rewrite borders and change many nations. But there is another way. Through education. I feel that education is a type of revolution. A revolution for the world that can bring down tyranny and poverty and other forms of oppression that plague our world. A nation that lacks a good education system does not provide many individuals of advanced learning. There is a select number that can afford a good and continued education. These people earn high paying jobs, while those who couldn't be educated toil away in menial jobs that are just as important but less rewarding. This cycle continues until education for everyone is established. Then, the nation equals itself out and establishes an economy with many classes.

    I know that in my lifetime, many amazing and world changing events will occur. More than likely, I will not be the one to cause them, but I know the people who will. They will be the ones who have strived every day of their lives towards a continuing education. But my education doesn't have to change the whole world, just the part that I influence. Since I was born, I have been educated in many subjects. I have learned to tie my shoes, say the alphabet, ride a bike write and read, conjugate Spanish verbs, cook, analyze rhetoric devices, and calculate complex calculus problems. Some of these things may not seem very important, yet they were all a part of the arsenal that is my education. All of these things together have made me a moderately successful individual, who has a much longer journey ahead to change the world. But through my education, I've already begun to work towards it. Nothing else has given me such a weapon to create my own path and change the world. Not money, or any other object that can be found on earth.

    Dr. Ben Carson certainly has changed the world. He has saved so many lives through his surgical endeavors. And he will attest that his education and the encouragement he received to continue it, is the basis for his success. He had no money or social prestige, and had to fight against racial stereotypes to establish himself as an intellectual. But he pursued his education and never forsake it as something that only slightly aided his success. One of the other reasons that Ben Carson was so successful was that he didn't accept his only learning opportunity to be at school. He went to the library, which is often thought to be taboo in today's younger generations. He taught himself about art and classical music. He knew that he would need more than his school education to change the world.

    Education will always be the key to success in the world. But, we must realize that it is not always academic education. We must learn the ways of the world through culture and experience. I believe that education will continue to change the world through those who truly accept all of its aspects.

    1. Hey, Hannah! We picked the same quote! Great minds think alike I guess. You did a wonderful job at explaining everything.

    2. Hannah, I know how important education is to you, so this was a great quote to pick! I love how you said that your education will help you change the world! Great job girl!

  3. "Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom." -George Washington Carver

    I chose this quote on education because it relates to me and my life in many ways. I think that obtaining a high quality education is definitely a key part to a successful life. Just like the quote says, it will open many doors. At some times though, really applying and trying my hardest in school can seem like a lot. I wonder at times if going through all the stress and tears of school is worth it in the end. But, then I see the people that didn't finish high school/ college and I see where they are. That is not a position I want to put myself in. I want an education that will leave me will endless opportunities later in life.
    With a good education, I will have the capabilities to accomplish whatever I want to in life. Because of my education here at Elk County Catholic, I will be able to get into a nice college or university. After college, I will have the education and knowledge to land a great paying job that will eventually turn into a successful career. With a great education, I will have the power to change the world; education is a powerful too.

    This particular quote can also be related to Ben Carson. He became a very successful doctor and surgeon. However, without a great education base, he would have not have been able to climb up the success ladder. He opened countless doors and freedoms by having a great education.

    P.S. I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas vacation!

    1. Tori, that quote is awesome and you did a great job relating it to your education and Ben's. Don't worry though about the tears and stress of high school. You're doing great!

    2. Tori, I agree with Hannah. I love that quote and it really fits you well. Stay positive, you're doing great! Also, I hope you are enjoying your break, too.

    3. Tori, I really liked the quote you picked! it's notice to see that you are very positive about your education. Great job!

    4. Tori, excellent quote! I really enjoyed how you related it to your life and Ben Carson's. I completely agree with the tears and stress of high school, but hey we're halfway there! Great work Tori.

    5. This is the quote that resonates with me as well. My mother always told us that the more education you have, the more freedom you will enjoy. Nice blog Tori.

  4. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. This is a quote from Aristotle that I find to be very accurate. After I read through all of the quotes I had to use this one because it really stuck out to me and made a lot of sense.

    I have never once met a kid who enjoyed going to school. I have made the best out of having to go spend their entire day where I don't want to be, but never have I woken up and said "Gee, I really want to go to school today instead of staying in bed". The work we do in school really pays off after it's over because you are able to get a good job and lead a very successful life. I believe that people don't enjoy the process of getting educated because our society wants everything right now and education takes a long time. I like to compare my education to working out. If I take the time to learn I will be smart and successful. If i take the time to work out I will be in shape. A lot of times in life the results make up for the process it took you to get there.

    This quote is perfect for Ben Carson because in the beginning he didn't want to go to school and work so hard for the top of his class. With the persist and encouragement of his mother he made it through 3rd in his class. The results of success were almost addictive for him and he continued to push himself through school and became a very successful surgeon. Ben took the time to plant the roots of his education and the outcome of that work was being able to do and do extremely well what he loved.

    1. Erin, I like how you state that nobody actually gets excited to attend school each day, but they also know that in the end school is necessary. If their was not school, the world would not be anywhere near where it is today. I also enjoy how you explain that Ben Carson worked very hard in school with the assistance of his mother each day. Good job!

    2. Erin, you made some really good points in your response. School is like a necessary evil, no one really looks froward to it, but in the end the reward is so great because of the education we are receiving. Overall, you did a nice job of relating the quote to your life personally and Ben Carson!

    3. Erin, that is depressingly accurate. Often I find myself dreading going to school or doing the work required. Especially for physics. But like you mentioned about Ben Carson, success is addictive. Once you do well you begin to push yourself even if you don't feel like it. Wonderful blog!

  5. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use in the world.”-Nelson Mandela This quote by the great Nelson Mandela is truly inspirational. He displays how critical education actually is in life. If a person receives a good education, they will be capable of doing anything because education is a deadly weapon. An education is essential to a person who wants to make a difference in the world.

    This is a perfect quote to relate to Dr. Ben Carson. If education would have never been a major part of Ben Carson’s life, he would probably be living on the streets in the city of Detroit. Ben Carson truly wanted to make something out of himself. Not only did his mother push him day and night, but as time went on she made Ben Carson believe in himself and built up his confidence. Dr. Ben Carson decided to work hard throughout his years of education. He went from living in the inner city of Detroit to attending Yale University. Ben Carson is an inspiration because his displayed that with hard work, dedication, and a relationship with God you can do the impossible.

    I learned at a young age that my education was very important. My parents informed me that if I wanted to have a good job when I get older, that I needed to receive a good education. I know that my education is a major factor to my future. I need to decide what I want to do and where I want to attend college. I believe that just like Ben Carson had success with his education I can be successful too. Education can take me from a small town like St. Marys to any place that I desire to go to. I just need to continue to put in the effort and practice like Dr. Ben Carson.

    1. Drew, I almost picked this quote from Nelson Mandela, it is a very powerful saying and meaning behind it. Also, you did a great job of relating education to Ben Carson.

    2. Drew, I too almost picked this quote because I like the meaning behind it. You did a great job of relating your life and Ben Carson's life to this quote. I enjoyed your discussion of your life growing up needing and education. Good work Drew,

    3. Drew, When you talked about how much education is an investment in someone's future, it made me think of how true that was without being invested in educated it would be extremely hard to get anything in life. Overall great job.

  6. "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." This quote, created by Anthony J.D' Angelo, perfectly describes how one should feel about learning and their education.

    This quote speaks to me in various ways. I think it is important to be passionate and truly enjoy learning. If you're not interested in what you're learning, you'll have a much harder time grasping the concept. Every person should want to learn and get an education. Without earning an education, we would "cease to grow." This meaning, if we learn and continue learning we will never stop growing. We can grow in wisdom and in the long run a better, educated life. While learning is stressful in school with the homework and tests, I can honestly say I enjoy learning and am thankful and passionate about my education.

    This quote goes along well with the story of Dr. Ben Carson. Growing up he had a very difficult life, but his mother constantly pushed an education. Instead of watching T.V. he was studying and reading. He grew "passionate" towards his education. He then continued to grow and became a very successful surgeon. Without the passion he gained from learning, there is no way he would have been as successful as he turned out to be.

    Education is very important for everyone, that is why we should become passionate about it and continue to grow an educated life.

    1. Jolene, I almost picked the exact same quote. I liked it because I too feel that learning never stops, especially if you are passionate about it. Like you said, if you like what you are studying things will be much easier because you are interested. You can almost teach yourself because you are so passionate about it. I also liked how you said that Ben Carson would not be where he is today without his love for education. Without his passion for learning we would not be reading his book.

      Nice job Jolene!

    2. Jolene, I completely agree with you. All I hear when I walk down the halls is people complaining about school. I seldom hear anyone who is thankful for his or her education. I think we will appreciate our education more in the future; however, it is also important if we recognize it now, like you did. Similar to what the quote says, when we are passionate with what we do, nothing will stop us.

      Nice work!

  7. "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."-William Butler Yeats.

    Often when thinking of education, people picture it as filling themselves with knowledge. This is true to an extent because education does give people new understandings that they did not posses previously. However, it is much more accurate to picture education as the "lighting of a fire". Another way to phrase it is to call it a "spark of curiosity".

    Calling it the spark of curiosity basically means that education does not end at the information originally learned. Over the years there have been a few classes that I have disliked, but there were also classes that I loved and found really interesting. What I learned in those classes made me yearn for more knowledge on specific topics. I began to wonder how things worked and why they worked that way. I became inquisitive, and through my questioning I developed a love for learning and discovering new things. My education lit the fire that makes me strive to learn something new everyday and to always do my best.

    Dr. Ben Carson was not a pail that needed filling either. When he was young, Carson constantly went to the library and read books. He had originally done it because his mother forced him to, but he soon found himself enjoying what he read and began to pick books that suited his interests. His forced education lit the fire that caused him to investigate topics he was not even able to comprehend before. Over the years, the effort involved in his studies varied, but he succeeded despite the challenges he faced along the way.

    Education is a complex thing. It is fun to learn new things, but sometimes we do not want to do the work involved. Sometimes we know school is important, but we despise it anyways. That is all part of growing up. If learning a lot was easy everyone would do it, and that is exactly why it is impressive when someone does that which others can do. Our education shapes into who we are and who we will become, and it illuminates our path on the way to our futures.

    1. Meaghan, you and I picked the same quote, and I liked the points you made. I also think that once you become interested in something it does not end with school. You become so curious that you start learning on your own. I love what you said in the last paragraph about how if learning was easy everyone would do it. Sometimes it just takes that little extra amount of energy to get something done right. It might not be fun, but the rewards of hard work give you a sense of accomplishment.

      Nice job Meaghan!

    2. Meaghan, your blogs never cease to impress me. I almost picked this quote. I really like your paragraph relating it to Ben Carson. I never really thought about his choosing what books to read as lighting the fire of his education. Your blog gave me a different perspective. Great job!

  8. "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." Such are the words of William Butler Yeats, a prominent Irish poet. I love this quote about education. I think what William is describing is that education never stops. If education was a pail, at some point it would become full and one would quit learning. However, one's education never stops. Education sparks inspiration; it "lights a fire" within you. Also, once a fire starts it keeps growing and growing. It is all consuming, like one's brain.

    My dad always told me that there is nothing you cannot do with a good education. However he told me that I should not just try to memorize and spit back out information. He told me to develop a passion for learning, a love for my education. Finally, my dad told me that being smart started with books. He believed that books were the key to learning because with books there was simply nothing one could not learn. After my father told me all this, I started to develop a real love for learning. My dad "lit my fire." That fire burns stronger and brighter than ever today. I think all students control their fire. Some feed it with passion and interest, making it grow bigger than ever. While some simply live to stamp it out.

    I think this can perfectly reflect on Ben Carson's life. In the beginning his education Ben was not doing so well. He was the worst in his class, and he thought he simply amounted to nothing. He viewed his education as a pail. Something that was full and incapable of learning anything else. But, Ben's mother, Sonya Carson, never gave up on him. She said he could do anything anyone else did and do it ten times better. She made him read books and study hard. She sparked his fire. Ben took that spark and ran with it. He became consumed with learning. His passion and drive led him on to be one of the best students in his ROTC program and a great student at Yale.

    Education affects everyone's life. Some people just choose to do more with it than others.

    1. Ian, I really enjoyed your whole blog, however, the last sentence really pulled the whole thing together for me. You can have a great education and not have any desire to continue on to bigger things, or you can have that drive and move on to continue learning and become an amazing doctor, scientist, or anything at all. Great work!

    2. Ian, the last sentence of your blog was very good. I really thought that it brought everything in your blog together. Overall great job.

  9. Nelson Mandela once said "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". I had the idea that I would have to search through many different pages to find a quote that really spoke to me. I saw this quote and knew that I didn't have to go any further.

    It really is true that education is the most powerful weapon because life is a lot like a competition. No matter where you turn you have to win a battle whether you're competing for a job, for a sports game, or a war itself. The goal is to outsmart your opponent. To change the world, you have to persuade others to see the problem as you do; almost manipulating them. Education is the key to convincing other people.

    This quote relates to Ben Carlson because he could not have gotten where he did if it was not for his education. He became very successful and changed the world all thanks to the education he received. He did not want to study or to try with his education at all, but once he saw what it felt like to succeed, he never wanted that feeling to stop.

    1. Jessica, I really like the quote you chose. I completely agree with you about how every where you turn, you have to compete. I really enjoy your sentence that says "Education is the key to convincing other people." Great job as usual!

    2. Jessica, you made some wonderful points. I almost picked this quote myself. I definitely agree with you that Ben Carson used education as a tool to change the world. He could have simply settled for being last in his class; however, his mother and himself had bigger plans. It is truly incredible how many lives Ben Carson saved!

      Good job!

    3. Jessica, I also chose this quote and felt the same way about it. Ben Carson chose to succeed and succeed he did. Great job with your blog!

  10. "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence." - Robert Frost

    This quote really stuck out to me. I think what Frost is saying is that in order to learn something, you first must understand that you do not already know it. It is sometimes difficult to accept that you don't know something, but until you do, you will never learn. I can relate this quote to AP Language. When I don't understand exactly what is going on but others do, I get mad at myself. Yet my anger only interferes more with my learning and comprehension of the subject. After awhile, I figured out that the only way I can ever learn something is by concentrating on the fact that I want to learn it. I still become upset with myself every now and then, but I usually put my feelings aside in order to learn.

    I think this quite can also be related to Dr. Ben Carson. Although he was the worst student at his school, Carson tried to not let the teasing get to him. Instead, after his mother's encouragement, he started to learn a little bit at a time. Eventually, he became the top in his class. His self-confidence rose, but he didn't become arrogant. I think that if he would have gotten extremely angry when he didn't understand something, he never would have become the remarkable man that he is today.

    1. Natalie, I can completely agree with what you said about others understanding the new thing we are learning about then becoming frustrated with yourself because you simply don't get it. I couldn't agree more that growing angry because you don't understand only gets in the way of comprehending what that particular new thing is. Good work!

  11. Aristotle once said, "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." The "roots of education" are considered "bitter" because of what happens inside the classroom and outside of it. New topics are always being thrown at me in school between all my subjects. In math, I always ask myself, "Where did the numbers go?" Then I go to cultures wondering, "How am I supposed to remember this guy?" At times, classwork seems difficult and almost tedious. Learning requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I, along with many of my classmates, had to learn how to balance my workload between school, sports, and other activities. Many nights involve long hours of studying, reading, and typing essays. However, I tell myself that it is worth it in the long run. The "fruit" will be "sweet" when all of this hard work pays off. Hopefully, all of my hours spent "finding x" will help me to become a successful math teacher.

    This quote also relates to Ben Carson. In fifth grade, particularly, he was failing miserably. That is when his mother stepped in. Ben started to read books instead of watching television programs. He also practiced his multiplication tables. Soon, his hard work began to pay off. He was no longer teased or called a "dummy" by the other kids. Throughout the rest of his years in school, he worked almost twice as hard as the other kids. The "roots of education" were "bitter" for Ben Carson, but he found out that it was worth it. He scored very high on his SATs, achieved great accomplishments in the ROTC program, and graduated third in his class. Many colleges wanted him, including Harvard and Yale. He chose Yale after seeing how successful the Yale students were on "College Bowl." Once again, he was struggling; however, this time it was not fifth grade math, but freshman chemistry. He realized that he would really mess up his chances of becoming a doctor if he did not bury his nose in the textbooks. Along the way, he asked God for help; after all, God would never put him up to something that he could not handle. Now, after all of Ben Carson's hard work, the "fruit is sweet." He has a great family and a successful career as a neurosurgeon. In fact, he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins at the extremely young age of 33. I am almost 100% positive that Dr. Ben Carson will agree that all of his dedication and hard work was worth it when he sees how many lives he saves each and every day. He often remarks, "How did a ghetto kid from the streets of Detroit become so successful?"

    Not everyone is blessed with Ben Carson's "gifted hands," but each individual has the opportunity to achieve his or her best by grasping ahold of the "roots of education."

  12. "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

    This quote by Benjamin Franklin really was one of the best I have read in a while. It is a great quote because if the younger generations of a country are educated well it creates a much larger amount of opportunities for the people of the countries. The United States of America was basically built on this quote. America has the best education system in the world to this day and that is why the country is one of the world powers it is today.

    Dr. Ben Carson is one of the many people who benefited from this great education system. If He has become a fantastic surgeon but he had to create his own opportunities due to the rough parts of his early life. Dr. Carson decided to invest in his own knowledge to become a great surgeon. Dr. Carson really was a hard worker and truly "invested" in his future by getting a great education and becoming a great man.

    1. Austin, I really enjoyed your quote, it was my second choice. Your blog is very truthful because of the educational system Ben became a great surgeon because of this and his passion for education he is what he is today.

  13. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

    The quotation above is the most accurate one I have ever come across. For an individual to change their circumstance they need an education. Yes, many will fight that you do not considering the success of many college drop outs in the business world but they got extremely lucky. In today's society, it is crucial one receives an education not only to better themselves but to also to better the country as a whole. Ben's mother was a firm believer in this.

    Ben's mother Sonya wanted the best for her children no matter what. She worked endless hours to make enough to support them and her future plans for them. You can tell how much she loves her children. She set strict rules of how much tv could be watched daily and made them read at least two books weekly as a way to further their education. She knew the only way for them to leave the poverty they lived in was through their education. She was a great role model for Ben in work ethic and love.
